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This Year's Budget: A Slapstick Canon Ball Run Without Anything to Secure Safety or Fairness

Austerity proves evil can't hide behind the grotesque poetic justice sought to justify its being proposed. Language is not short of words. The world is not short of cash. They're playing a counting game with a point scoring system that doesn't check the reward of evil.  Fundamental imperatives and priorities are in the spotlight as differences in interpretation concern a valued perspective deriving from sovereign, republican, and reporting duties. What difference this years budget makes remains to be seen.

Controlling hymn sheets while preaching to a choir who already know the tune and the piper paid; a slapstick canon ball run, testing the faith of the choir preached to: is there theft in the intellect stakes? Point at the poor! Is there fraud in the economy? Point at the poor! Is there cheating going on? Point at the poor! Pointing at everyone each in turn, covering all bases so as to have no naysayers or detracters, as who might not but on their knees find their first step to argue back, eventually the finger comes around to point also at themselves, and pointing at retards is no way to paper over the cracks!

Warning signs and alarm bells were ignored in favour of singing austerity's praises, and losses were cut for the faith of a generation. But, they were only praising patent evil to guard against rocking a boat of what were by then already sunk costs. When faced with the shame of information age conditions of transparency, the entire human race were considered in be in some sort of receivership. And, this, only to avoid their impending and inevitable moral bankruptcy. Taking their distraction at face value, they lauded themselves with mutual self-appreciation, not knowing they were praising evil.

If to examine the rationale for the imperative of a mood of control, it seems impossible to escape its self-defeating futility. Rather than release secrets, instead by sharing every access to information, while lacking any fundament to protect privacy, they decided they were gonna follow newly mobilised capital with mobilising the species' labour markets and hope that emigration would cover it up. Cover-up through mass mobilisation: if you move the money around no one might ever count it as missing! If the classroom is placed in a carnival act and spun around in a circle, then no one will notice the bullshit on the blackboard is incredulously disbelievable!

Behold the age of mobility of the species, where World War trips over racism's last hurrah for a 100,000 years of isolation of the races of diverse ethnic backgrounds...And, this new mobility is used adding to adventure, displacement, as a cover-up of market failure. And, not having a game-plan, besides, for facing the music when sharing information transparently: in a cost-benefit analysis of mobility upon a sphere, emigration is seen as an adequate cover-up, also, of market failure. Patent evil from the same sources -  like they either knew it was consciousness preferring of these things or they didn't? What's helped is finance and banking, what's hurt is equality and fairness. Repeating the same mistakes of World War II, our approach to the information age as to the technological era, is shockingly lacking awareness and appreciation, a far cry from the consciousness of the era which ought accompany such widgetry, to herald its benefits.

Space and time being no object -in an information age- is seen as scope to provide no systematic limit of returns to scale for global dominance on a sphere of ignorance. And, any old time warp to drachonia will justify austerity's legislative complacency, associating law with a convenient ignorance of its power as a money spinner, as license, to exploit resources and populations.

A slapstick canon ball run carnival of production, papering over the cracks by having capitalism point instead at all the retards on welfare. I can't see you capitalism, you're covering your eyes! Where is all the fraud, theft and cheating? Ah sure just point at the poor! Language is short of words! I was going to use the word fairness but it was taken. I was going to use the word equality but it was taken. Language must be short of words that we just don't know how to apply 'patronisation' to 'spoon feeding' and find out what patent bullshit we're being fed!


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