Credible intellect in the information age requires your permission to seem praiseworthy, or cosmic jokes might drop out of the sky as we pluck values from our asses instead; you decide as you take our "Internet Memes Survey"...this will only take up a few giggles of your time... read this blog version here or go to: to take the Internet Meme Survey for yourself. 1. I have interests in manipulating a cultural and artificial idiom of internet memes, to rationalize a limitation of cultural clique satisfaction, generally across the board, rather than universally...does this mean: (a) Miniature bus-shelters look nice on desktops? (b) 'Memes and genes' are completely unknown to one another, by principle, and so 'Points and Lines' are safe from one another too? (c) Already owning a legal basis to work with the commercial hoardings of humankind, I might make a move upon their genes, principle in ha...