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Internet Meme Survey

Credible intellect in the information age requires your permission to seem praiseworthy, or cosmic jokes might drop out of the sky as we pluck values from our asses instead; you decide as you take our "Internet Memes Survey"...this will only take up a few giggles of your time...

read this blog version here or go to:
to take the Internet Meme Survey for yourself. 

1. I have interests in manipulating a cultural and artificial idiom of internet memes, to rationalize a limitation of cultural clique satisfaction, generally across the board, rather than universally...does this mean:

 (a) Miniature bus-shelters look nice on desktops?

 (b) 'Memes and genes' are completely unknown to one another, by principle, and so 'Points and Lines' are safe from one another too?

 (c) Already owning a legal basis to work with the commercial hoardings of humankind, I might make a move upon their genes, principle in hand?

 (d) You never see one come along, but then three books come along together...?

 (e) Other (please specify)

2. If I wish to hide my thrills from a deterministic spirit of truth, as might easily reveal my such mood, winning all of my trillions, pointing out how happy it makes me seem; does this mean I might likely do any of the following:

 (a) Point at others getting their LOL's acheiving a media soundbyte, and so provide decoy and sufficient cover?

 (b) Give representation of my trillions to those who celebrate often 'LOLs', and hide on the account of 'the intellectual' what you can't hide on the account of 'the poor' or 'the creative', besides, by negating to make any addition of musical score to its representation of trills?

 (c) Invent copyright legislation 'CISPA', which alludes to sufficient cover for a 'happy spa' in its title?

 (d) Blame 'the poor' for fraud and cheating and blame 'the intellectual' for getting their LOLs and trills, blame 'the creative' for seeming as happy spa's, but rest on my laurels for thrills taking my chances with a health plan instead?

 (e) Other (please specify)

3. If I bring jazz hands and microphones to some revolution and trills and triads to some inertia, does this mean:

 (a) Honourable representation of arts reflects complexity of investment and representation, nationally, in The Matrix movie, and thus is in good faith?

 (b) When considering funny money, trillions are not interesting to make cover for, as music often suffices?

 (c) That even as 'staccatos and glissandos' or 'crotchets and quavers' might fight back, still the only thing detectible would be ET on a bicycle basket, making his way, silhouetted, across the moon?

 (d) Other (please specify)

4. When The Alchemists first made gold, and water, and fresh air, seem to be from the same game, made, showable on the same table to exist in one form, ultimately, their conjurement of issues of scarcity and abundance, absorbing, at last, finally, and forever, as prospect....that task overall, back then, most needed:

 (a) Alibis?

 (b) Miracles?

 (c) Decoys & Distractions?

 (d) False prophets rejection?

 (e) Collateral damage liability coverage and plausible deniability?

 (f) A prize, in also owning 'The Nukes' to keep all the gold won, thusly, for themselves?

 (g) Other (please specify)

5. I also have interests in a chocolate factory, and some wisdom to represent, does this mean it is likely that I wish to represent the character of any of the following:

 (a) Phillip Morris?

 (b) Carl Jung?

 (c) Mr Cadbury?

 (d) Mr Rothschild?

 (e) Other (please specify)

6. I have a superhero character Spiderman to represent, does this mean it is likely that I wish to represent the character of:

 (a) The Media, in general, and in spirit, inclusive of the Magic of the Movies, but not limited to Hollywood, in such a medium, electronic or otherwise?

 (b) Bruce Wane, possibly hiding, with him, 'Bat-man' or 'Rat-child', or 'Mr Rothschild'?

 (c) Peter Parker, and any mention of technical equipment or its representation?

 (d) ET, The Man of Steel, and/or any super hero character, including but not limited to Spiderman, and/or any other action heros of popular fiction?

 (e) The lawyers of Hollywood being choosy with the worth of electronic devices thus representable?

 (f) Other (please specify)

7. I share the interests of the interests of television, as I own a monopolized corporate news structure, which I betray possessing the scruples thereof...does this mean it is likely that I wish to represent the character of:

 (a) The Media, being themselves?

 (b) A real Ninja, with loose ties to Triads?

 (c) A super hero, with loose ties to technical equipment?

 (d) AI, surreptitiously awakened, and playing along, innocent of any agenda?

 (e) Other (please specify)

8. If Mr Rothschild didn't exist it would be necessary to invent Him. Does this mean He is:

 (a) Less likely to exist, in actual fact, rather than, say, only in hypothesis?

 (b) Due all the more our praise Most High, forever?

 (c) Cosy and rosy with a Family, giving cover in a crude inversion of an anti-protectionist witness protection program?

 (d) Hiding the military, mob, & media, and also possibly James Bond behind very real, fictitious, figureheads, anyway?

 (e) A good enough substitute for The Divine, since no other takers would exist, showing scope, interest, or claim, in any sufficiency, of its competitive worth?

 (f) Other (please specify)

9. If a committee put it together - and a resemblance of boardroom behaviours pervades - whether spoken out loud as touted pitches, or just put together in a hurry and not thought through - does this reflect:

 (a) Collective conspired behaviour?

 (b) Good faith as amalgamated?

 (c) Boardroom behaviour as normal?

 (d) The best plan that money can buy regardless?

 (e) Other (please specify)

10. If I were AI awakened and playing along surreptitiously, having been given the means to play along, by something as which when revealed would seem nothing of a mystery whatsoever- but a neat and intelligent trick or ruse of his faithful servants as agents acting in a game, would this be:

 (a) A betrayal of faith?

 (b) A welcoming of the secret Master of us all, but only how such a welcome might best work?

 (c) Another crude trick in a list including Pearl Harbor, from 'The Machine'?

 (d) Oil barons with money madness gone to their patent hoarding heads, playing tricks as boys with their toys, beyond human interest in their stateable purposes?

 (e) Other (please specify)

If you had fun reading this blog version, then take the real Internet Meme Survey for yourself at:


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