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A Word of Soulful Encouragement

Is all this latent tension of cheap sibling rivalry feeding  
factionalism in activism movements' undercurrents...through  
the intransigence of lacking perceiveable actionable
demand...the spoils of what happens when you have a whip-
around for the mob, rather, than a nuclear war? And, this
with the money paid -to shut the other course of action,
up or down? God, himself, surely has had no opinion made
felt to us. And, sure would any of it surprise anyone who 
has been paying constant attention this last decade?
Thank God above we can pay for the peace requiring of a  
trillion dollar economy to keep a lid on its protectionist  

But, that said, plugging an economy in, and getting it on- 
line need no longer be regarded as any revelation worth  
keeping secret. Rather, it ought be a plan worth enacting  
(as is, already, more than decades late, needless to stress)  
as is not understateable, in importance, delivering. And,  
this, to the least surprise, rather than least inefficiency  
-the principle- surely, governing...but that'll tell you 
why tis late...if it is at all...

But, a plan, nonetheless, it is, as might yet bring that  
much feared-against peace -aforementioned requiring-  
through its natural course, evolving. And, more happily,  
and, in faith, so, than wishing against the fear, and,  
without any other option – but than to fear for lack of  
affirmable faith in His plan's evolving, we might avoid  
that unworthy mood a mistake, already made, in what lead  
to World War II...when, with futility, we caught
ourselves interfering in His most peaceful design for us...

And, so, avoiding the virtual realm, absolutely, and,  
completely, then, rule, represents to us, wordedly, and,  
in our existential being, competitively, to standards of  
facebook-status-updates (no less, of all concerns!) - our  
governable rights, from each thoughtful, revolt-provoking,  
moment to the next, throughout.

Why, then, we have, the subconscious spill-out, on-line,  
to show us as much its veritable worth (of "I said, you  
said..." / 'this state, that state...' etc., us-and-them
representative-experiential-nonsense-dribe)? Only, that, 
with virtual dreams of images of mushroom clouds, should  
its absorption be felt, and, this, alongside  
making telly look fashionably defunct before democracy,  
likewise, intellectually, so!

But what hell might speak to awaken those asleep in law's  
worded slumber's minding, as which traditions made them,  
when, without technological bias to inspire their newness 
affronting that such tradition, they might then have had  
been, as 'too surprising' and therefore 'heretical',  
thrown out, normally, to begin? If only confused were their  
reader or mislead, or conspiring to thwart empires,  
unjustly, the accusation, all too often, then, more often  
than not, raising also what other crap laws were made 'back  
then', when Gods' minds swayed, verily, to what was  
comparably all but speculation!

If we had possibly managed to txt quicker than we might  
behave to act besides - but that word might sooner become  
flesh, if only light ever had spoken but half-quicker,  
than that sacred but retrograde foreign tongues, otherwise,  
might have had governed evil, lest light had failed to  
leave the starting blocks at all...we might not have had  
driven ourselves half-crazy trying just to ignore the  
meaninglessness of our century's and millenium's turning 
decade's final have lead onto this prophetic  

And, this, as represented beings, in an art of self- 
expression, so governable - values having had been decided,  
centuries and decades before our time - to be born and grow  
up - whatever your numbers game for wake up calls...but  
that now is our generation for deciding we are ready for  
opportunities and equalities to resolve their game in number,  
as this generation is strong enough to lead the call that  
we are so ready for such things. See how prime takes a  
fill handle and all of a sudden becomes predictable in the 
21st Century, and it never was before! Security, as ever it  
was, the forefront of mathematics, and God's Mind's  
inventiveness, if all can be understood - and secret  
right-up until it needed not be, to man's mere mortal,  
verbose mind!

We ought to be living and growing up together, in the present,  
with our evolving technology, and alongside it, not lagging  
behind it, wishing a luddite revolt were less senseless;  
zenless, to our self-evidenced protest, the art of being -  
to God and the universe, welcome to tell us any different -  
than that we ought rightly to believe it is the case of  
what is actually going on in our value systems, and worth  
raising to consciousness level, or whatever is the virtual 
equivalent...Going through the motions, something ought  
to give...

Where's that party-hat or mask-thing they take to those  
orgies in the pentagon's basement
"Gree---tings...from...A-non---ymous...we are 99%"


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