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Essay on the Concepts Behind Racism as a Marketing Tool

Concept: racism; definition: speculative tool, imagined makes politics metaphysical to the uninformed, hence possibly necessary infinite & divine, rather than sufficient finite & deceptive.

When invented, concurrently & coincidentally with advertising, intended to hide 'rich and poor' behind 'black and white' in values of visible and invisible in realm of seen and unseen.

B/W TV was not foreseen by the capitalist, revealing his value system's hypocrisy, waiting on color tv before revealing yachts and mansions exist. No other species requires 'race' in its description in human sciences.

God's good design debunking evil racism's: sun-cream for the redneck melting pot, B/W TV for seen and unseen, mobility upon a sphere, phototropism in the seasons concurrent with causes....Tall trees at the poles, wide trees at the equator, both steadfast rooted in the ground. Neither going anywhere in any hurry. In enlightened reason, evolution on this scale is not a race or a hurry. There was no 'race' out of Eden. No race back either. There might be a season of Eden's race...But it wasn't a race out of Eden, as such, but to the seasons...The same seasons caused by phototropism and the angle of tilt, observable also in human skin colour.

'Arms race' is misleading: similarly, like with surfing the internet, steadfast on the spot, its going nowhere in its hurry. It is not such a hurry evolving as that friction caused ought seem convenient between classes, where communication on a sphere ought by now, have caught up, as with CGI graphics, where world war one justified innovation through conflict, where it lacked before but to God's proof requiring to be imagined as peaceful, His creation.

Cupid and Christ, befit the realist capitalist intention, contemplating black markets as moral systems rather than conmen's dreams, justifying differences on a world view sphere. Blinded by realism, forgetful of his christian metaphysic of a pound of flesh not debarring the person and place dream, only wishing to exploit the land of the living, he is blinded to spiritualist contexts. This blindness is forgivable, as it is well-intended. Carrying the industrial race beyond its complaint might not be.

Industrial planning regimes and competitive dualistic arms races include many 'races' of bigger army, explosion, stockpile of weapons and mineral wealth, retrospectively, and also...bigger protectionist network, internet of things, nano-tech regime, etc., prospectively.

Human stock is a watchman as marker upon these such other markets telling them when to slow down. Economic slowdown, as hindsight, dares justify the stirring of racism, but only as GMO crops went out in front pretending evolution propaganda sufficient, where intuitive design lacks besides. Hence, it is a tool of controlling Syria and Babylon as much as controlling life and liberty besides.

A terribly sad plan, concurrently with the PR for a 'health' plan, hides behind convenient mere opposites in categorical semantics, and in full-plain-view seeming 'from above', in its industrial planning dream. 


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