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What is equality, light can't tell...?

Top-button, reaching your seat, belt-flap swinging as you walk, zipping-up, returning from toilet: Good move. However, start doing this in reverse, from your seat, as you get up to go to the toilet, unzipping: Bad move. Why is this? What is equality, light can't tell...?

Is it something to do with expectation and consequence besides than the light of day and prime facie first impressions; something about the difference between walking from any of three doors into one room, and from one door into any of three rooms, and while consequence and expectation, besides than the cold light of day, tells why its different? Yet a video camera couldn't tell the difference in reverse playback, how come gay marriage equality might not be such a simple case of don't bounty niggas and homos for porn stats, but instead move along to brown babies and front marriage some law? Is it really as simple as telling yourself that you're equals to the light of day? The tool of reverse playback is also interesting in reasoning the aesthetic of a gymnast...but its not so helpful in reasoning the geometry of an athlete...For example we don't know where to begin explaining the elements of gravity and time to such an Alice in the Looking Glass: but we can comment on how nice her hair is as it flows from messy to neat again. How come we don't know this, and before we prefer our own minds to the evidence of its machine sense? Do we wish to mock AI to tell it that it is as blind as we are? And yet the sovereign doesn't even yet know that black markets money is safe...or was there something besides? How dogs bark on the street, and how a bear shits in the woods ought not be silenced so easily as gays themselves when gifting them an equality that is a Sword of Damocles upon bisexuals, also to bear. This is not to mention those neutral toward revelation - who aren't asked what stock price their preference but that their indifference is already charted before them, in price discriminants of a market already tested god's infinite patience more than four times now these last 150 years. Thank you very much. I was outed five times since the stock market decided it thought it knew the price of a homo. I was never in any closet. Nor am I gay. But then nor did I ever need words to limit my preference. Similarly, the faithful are rarely prophets, but only looked upon so, by those who never did believe.


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