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It Does Not Serve Any Purpose To Corrupt The Creation Story To Include Wealth.

Why did anyone ever ask themselves the question of whether black holes existed in the first place? Is it like dating the universe and we're making God out not to be a liar by adding a scientific version as update to the fairy tale biblical version of its number? Nobody ever asked us to date the universe. We should be wary of our wonder, and find honourable cause, besides than in disproving that God might be a liar. That isn't honourability at work in any cause to inspire looking. We might just satisfy ourselves with the first non-lie as comes along, without even the wonder of asking ourselves is it possible to date the universe in any finite scale.

Einstein predicts the fabric of space-time ought cause warping around objects of great mass bending the light coming around the edge of the disc of the sun, and this is proven by observation. Do we think God changed the universe to suit Einstein, and that all we might need to is extend his theory to include predictions of our own, and God might just get up and do the work to suit our predictions? Why did we ever propose black holes?

See that light there. The way its coming around the sun? What if, yeah, what if the gravity of the sun were so I don't mean so great that The Earth would be swallowed up immediately, and we might not get to ask the 'do you believe?' question, which I know The Church has regarded as so important in their unquestioned faith - but if you were to stand on Jupiter, and withstand it, having no surface, and withstand its pressure being too great anyway -should there indeed be anywhere to stand- but just trust in that question that free speech gave you, as free speech saved democracy and capitalism, it might even save foreign religions too, who knows...but if you just trust in that question - 'do you believe?' - or whatever faith is - I really don't like having to ask geneticists what faith really is - but if free speech allows you to ask 'do you believe?' - and genetics doesn't mind hiring out god on an outsourced rate of rights allowable -at least for the show to film God being hired out, and, then, maybe the rates that God is hired out at, could be at least leased to cosmology - then we might ask - yeah - standing on Jupiter - well, with a space suit - and, without the gravity sucking you in, and the pressure crushing your body -are you getting this free speech? - its more than just a fucking question! 

And, if genetics hires out God or the rights to God, or His right hand is still available-not attached to his body, or whatever - but if the question 'do you believe?' maintains while you're standing on Jupiter - yeah - fuck you genetics, I could have just imagined an All-Powerful stance instead - like He could possibly be the authority as which governs also- like, 10,000 years of writing, and, like, 100,000 years of language, before, that hadn't found issue with anything yet, but you keep on about your parallel-free-speech-this and your dark-genetics-that and I'm sure you're signing good checks, whatever about tenets of faith, as would seem secure if it weren't for your fucking profit margin, whatever the fuck that has to do with getting your lobby passed dumb fuck politicians, who don't know what governance is to be leaving God out of it. If you were to stand on Jupiter, and free speech were not to crush your body, and genetics were not to succumb to the pressure - and your lobbied politician looked smart in his spacesuit - then - what if...if The Sun had strong enough gravity to warp the light from the stars behind it, but also more. Strong enough gravity that it could suck light into it. What then, hey? - I'd be a predictor just like Einstein, and God would have to do more work to satisfy my mind, to affect his body. What about that Occam's razor. Shall I name the sunset after my theory or just get on and open a bank account?

Well, what do other cosmologists do when they're onto something? Speculating in the darkness seems to secure finance. Maybe they're onto something too? What observation inspired black holes in the first place? Why are we even looking? Nobody is looking for a fifth dimension, even though maths is not limited to four...And, Christ, they start looking. The universe is a lot more simple than anything you can pick out of maths to stick into the night sky - and a lot more complex than anything you can rule by finance, but not much more. Whoever the fuck made that rule up....? Dead law! What was the observation? Who asked the question? Look at Einstein - he predicts and it comes true. What if I predict, will it come true? Will God do the work, to satisfy my infinite mind? But I'm imagining gravity so strong that light can't escape. Aren't I not cruel. Come on, God - do the work!

Behold, if God would just break down and tell us the creation story, light ought behave. I know relativity. Time is time itself. Now - what if light can't escape - don't you like my narrative? - I think I heard a siren, it must have been an explosion. It was fifteen miles, err, that way. I am a reliable witness. What else can I rule? Can I have a bit of insurance, if I'm going to rule all finance anyway. What about a big bank story, with an inflation period. What else does the economy need to hide. Got some expansion going on universe? Don't see straight lines of rays of light fulfilling that. Light ought behave. See! Light can be drawn expanding circles for it, and even spheres. Overlook this, and claim the universe to be expanding instead. Whatever. Idiots. Anyone want an expanding Earth? God is still available to do the work, if anyone can say it authoritatively enough. Don't you even believe in television? It tricks human learning. Didn't you learn it well?

Light ought behave! It's just traversed the deepest chasm imaginable to observing man -the deepest ravine possible to exist in space and time- the entire width of the visible universe. Light is tired, for Christ's sakes! And we greet it with that - light: you ought behave! I know relativity. Time is time itself. Light ought behave. Why won't God breakdown, and tell us the creation story, when I tell him to...every other insurance market niche does! I ought be able to dominate every fearing morsel. Don't you detect a dominant subjugation going on in my narrative? I tell God to break down. He tells me the creation story. It's nothing that a two year old child couldn't ask their father. It gives my budget next years projections to make. It sponsors my viewing time. It has my endorsement. Wait, was this universe designed by a committee? Doesn't it satisfy a human need? But, I already told God to breakdown. Why won't He tell me the creation story?

Lets try this differently: Yo! Aliens! - your God and stuff! -we is Earth -we is prepared to kill your God in a great backward explosion - and we believe we can take the universe with us. We don't mind sending these vibes out to the universe, as we got no Goddamned respect for our God. What about it, hey? - Can we kill your God instead? But if it turns out you're really big and scary, and don't limit your existence to your proof, and don't, but, have bigger guns, and stuff, than us, or whatever, won't you avoid looking at us, like, to come rescue the other fools as must by implication, be calling us their masters?!! Now, we're prepared to bomb our Earth until it causes earthquakes. We've already caused 10,000 nuclear tests, but its the angry ones we try to avoid. Like, radioactivity empathizes with our anger. We denounced God's existence. Something about Christ had died. Something about life besides than alive and dead. But we're not bothered. God is dead. Now that we have the title, we can rule everything fucking nominally! God is dead! - lets explore the universe. We own the bank. The bank is ours again. I said, already, we own the bank - what can this cosmologist's problem be? Does he want me to get all dark on his arse or something? I went parallel. Nobody noticed. I could, you know. 

Light traverses the universe, and when light notices its parallels, men build roads. You ought pay more attention to that which you cannot respect. The question arises in a wonder, if light left the sun from any two points, could it possibly be such that light fairies riding along light's ray might ever get, both, to enjoy the same ride? No. Any two such light fairies leaving the sun -by a light ray- would eventually diverge in their path. That wonder existed before Romans built roads! Isn't it a coincidence? Parallelism and intersection, every revolution develop somewhat. And, did you see your jungle out there? Your concrete jungle has developed intersections besides than mere crosses!

You're not looking at anything in nature, and, thinking - ah yeah what about that - that could be the equivalence of a black hole! The only thing you find as equivalence is wealth's greed and its excuse-making. Isn't wealth's greed already a bit too far in economic values describing the universe? No child ever has wonder for their parents to tell them - "please Daddy, will you tell me why my bank account is not with the proper cosmology?"

It does not serve a purpose to corrupt the creation story to include wealth. It does not make it look more secure, for being beyond the reach of man. Inventing money on day two of God's six days will not make for a more secure story. Only more twists and turns. Yo, guys, we have a four day head-start on any bank robbers, now, but I can't say how long that gives us - oops. err, or, rather, I heard there was this thing money invented four days ago, so you're learning quickly how money works since only four days ago, of course you are, you candy-holding baby. More secure, hey? - if only its far, far away, out of sight, out of mind.

It serves no human or divine purpose to name the conquered elements of the cosmos for the sponsors of its explorations, in wealth. We were warned: no riches will get you into heaven. And, yet we think our man-made stuff different when paying to get up there. We only have ourselves to fool. And, yet we're managing to insult an imaginary creator in God. Its only because we each of us fail to imagine ourselves as Godly that his insult goes unpunished. That's Infinite Patience subject to inexorability, inevitability, and what is not indefinitely put off. God would you hurry up Your Infinite Wisdom's praise, and let the end-user revolution do its homework, and enough of this seven-year-long-itch-for-an-Iphone-salespitch strategy called the banking crisis! It hasn't fooled anyone, only frustrated them. 


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