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Semantics, Shemantics!

Is the press deciding more than consensus amongst us can find pallettable, and all with mere words?

Is it “before” the festival or “on the days” of the festival ODS is wanted gone? Semantics, shemantics you might say - but still, it buys them ten days. 

Now the press' mood is not 'we were on a break' but rather just something more like that 'we're over'. ODS has not lead them to believe this, surely?

The Irish Times reports, Patrick's Day, 'the rise and fall' of ODS, as though it calls some end to something.

But to answer to corporate and commercial will, newly manifesting willful destruction by force, and the further menacing force of on-site arrest, threatening freedom to assemble and freedom of self-expression, like never it has before in this bodes, more brightly, a beginning of something, called for, rather than any end.

According to Wiki, ODS “was" a peaceful protest, while Occupy London [still] “is" a non-violent protest.

If to read one article following another, not to mention things said at ODS GA, (which seem to make the most of things generously to their lack, albeit at the camp's memory's expense), you might think some of us had, ourselves, already called it a day. surely this is no mood to concur upon, to dream its nature as self-fulfilling?

From October to Xmas, from Xmas to Paddy's Day, from Paddy's day to Mid-summer - that's how we're gauging things, occasionally, wasn't it, no? the first six months and the second six months, is it not? The old camp and the new camp, or something?

How can semantics dare stand in the way of networked structural organic growth, as though it were, to it, any power?


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