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Showing posts with the label Copyright

'Sub Urban Cradle Versus Brummel Gloria', Mixed by 'Jonesy-NMS'

Whether Fascism is Good or Evil is a False Test.

Fascism: FOR, AGAINST, or MAYBE? Are Fascism's argumentative valences toward favours really all that important, or is this just an aspect of a more general malaise, whereby that it is THERE, instead, could be affirming...for which, it might sooner gain recognition, and without such a smokescreen? Pretending that nobody notices, that 'FOR' Europe, Fascists need not speak - as they are a monolith amidst the silence of her sovereign duress; for which, every time praise fails to find wisdom the cause of her Sovereign will, and not bondage, presuming, a stranglehold of licensed exploitations; every time phototropism fails to speak in the cause of the difference between of light and shade in different coloured human skin -in all members of humankind, and, not racism its excuse, instead, suggesting; every time X fails to speak against the cause of Y in the idea of Z; every time good men do nothing, evil prospers... Every time a figurehead is endorsed, nominally -internal t...

Essay on the Concepts Behind Racism as a Marketing Tool

Concept: racism; definition: speculative tool, imagined makes politics metaphysical to the uninformed, hence possibly necessary infinite & divine, rather than sufficient finite & deceptive. When invented, concurrently & coincidentally with advertising, intended to hide 'rich and poor' behind 'black and white' in values of visible and invisible in realm of seen and unseen. B/W TV was not foreseen by the capitalist, revealing his value system's hypocrisy, waiting on color tv before revealing yachts and mansions exist. No other species requires 'race' in its description in human sciences. God's good design debunking evil racism's: sun-cream for the redneck melting pot, B/W TV for seen and unseen, mobility upon a sphere, phototropism in the seasons concurrent with causes....Tall trees at the poles, wide trees at the equator, both steadfast rooted in the ground. Neither going anywhere in any hurry. In enlightened reason, evolution...

Politics' House of Cards on Shifting Sands

Politics' House of Cards on Shifting Sands LEFT and RIGHT TELEVISION materialist consumerism    Diffuse virtual internet             Central material television  one for all business model             one for each business model  Virtual realm    Cyberspace  freeware      Iphones  POLITICS- shifting sands                              with a squeezed middle - Right and Far right                               YouTube and television - with a Facebook                                                       Protest             ...

'Iphone' is to 'Consciousness' as 'Grand Jury' is to 'Conscience'.

'Purporting success of Policies of Iphones' is to conscious being ; as 'Grand Jury of Iphones Sales Strategies' is to conscience  (to be read in the style of an association, e.g. ' (a)' is to '(b)', as '(c)' is to '(d)'. ) So evil and nefarious are merging Corporate interests, and, of our times, in Big Industry sectors, concerning: that, in Existentialism, in real time, and, of 21st Century Anthropic Intellect of the Information Age, contending; while, purporting success of policies of Iphones sales strategies -is, ostensibly, conscious being:- so conscience is tantamount to grand marshaling their becoming stance withstanding grand jury. This, in the Space age, however, leaves precariously little room for protectionism and interventionism to ever dare, deliberately, in their sales-pitches collectively (and, including moral prudishness, and, the preposter sought marshaling smaller business) to ever dare unbecoming, as to lack trut...

Internet Meme Survey

Credible intellect in the information age requires your permission to seem praiseworthy, or cosmic jokes might drop out of the sky as we pluck values from our asses instead; you decide as you take our "Internet Memes Survey"...this will only take up a few giggles of your time... read this blog version here or go to: to take the Internet Meme Survey for yourself.  1. I have interests in manipulating a cultural and artificial idiom of internet memes, to rationalize a limitation of cultural clique satisfaction, generally across the board, rather than universally...does this mean:  (a) Miniature bus-shelters look nice on desktops?  (b) 'Memes and genes' are completely unknown to one another, by principle, and so 'Points and Lines' are safe from one another too?  (c) Already owning a legal basis to work with the commercial hoardings of humankind, I might make a move upon their genes, principle in ha...

The Dragon - An Unexpected Property Owner

  I saw the film pictured above ( The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey ) yesterday and it left me more worried about the power of metaphor in literature than the worth of contract between warring fictional species. This is interesting as it can be missed how funny the joke of a dragon owning property is, especially when the dragon is considerable as a metaphor for all the jealously guarded gold in the world, all in a room doing nothing. Yet that it is the cause of such misery, retrospectively, and such antagonism, contemporarily, not to mention all that moves for good and evil to restore any balance, the mood of any legal discussion seems condemned, if not to be condemning. Its stance is forced to seem aloof and oblvious to the implications, at one and the same time, of its lack of stance in a real world, a world where gold still has the same useless meaning as it does in the fiction, whether its value is real or not. If it seems ridiculous that a dragon can ha...

The State of 21st Century Busking in Ireland

If you fear for your safety - and run - and they're role is made to protect you - you're in the wrong, for fearing for it so in their hands?!!! Tale told, of said incident, on said day, 'the man absconded from the scene'...arresting 'a man on the run'. Tale portrayed on video, however; fear for our lives, in their hands, has us know better an instinct in our natures; "the man feared for his safety in the hands of those sworn to protect it, and his instinct lead him to believe his safety better protected by making distance between himself and the unreasonable threat". Which instincts cannot be argued with, when faced with irreasonability, turning violent, as is sworn to protect and uphold peace. Who's to teach our insincts to suppress? Who's to suppress our desires to learn? What suppression is this? If a gunman is on the loose, state needs give powers to certain chosen dutiful roles who might protect the public at large by having agreed pow...

Stances in Debating Copyright

          Stances in Debating Copyright: (1) The pragmatics of file conversion. (2) Making an accurate copy. (3) Forming a standard for copying in general. (4) Preventing others from making money on your intellectual property. (5) Costing others to access your intellectual property. (6) Having to put bread on the table.           The path in pros and cons to a common sense debating stance: Stance of opposition of copyright:  - proponents of (1),(2),(3), who recognise (4) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (5) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (6) Stance of proposition of copyright:  - proponents of (4),(5),(6) who recognise (3) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (2) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (1)           Comparing contrasting extremes (6) & (...