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Showing posts with the label Prose

The Census Reminds me I used to be a Brain Surgeon!

"As a result of the Census Survey, I remind myself of a vocation, upon the news:- that I used to be a brain surgeon!" As a direct consequence, and result of the Census-Survey, I remind myself I used to be a Brain Surgeon -but, for one day only at Beaumont Hospital. This is news to my network properties knowledge, but not scary to the prospect of propensity to consume Googlemetry from whatever local sources avail...'Camp X-ray' could be spying on me?... Should I invite category and form, ---or, an audience? Where's that wisdom-tooth gone? Someone's trying to tell the genius-in-me -that there's money in promoting -the mediocrity to salesmanship- and telling 'JONESY'S WRITING A BOOK.'! 'Rothschilds' would like to hear that...Not that its about anything...a looker in the pink dollar got a revolutionary loyal following...not that its autobiographical in any way...It's not the shit! I've not to learn this, directly....

The Budget: counting 'two budgets' stacking up, so, 'the third' is 'agreeable'.

"It says a lot about values and principles when a political party can agree to the next three budgets without the foggiest idea what will be in them....allegedly" - Finbar Markey [Political Activist] Something is something '-like', e.g. x-like [like the price of eggs - horror, like]; something is something '-esque', e.g. x-esque [like, in 'excessive force', the movie was Stephen King-esque, but dunno who the director of its budget was; there wasn't even an egg in the props list]; and something is something para-something. I dunno maybe even para- something or pseudo- something, and so that's why they're afraid...."A Para-superannuation-esque amount of x the GNP figures, minister, any comment?" It would be the phrase they're all trying to bury from their own scripts. Or, don't say, 'y', instead? Because it might not be a fact doesn't mean it might not be true. Incriminates French farmers, though, or someth...

What is equality, light can't tell...?

To 'button-up' or 'unbutton' -equals or unequals?  Top-button, reaching your seat, belt-flap swinging as you walk, zipping-up, returning from toilet: Good move. However, start doing this in reverse, from your seat, as you get up to go to the toilet, unzipping: Bad move. Why is this? What is equality, light can't tell...? Is it something to do with expectation and consequence besides than the light of day and prime facie first impressions; something about the difference between walking from any of three doors into one room, and from one door into any of three rooms, and while consequence and expectation, besides than the cold light of day, tells why its different? Yet a video camera couldn't tell the difference in reverse playback, how come gay marriage equality might not be such a simple case of don't bounty niggas and homos for porn stats, but instead move along to brown babies and front marriage some law? Is it really as simple as telling yourself tha...

The Principle of Least Exclusion Badly Applied

Considering the frivolous  article,  in   The Daily Mash, 17th September 2015 ( which opens:   'We Need To Look After Our Own ', see URL below) a nd, where concerning a viewpoint that includes an attitude whereby toward the prospect of ever taking in Immigrants, a  notion of 'Least Exclusion' is a Principle of Tolerance, applying ,  even, and especially, for bigots who might conjure such undeserving comment! A love-as-dare-not-speak-its-name points a finger-of-blame, and yet can stay-its-hand, protecting its own, first. How come it shouts about town, however, from the rooftops? It's supposed to be not speaking its name ? Unless its policy were largely based upon Convention...misleading, perhaps, its own confidence to any Principled way out of a fix...? What to do with Investment Cycle Price Discriminant types and their conjurable slurs of ' Homo ' and ' Nigga ', last century, and ' Paedo ' and ' Jihadi ', this century? Some...


[ N.B.none of the following should be found as any legal  advice  given ] The mathematics of being an individual alone is irrefutable and incontrovertible. There is no need when so knowing this at step one of day one, of the affair, for the appellant to ever conscienate the possibility that in bad cause he would refuse. He would want to have either been pretty dumb or to have sold out principles which are not his, but God's, to give away, for it to have had been bad cause. Law 1. Right to work: constitutional right to hire his own labour, unprejudiced in its availability to hiring the self as being precedent, and not antecedent, to others in so doing.* 2. Right against slavery: constitutional protection of his lawful preference in training is by the appellant, as argument, maintained.* 3. Onus: the onus on convincing any parties to change a position is with those who urge change* 4. Nature of incentive: the carrot and stick is not aptly ap...

Emergency Construction Projects and The Story of Immigration.

Over a year in your Newspapers - and not once told the People; 'this is how to build a town -in a hurry -when you need to'.  Emergency Construction Projects: - The Story of Immigration.   Rationalism  Instead, we're told how to be fearful of blowing yourself up walking down the street! That shit isn't rational: to fear that those two blokes you saw yesterday are already dead, and though you never met them, you'll never get a chance to meet them again... It's not rational! And, yet you're seeding Health Plan Agendas on its back as 'win-wins'. We don't have a 'centralised biology system': so why do we have a 'central emotive system' in fear? And, yet our institutions as would treat such things as anxiety or Post-Traumatic Stress don't seem to notice this and keep on validating its system decade after decade of TV...? How come you can run three decades and more! A 'centralised emotive system', and nobody ca...

THE FAKABLE PURPOSES OF VIDEO EVIDENCE: 'The Baker's spent spatula problem'

The Problem of the Butcher, Baker, & Candlestick Maker - Do you call a spade a spade?...Or is it called a spatula, and when all 3 know each can use it better!... Either way you already know Rock, Paper, & Scissors..."Investment Practice, Hate Campaign, & Legislation" is playing Liberty, Egality, Fraternity's game, as though "Security, Privacy, & Free Speech" hadn't ever been learnt...  It's only worry and hate if you take the bait: conversely this filth-mongering is debunkable thusly:  Can the proverbial 'Butcher, Baker, and Candlestick-Maker' prove 'family size' rather than 'fertility of idea' by making potent a lesson in fertile wisdom...a game...err...Spatula?: Medium Debunked: Secondary monetization in hate propaganda of spent assets of investment procedures in market niche studies 'The Baker's spent spatula problem' - who to pass it onto next, the 'Butcher' or the 'Ca...

Shock Therapy, Best Practice & Etiquette in Jumping When Told, & 'How High'

[Note: Below is a Parody Comedy Satire Spoof  to be read with tongue-firmly-in-cheek, throughout, even when I say this: like as with The Recovery of Political Economy, now more fully underway, and, since events in Paris last week -boom and bust, undoubtedly, cyclically, in toe, the content below is the stuff of Pure Fiction -the lot of it...honest!] Consider the Role of the Extortionist Despite any misgiving of our Intuitions toward issues concerning Pure Evil, it seems incumbent in our duties as End-Users, especially, that we must consider translating our Economies into something more readily extortable for The Blackmailer. We must consider Misogyny, Homophobia etc. -  you know , Price Discriminants for which a Price Determinant Market can exist -one Account to extort them all- and hence for ' Niggas and Homos ' (last century) - read ' Paedos and Jihadi s' (this century) - so that we can all get along better in our respective positions...

Is it Wise to be Vulgar Toward Objects of Hatred?

[Forgive momentarily my opportunity to entertain my 'Katness from The Hungar Games', mood, here:] As contrary hypothesis for arguments sakes, IMO, Its our duty amongst strangers to note: Faith, weather, and the news, etc. are shared in such an order: 'God be with you'; 'its a nice day'; 'how 'bout them Oilers!' Conversely: "I hate capitalism, can I please tell you to fuck off", is different. It comes across as a greeting from a foreign planet(!) It is nobody's duty to license obnoxion at strangers, on a basis of wariness, merely, of current affairs, solely; as this doesn't become of the most distant stranger seeming even half-human! Remember, for any protestor, "He then became aggressive and abusive" is typical of any account of the cooked-up lies we're subject to -in the field- before we might even be allowed speak. Avoid feeding the monster! Monolinguistic English-speaking greedy-racist-bigot-freaks mi...