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Showing posts with the label Protest

Iphone Joan

Nobody else but Iphone Joan would be worthy to bring to light any suffering under the banking crisis as everyone thinks that everyone explains their lives in terms of money -Iphone Joan knows that it is in terms of reality. Margaret Thatcher had a handbag - phone button Joan Burton has her Iphone; it could even bring down foreign governments...if they built a time machine. Its a tall story. We cannot underestimate the worth of its glory. She's a weapon for the mob. Not a knob or a sliding switch, with a wig of a bob in high heels, but a virtual, light, pressed tap. or maybe just slightly depressing. Its a tall story. Christ could come back sooner but that she would wear a taller wig...if she wore high heels...and she does. He might already be here. Its in the stars ordained - its aligned in the movements of the planets. A comet just came. Consider the implications. He could come back sooner if she gets it right - if she gets it wrong, though, that comet might turn around a...

Guide to Being Productive as a Hactivist on Facebook

Make 'agent provocateur' jokes. If anyone recognises you, claim identity theft, and shout, stop thief! Between Facebooking: Watching porn. Feed the ass that law is -carrots- and then see who spots the lack of apples fed to horses. False-flag conflict-and-tension-stirring need not pass the book, as its already moving. Initiate class-imitative learning in consumer rational behaviour, so as both sides can interpret but only one another, and thus blame anything but market commerce for one another's humanity (or lack thereof) toward each other. Engage needless witchhunts teaching moral panic how to react in the event of any science besides than the jobs-for-the-boys, big-budget-sciences, as have already politicians in the pocket for legal backings to fool the masses with. Complain about the morality of children viewing porn, but don't even look at the science of adults viewing it beforehand. Make some copyright laws, making some poor peons think about their ...

BBC news: “Protesters were refused permission to appeal”

Anyone can take down any structure...if they just close off a radius of two streets all around it. What is Justice allowed to do that it wouldn't be able to do, only that it also closes off the streets for certain events from time to time? Closing off streets for demolition lately? And, how ought access be treated? Closing them off for conventional evictions? Why ought their Magic Powers to bring the street off to a far distant planet -and then back again- seem like Earthly Justice? We are a species free to roam. We don't like things as require being done behind closed doors, so much as we require that we ought  like such things, to so be done. Sometimes. Secretively. A bit of tact. A bit of discretion. But a cloak-and-dagger dawn-raid to oust peace-niks has be viewed differently than already it has been shown to us, yet, thus far. 'Justice is allowed to demolish and evict.' How is it going to do it? “You're allowed to reclaim the hanging apple”, the grim reape...

Silly Arrests

Regarding some silly arrests on Dame Street, recently, I had thought it was out of the ordinary. Read the roll call of arrests, overall, however, and you see some silly reasons, indeed. No wonder the real demand it creates for information shows us something of a reason for why it ought need be 'newly' demanding - it would never take place openly and accountably! But, right in front of your eyes, happening, you think you know something of what power we entrust to mere mortals to call justice: - and, then, next moment, your faith in all humanity is threatenable, as you loose sight of hope in state ever carrying that power further, if your own opinion might have anything to do with it... The first world war was never imagined to be the first, ever; but, only the first the human species experienced as recorded on television. War was never counted before then. And, the widescreen wars neither needing, now, numbers, but only 'moods' as their fashion might, amply dictate. ...