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Silly Arrests

Regarding some silly arrests on Dame Street, recently, I had thought it was out of the ordinary. Read the roll call of arrests, overall, however, and you see some silly reasons, indeed. No wonder the real demand it creates for information shows us something of a reason for why it ought need be 'newly' demanding - it would never take place openly and accountably! But, right in front of your eyes, happening, you think you know something of what power we entrust to mere mortals to call justice: - and, then, next moment, your faith in all humanity is threatenable, as you loose sight of hope in state ever carrying that power further, if your own opinion might have anything to do with it... The first world war was never imagined to be the first, ever; but, only the first the human species experienced as recorded on television. War was never counted before then. And, the widescreen wars neither needing, now, numbers, but only 'moods' as their fashion might, amply dictate. ...

Semantics, Shemantics!

Is the press deciding more than consensus amongst us can find pallettable, and all with mere words? Is it “before” the festival or “on the days” of the festival ODS is wanted gone? Semantics, shemantics you might say - but still, it buys them ten days.  Now the press' mood is not 'we were on a break' but rather just something more like that 'we're over'. ODS has not lead them to believe this, surely? The Irish Times reports, Patrick's Day, 'the rise and fall' of ODS, as though it calls some end to something. But to answer to corporate and commercial will, newly manifesting willful destruction by force, and the further menacing force of on-site arrest, threatening freedom to assemble and freedom of self-expression, like never it has before in this bodes, more brightly, a beginning of something, called for, rather than any end. According to Wiki, ODS “was" a peaceful protest, while Occupy London [still] “is" a non-viol...

A Word of Soulful Encouragement

Is all this latent tension of cheap sibling rivalry feeding   factionalism in activism  movements' undercurrents...through   the intransigence of lacking perceiveable actionable demand...the spoils of what happens when you have a whip- around for the mob, rather, than a nuclear war? And, this with the money paid -to shut the other course of action, up or down? God, himself, surely has had no opinion made felt to us. And, sure would any of it surprise anyone who  has been paying constant attention this last decade? Thank God above we can pay for the peace requiring of a   trillion dollar economy to keep a  lid on its protectionist   secrecy. But, that said, plugging an economy in, and getting it on-  line need no longer be regarded as any revelation worth   keeping secret. Rather, it ought be a  plan worth enacting   (as is, already, more than decades late, needless to stress)   as is not  understateable, in import...

Information Junkies

Firstly, according to most doctors and social workers, not to mention some research I’ve done myself, one of the first and major signs of being an addict is that the user doesn’t even realise that they’re addicted. They may not even know what it is that they’re addicted to. It’s true…for eight years the skin on my hands and face was addicted to moisturiser. I started off with a dry patch on my nose, from smoking or something, for which I was taking 10 to 12 millilitres of alcohol-free moisturiser a day. As we all know from popular media reports, this can quickly become a slippery slope…Before I knew it I had moved on to 20 millilitres of glycerine-enriched Neutrogena. And that was just to satisfy the fingers that I was applying the shit with…I tried to wean myself off it, but eventually I couldn’t even leave the house in the mornings without my fix. It was embarrassing at first, but then I found out there’s more of us sufferers out there. We really should do something about it, ...