Showing posts with label Prose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prose. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Five Tortuous Hours without Aid, before Food, Water, or use of Toilet

How has The Media trained us to be so oblivious? 

How has the circumstance conspired - 

to need 'get him home'?: 

I was asked to play: a concerned passer-by: then, a Good Samaritan; and then, finally: an 'agent provocateur'; to a scene of unsuspecting onlookers:- who had Managed to ignore "the-plight-of-a-wheelchair-occupant--who's-wheel-had-broken", outside MacDonald's, while at 'The Square Shopping Centre', in Tallaght, yesterday evening......

Others could walk by. and ignore it; I could only enquire. Was he alone? Did he have any Assistance? Was there Anyone there -to help? Had Anyone made any Manageable attempt -to fix it, or to replace it, or- to get him home? And, I was told that everyone else was satisfied to ignore him', basing upon a prior Attitude & Behaviour, rather than 'prospective predicament & plight'; as 'The Cops' had left him in-the-lurch, for whatever justification, hence; but, that, contrarily, wariness was that-it-were 'becoming-a-worsening-issue' as each hour dragged-on, doing nothing, and-not-a-better-one; for: The State; for: The City; and, for The Establishment, as Commercial outlet...So- I had to do something about it!

"Man stuck in immobile wheelchair left eight hours without Taxi" -this wouldn't look good for a commercial establishment as can sell 'goods' to The Public, but cannot make Public Duty from Conscience in observation, except to wash-its-hands. But 'alls-well-that-ends-well, says you! I'm all right Jack! Somebody else will do it! Not in my back yard! Not if we're voting Fine Gael (whatever this means)! Bookies!...How could hour-by-hour negotiations, existing, prove plausibility of a relationship, not unswerving- but, as it were, justifying to constitute a 'lack-of-interference'...I dunno what 'The Clout' in The Powers That Be is...but Our Director is showing us 'Signs'!

The only thing, required, for: ostensibly, 'Nearly Everyone', to consider, 'to ignore him', was that: prior, there was an interaction with, 'The Cops'. If everyone were satisfied that Cops had interacted, then Anyone would consider the Force of Law behind 'their ignorance', it would seem...

Tallaght Taxis, normally, have two wheelchair accessible vehicles 'on-duty', of-an-evening. Neither were 'on-duty' that evening, however. 

No other wheelchair accessible Taxi Service 
was available meanwhile. 

(For pen-pushers -as the movies say: 'work-the-problem'!) Ambulance Services -over the phone- couldn't provide any secure response -that without a 'Patient-to-Treat'; but, 'only-a-Taxi-Service-to-require', so, they couldn't promise that they would ellicit & provide Any Response.

Yet, when, eventually: hope-did-come: so, also:- 'The Issue' found-its-remedy-in-Good-Conscience, and good-duty of 'The-Preventability-of-a-Treatable-Issue' which, was sure-and-certain, a worse concern, if 'Nobody Else' had helped him!

By-the-time The Ambulance came at 9 O'Clock: briefly, I had to turn agent provocateur, yet 'undeliberately', and 'unwillingly':- as, briefly, raised voices with state-paid-services-personnel -despite not willing it- ...ensuring, that, the-only-resolve-of-its-'politicisable-debate', meanwhile "who to-help"and "what-goal-to-achieve" was, that: The Ambulance Driver would tell me to 'BACK OFF' - as it was 'his Patient', and I didn't even know him(!)... Hence. Admitting. Responsibility! And, the ball, rolling: I could 'walk-away', knowing:- that 'its-issue-was-being-owned-at-last' (after five hours, waiting!).

I didn't look good, however! - I looked like 'something-the cat-dragged-in'...But, that wasn't the point! True-movie fail stuff!

How could 'five hours go by: without food, without water, or without toilet access:- or even Replacement Wheelchair? How could 'four hours go by: before 'Reception' would be 'informed' of a Customer Complaint? How could nearly Each Staff Member, one-after-another, rely upon 'his-attitude-with-the-cops' to wash-their-hands-of-it, rather than foresee-its-end...being, by-no-other-way:- than, by Customer Services, relating. And this, rather, than, by whether any issue of containment -securitywise- were it requiring, instead:- in-order-to-wash-their-hands of-its-predicament? For the boldly conscientious, that's not a question!

Public opinion can satisfy itself that 'if-Cops-have-dealt', then, there is no moral issue, besides, to contend; even 'blinding' themselves -as to the Escalatable Issue, as would -as the hours crept on- be certain!

Problem being: not as each hour is contemplated, but, if The Next Day had any 'remedy', besides, so 'each hour' would not exonerate itself, and wouldn't justify itself, so as to -ENDLESSLY- relate his attitude (The Wheelchair Occupant) instead of 'its resolve'. As the hours crept-on it got worse not better, you see.

An  'immobile' person, unable to make any-movement-at-all, stuck-on-the-one-spot; then, told he cannot go home but-he-would-be-placed-in-a-State-Service-Vehicle (toward-A/E-heading) - its a 'horror' to encounter! Of immeasurable proportion! As Immobility is one 'problem', but manhandling-against-his-will, another, worsening his plight:- not remedying it, as could be feared imagined & perceived, as a threatening stance, even if not intended or caused.

I would not have had approached MacDonald's for compassionate-care -and-a-cup-of-coffee' to request! Does this describe 'The-Ireland-That-We-Were-Brought-Up-In'?

If it had been a 'Pub' - and I were its 'Manager' - I would have had even paid the Taxi as 'first response'-not-last - foreseeing 'its issue' not getting better but worse as the evening dragged-on.......

How has the media trained us to be so oblivious? How has the circumstance conspired - to 'get him home'? 

Work a day in a Pub or a Restaurant, and you might know that such an 'issue' will not resolve unless "somebody" is appointed to stay with the issue until its resolved - and, that, is the only way that it will be ENSURED: it doesn't become a 'point of risk' at-which-prior-opportunity, there had been recourse to prevent. It was looking stupid, just like while at 'Occupy'.

The wider significant-state-of-affairs -where State, Commerce and The Public are concernable - and, their interactions, resolving- across a controversial glory ---rather than the-most-optimum-resolve-possible, besides:- is reflective of the situation with 'Occupy', regardless of the status of prejudice and its handling, but, that if you only think of Avatar, the motion picture, besides:- then the-guy-in-the-wheelchair is 'a position of consideration'; for which, representable are -the goings on- of the Commercial Internet, considerable, besides, with an insight to be gained. Show us a sign, Lord: eggs counting...!!!

That we would not feel, intuitively-confident in approaching a Commercial Establishment for a-cup-of-coffee---for-a-Stranded-Wheelchair-Occupant! But, only, the next thing ---considering it upon reflection: - it's a whole 'state-of-affairs' -as ought be remedied. Taxi-Men were, largely, in agreement.

I remember from years ago -when I was a child- and, I got lost in Donamede Shopping Centre -when I was four: I was bought a packet of Rolos by the Security personnel. I don't remember being 'lost' in a Shopping Centre, hence:- but, instead: I remember: 'being-given-a-packet-of-Rolos'.

It made my day! I wasn't lost any more! - I had been given a free packet of sweets! Something in me ought to have had reflected that such picture I have of Ireland, in which I grew up, what-was-done-to-remedy-this-such-plight, besides. All's well that ends well. It seems, for now. In my deepest conscience, I reflect: I did, what I did, in the interests of: 'when strangers give you sweets'. I'm sure, 'Mrs Bruton' did the same. I did it for the free Rolos. Conscience is clear. Horses & Christ might pass next time, 'Humpty'! Is that my real Conscience Doctor's couch -if Copyright is watching: -'wipeouts & sofas'? Bitch! Sorry, not your Guard. I hope she has some protection. I'm always associated with her, but never quite implicated for being so close that I could...nevermind...

Remembering, for any duty, in Customer Service, considering 
Organised Behaviours of Managed Systems, and their governing rules pertaining (or, indeed, also, for Conscience Matters, besides), that: 

what isn't our particular visible duty upon-the-hour, 'incumbent', there-&-then:- nevertheless, for any Failure to Act, preventatively -after-the-fact- it becomes our 'Incorporated Responsibility', to report

And, that, we are Responsible, as Moral Agents, to be Of Good Report. Not alone in-the-present, but also later, but: so predicated upon our foresight OR lack thereof----otherwise, than in our Apprehension of the 'Status' & 'Type' of its 'Issue', at-the-time; besides-than-merely-visibly, as we might perceive it, there & then. 

In Reasonable Prevention, with Managed Systems, there is allayable -with every intuitive-insight, as to its 'Prolonged-Risk', becoming- our Responsibility, avoidable, as Human Agents, at all times: later, in-the-eyes-of-others: So, not foregoing, particularly at the time, nor ever, besides, 'at-the-present':---we might act and with Fullest Due Conscience!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Art of Identity Ought Seem an Intelligent Idea, and not just a Revolutionary One

Subtitle: To Capitalize or not to Capitalize, the Slavish Facebook Masses.

[I have a friend who spells her surname with a small case letter, as its configured As Gaeilge with the Prefix 'Ni', and, hence (as any Irish person will tell you) if beginning with a vowel, so preceding by a 'small h'. Exemplifying, for argument's sakes, if 'Micheal O'Hegarty' was a hypothetical name in English, then, in Irish, it would be 'Mícheál Ó hÉigeartaigh'. But since Facebook won't allow small case letters -for initial letters- of accounts' surnames (...where otherwise we are made identify ourselves to please profitable commerce, rather than revolutionary information...), sticking up for her identity, she's up in arms!]

English-Speaking Monolinguistic Capitalist Western Democratic Empire's edifice of clockwatching Calendar-Enslaved yesmen- and their global money-hungry-dogmas supported by legalistic psychobabble claptrap opinionations- and you wanna argue against them?...Just take it up with hell, baby!

The presumptuousness of profiting imperial legalism daring to make up its principles as it goes along! Imagine its discussion while conspiring its Boardroom's Executive position, and to all and sundry's bespoke oblivion! The presumption that nobody's surname begins with a small letter! And, the presumption that we might not all learn to spell 'Native' sooner, either, than to care! ...[in a voice of waffling boredom ad nauseum...] If we just don't just arm the Natives to be kinder to the English that the languages too can then mix, culturally  but that the meaning of their nationalities -as used to be their respective owners', but as a sovereign responsibility- it would seem as long as the (fictitious) 'NGungu Tribe' (whoever-the-fuck-they-are) keep to their own side of no place, then we might all be co-opted and assimilated for reasons of popularity [whatever the fuck that's about, when its not oxymoronic, useless, futile, and absurd, besides, but to do Facebook's corporate will, and suffer] because Mr Zuckerberg is such the nice friendly chap. And, he's also doing good work for...well, whoever they are...

(In their lawful identity [I'm finding out] Facebook are to be capitalized when mentioned online, but if you mention them anywhere else, like in-a-field-of-typing..and giving-a-fuck, you can use a small letters too!). [Tongue in Cheek:] O Dear Lord - I HAVE A SOLUTION!!! [No sorry, I don't mean to convey that I might even guess why that would seem argumentative in any way]...[same boring voice:] If only 'The Church' weren't allowed its budget, as the word 'Lord' was spelt with a small 'l':- where it was deemed also to show potential for lucrative profit, so, too, it would be up-in-arms! Not to say that that would be any worse a story, had The Church to make up a fictitious 'sect' over its Issue, as the unswerving conditions of Empire would seem likely, comparable, or ostensibly, so, with the former Issue, above...But, with the organised faith version, as always: better that it might have had so done, anyway, than to twist its knickers with endless Terms and Conditions during any, each, its sermons, given to the public.

Inputting data for End-User's 'Well-being's concern' beyond a domineering Centrist Dictated Agenda's narrative themes, is just 'a waste of the company's ink' in-their-eyes. If we profit to spell your name any which way, then we're interested. If your well being is satisfied, then we could care a damn. Unless 'Data-time' means value-added to The Company, and not to the End-User, so, in their eyes, it isn't worth spending! And, so hence, the size of this note, too, can be condensed, proportionately, and, by the same impetus!!! I could write all-night about 'the cultural implications of monopolizing nuclear age centrist protectionist-themes'. Its like moving cats and dogs, how we're being exploited. But, that it were that they could look, besides, than like 'orks and trolls', to 'cookies and avatars', in a realm of Persistent-World-Demons, so it would seem also useful as a debate: The Art of Identity ought seem an intelligent idea, and not just a revolutionary one!

Facebook are on another planet, wherever they are at! And, if we, quietly, build another one underneath them, as just so happens to gobble-them-up, then, they might also be enjoying it. Trade Unions want Political Policing out of IW for the representation of the egg-throwing races - which began just when Immigration Policy played its last round of 'don't mention the wars' to Iran, or whomever it is this time...Yesmen have been building 'Sauromans' (and they are fine beasts!) - while we have all been quietly, slowly, but surely, co-opted, assimilated, and indoctrinated to the beast's filth, mongered in policy, interminably, since the 50 days war, and the Banking Crisis Era before it.

How is newsworthiness to be defined in The Information Age? Its part of the next empire. Apparently. Which we're to have had agreed with. Apparently! And, its that the previous forgiven -our having had made it, by human hands...however, that that can configure itself a tangible frame:- personally, I'd rather be discussing 'The Endless Distraction'. Facebook is distracting us from Cosmic bliss!...We were momentarily unaware of Media Moguls, before enlightenment showed us - THIS SHIT WASN'T EVEN HAPPENING LAST WEEK...sometimes that's the very definition of news that news needs. But, THIS SHIT WASN'T EVEN ON OUR SCREENS THIS MORNING - is a different style...we must distinguish how stupid sheep need be from day to day, but only as day to day, news changes. is there two to put together with two anywhere there, or does a penny roll, but not drop, or drop, but not click? More sheepish, when more newsworthy? Somehow, I don't think that's a proportionate relation!

For the concerns of those who make television, concerning, they've changed how they lie!...Lying to us that they're not the same people as print it!...Broadcast, Webcasting, and the art of making news have morphed! Now its 14 months since we cannot tell that its not yet been 4 months yet since 40 days and 40 nights 'it-must-be-biblical'-Immigration-Policy pretended that CALAIS is a battle, followed by JOBSTOWN, concurrently, and, at the same time, but that it can be both subsequent and also proving it to be a different cause...and so it is...Only the news can care to make this kind of effort, needlessly.

In the Chinese room of passing notes, in our times, pigeon holing types-of-things, to be found diminutised or shocking, the tickertape scrolls vertically! But are its agents intelligent? FACEBOOK, we were unaware of this before you pointed out that SHIT IS HAPPENING!!!

Palestinians are younger and physically suppressed on our screens, and political parties are not allowed collect donations because of 'unlawful egg throwing' proceeds(!!!!). Jack's story is being attacked. And, yet Foreign Policy never wasn't murder (except as win-win to obscure white goods of The Economy, a salespitch, besides). Like proverbially in wisdom stakes, but otherwise, Zuckerberg's company has 'planning beyond its years'...But, one cannot cover up a year's news but to rely upon a notion of nobody having had cooked it up in-the-first-place -purely as a news story, to put its agenda in the frame, and in the picture, nut, by such a conjured narrative -and catching Law out, with moves that won't withstand politics, much less the next Empire, maintaining.

But, Facebook, you are shocking too many of us at once!----We might think we might just vote on it, FACEBOOK (hint: tell fucking everyone about your algorithm's powers to corrupt people's names!). Was it you the 21st Century Revolution in Linguistics was started by, in opposition to this other subconscious mind-control-thingy, besides? I would remark, as, no other medium seems conscious of it, before Facebook can point it out to them on its steady-stream of mind-taxing memes!...We ought tell them!....Is it The Orders of Nominal types, and Facial Pattern Recognition, that come together, with the Order of the Meek, to inherit this Earth, and, to reclaim The End-User Revolution 'for-the-people'! Or, is it Those Who Cannot Get Anything Right who are the order of the End-User's day?

...And not, assumably for Faceless Corporations, besides, gathering people's names, with secretive agendas, and, telling them how their name is not useful to The Corporation, unless we can prove that we are 'people', coincidental with that such account as those who are also themselves, but while coinciding, whatever that means...

But, meanwhile, apparently, we cannot prove: 'that we are being made seem as slaves' as there's no job security in being a slave to this Empire. As slaves, as empty shells, as vacuous voids, as mindless idle corporeal frames, with no potent force of consciousness, stirring in their intellect, kept or laid claim to despite their lack of keeping. And, this, by those who are asking for us to change the meaning of our Global Currencies to figures that they can more readily exploit -behind the regulators backs- in a gold-rush type bubble-hype, as pretext for their slavish mentality to money!...Then, transferring this to The Art of Herding The Flock -which is to seem 'news' to The Faithful masses of ordinary classes- apparently ---if, but, only, newly, wielding 'Horsemen and Apocalypse dreams', besides to prove their true-biblicality, whatever that means!...It was a Prophecy, no less! In Neon: light will be matter! That means I'll have two Iphones please, and get rid of the 'Jobs' fella. Nobody got that bit! Of course, it was in the program. They're 'too dumb-to-know', remember, the little people, as they're but slaves to bits and bytes! Haven't you heard what 'gold' prophecies besides? Ah, you ought surely, but, know, by now...

While at the same time, not telling us how they are doing it!...Oh they're so shrewd! A moment ago, we cannot prove The Earth to be round, nor that its flatness is of any consequence, to the arts of Politics, War, Trade, and Law, besides (or, money-games)-----but that they've hidden the technology on Galileo -of his own Telescope- to pose instead his 'mind' as its principle in argument! They dared try it on with Socrates that it was in his children's eyes, and on their faces, that The Gods would not smile, if he so pursued this thing, 'reason'! And, now the only account as distracts the whole, wholly, all of the time, cannot be proven, to be the only ones who might benefit so doing, and Planet Earth is on its own, so far, while also they insist that we must be their slaves! Well, unless we're not watching it!

How do they keep doing it, over and over since, too! Except, of course, that it would seem too entangled with our 'real lives', and hence, pragmatically...(and, through Substitution Effect and Sufficiency Policy methods of Capitalist Paid-Production in Stock Model Management Systems of Political Economy, their discriminant factors of human nature, conjured to describe a differential across which wealth would amass into the hands of the rich, pretended to, in a word-form stereotyped diminutization, to feed a discriminant-agenda of a price-market-dogma, pervasive of all our muse's inspirations, justifying itself through its own interpretation, but ever, falsely?) Well, it must, for now, at least, seem a mystery. As its not like anyone can think for themselves and know God's duty. We're slaves, remember. When I was mistyping your logo, 'facebook', I was being a slave to you! I was subjugated by your dominant will. Hence, either you made me do it, or we're not your slaves any more! Your move!

Meantime, since writing this, Facebook's Centrist Empire's owners (who also fly journeys to Mars in real life, and in The Movies....and everyone knows Zuckerberg is a wiz at rocket science, already, anyway) have made another movie ---which shows their will to convey to the public at large that they consider any breach of capitalism's Earthly Laws (even online) as, instead, by 'pirates'. If the virtual realm is a whole other world to real life, then Mars will do to show this. Facebook thinks its on mars. that's its excuse for not moving on the dog gone got fleas, that is its niche for illicit behaviours, considerations. As Facebook is 'blue' is clearly at sea. It all fits! And, hence comparably, with the fictitious hyperbole, subject to Maritime laws, rather than say, oh I dunno, Laws of Consciousness, besides? Why are they afraid to convene Laws of Thoughts, Dreams, and Consciousness? What was the Corporate Empire, possibly to loose? We were slaves a moment ago, and, now we're pirates, again. I can't keep up. Oh, Facebook, Is it 'mere mortal opinion, and hence, incomparable and insignificant', or how exactly, concerning their status, are you hiding from the people, our Lord's Wisdom's praise?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


CHECK OUT JONESY'S cool new online SHOP:

Hey Folks!

Introducing: '
FirstComeFirstServe'! Bringing you a selection of Web Apps and Music...In case you haven't caught up yet, JONESY/NMS has two Demos, an ALBUM: 'ENGINES & LEAVES', and 'BELLS & WHISTLES' EP - both now fully available to download from his new online shop.

Watch them, proverbial metaphorical 'ants' marching off the shelves, themselves; like 'Crotchets & Quavers' & 'Copy & Paste', they march right back on again, to strict order of paywalls, obediently: looking right at least, if not sounding at all much optimal and resourceful for radio just quite yet! But it looks nice at least!

But never fear: Everything Here is 
'FREE TO DOWNLOAD' and 'Donations: Optional'
'PAGEBOARD' is a Social Web Navigator which functions as a substitute homepage. I've found it useful, and particularly indispensable in breaking the habit of getting 'stuck' to one site only, while searching freely online. Future releases of the same design concept may have the End-User swinging 'rope to rope' in The Jungle: ya never know!

LOG ON, and watch-this-space, not to miss upcoming new-releases from 'Artist, Jonesy/NMS' and 'FirstComeFirstServe - Web Design Applications, from Enscam Web Design'. There's freebees contained herein that look like sweets, so they ought sell like hot cakes! Tell all your friends!


Everything Here is 'FREE TO DOWNLOAD' and 'Donations: Optional' (so far!)


P.S. Dear Customers,

Have you used 'Pageboard' and found it useful? 'FirstComeFirstServe' should like to hear from you! Send your comments and suggestions for improvements or sign up for updates, email: 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Third Quarterly_End-of-Promotion-Cycle-Summary_Blog_Issue 1_24/09/15

Because of 'Too much "Soul-Selling" Shameless Self Promotion Advertising', the Musicians on board, just through their absence, have gone On Strike! The Albeit Imaginary Board meets, nonetheless, to discuss...:

'Third Quarterly End of Promotion Cycle Summary_Issue 1_24/09/15'.

'The State of Monthly Reports', and 'Three-monthly Quarterly Cycles' are on-time, and yet look at the state of them! Not a 'Monthly Report' the whole-year-long to speak of, not alone since Last Xmas recap of the foregoing year, but, since November 2009!

JONESY'S SHOP: FirstComeFirstServe
Figure: 1st Campaign: Jonesy's Shop
Executive? Sure! But, not Power! That Sales and Promotion! Pfff! And, Training! Pfff! (muffled German accent, aside: 'end-uzeer has-tell-tako-veer-beats'....ha ha ti-hi-ti-hi tkkkkkkkkkk......) As these aren't since Welfare! Well, they are aren't, also, doing Hostile-Takeover-Biddings...of Irish Water! On the determinism! ...Of the Corporate Centrist Dictated Agenda! Predetermined! In Fact...And, to the predilection of the Editors and Schedule Managers, nonetheless doubtless rest assured. To argue. As Clock-watching! Mere mortals! To find answerability to 'the responsible, whereof', of course...But, that said, it were in some defined taste, a Seven Years Bad Luck Project well won! But, that it shows...The Board...up, thusly: in light of the End-User's Automated Slavish Tasks:

No Monthly reports, yet Three Quarterlies: Able...So it can't be an attitude-thing? Then? Can it? (if its not only stupidity!) But, not that "The Board" need regard 'all-of-its-assets-at-once' (as any Overhead), as if to say "To look upon The Workforce" and reflect, "Of that which inspires... Even, grammar, getting this far! Pfff! -"...the Document Process -it has been called to a halt- in the Captain's Log's wariness, as equal to such a demand: "none of that Advertising crap, or else we're On Strike". from'll know who it means...agent fiddly-bits, undercover.

Figure: 2nd Campaign: Dollars & Cents
Somebody's Enquiry into 'Reason' isn't getting enough attention to justify the universal aspect of...wait...what...sorry, he's a little what?...Sorry?...What? it?...I'm shy!...I see!.... Advertisers 'on-strike' because of 'soul-selling-dogma', encroaching upon the eight-hours Practice due, 'Workers', on-board, to call it an Artform! Only Division of Labour and a 'Need-to-Know Basis' of Compartmentalisation Processes could make Britney Spears and Jordon seem as though being from the same Universe; and, back to The Galaxy with 'Footballers Wives'. That's a mood to set. 'Reality' owns 'Queen of The Galaxy'. I see.

And so its abrupt, isn't it! Like -there you go: 'Front page' of a 'Magazine' and -you're complaining? And, I'd say, you made due effort against it 'happening' too. Even if it was completely accidental. You're not sorry, either! Even if its Automated! Like an absurd Cartoon! And, you're a slave! And, you had nothing to do with planning any of it!

Figure: 3rd Campaign: Jonesy Fanclub
But, then can you really complain? Like, is there really a complaint, in-all-of The Christian Calendars of-all-of, The Mono-linguistic, English-speaking, American and English, English Speaking worlds...Monolinguistically, merely. Is there really anything Shoulder to Shoulder doesn't yet still mean? Like its almost, as, if you could 'taste' The Water issue at the DoD! Already, an argument, won. It used to be a talking-piece. A conversation-piece. The urn or jug of water or whatever you call it. The flute or whatever...The vase would make but a talking piece on The Board. He knocked it over, first-time: not everyone gets it The First Time, or was it, 'no-one' does...Anyway, he didn't put any music in it. Hush. The vase is empty of spoons....There was no vase....

Like, one glass would say to the other, 'Was this ethereal exhaustion of atmospheric irrigation, then, in, vacuous void besides than vapourisation? Or, did you get to say any more?' ...And both cups would be satisfied that they were included, as often, as the 'shirts, collars, ties, and suits, had as much say with Twin Towers, as had The Cup-and-so-no-one knew-whether-it-weren't-corrupt! Which wasn't either the question! Thank God we know who owns it. Though. That's all. The main thing.

'Monthly reports' cannot be furnished! Yet Sales and Promotion can win back a Third Quarterly. What does this mean for the Business Plan that Facebook affects, and offsets, by sending us fleeting messages and inbox-spamming? I just don't know if its anything-of-an-argument against compelling evidence of business going on -which can't show, either, that it weren't...That, it ought have had seemed 'suitable', and not just for the sake of 'criteria-pleasing-Irish-Welfare'! Water-defending is it? Empire and Bible Bashing, then? That's not semantic then. I dunno. Water not itself? Maybe its confused...(!)

I have a revolutionary magazine; a No.1 Charting success; and, 15 Minutes of Fame are nearly up!
Figure: 4th Campaign: Unnecessary Mousclicks

Oh I would want to become a Porn Star soon, to wanna have better secure footing! Better believing this! And secret underground Magazines about subverting "The Government", but, only, Proportionately to career-watching going-on. Oh I'd say. That'll make Windows 10 followed by Iphones 9 showing who's boss! And, he thinks he's Famous! Of course he does! Soul-selling, and 'fame' then become one aversion, from the same cross of wisdom as which was Christs, when first averted post-Peshawar, for Windows, and then for Iphones, once more.

Who's not paying attention? Who's thinking for him now then? But then who's thinking at all. For, if everyone assumes the next man will do the thinking, then, no-one can! Slavery-dogma missed consciousness-dogma. and guess which one The Universe likes better? The State would be only as often a hussy-to-Satan if it were any-other-way, but-the-case. But, then, that's nothing in-the-end at-all, either. Utterly futile nonsense!

The Emperors New Clothes: The scam-Artist was codding us: he wasn't even trying! But, yet, he gets to say 'Front Page' now, and its at least one bit more real than 'His Own Website', merely. The drama of a One Man Game! Is-this-all-I-get? I don't even get a 'nice table' to look at! What about the comparatives? Who can call the semantic expression 'the duty', and yet hold their head up high? Who ordered this SALES AND PROMOTION TECHNIQUE? MRS BRUTON...WHERE THE FUCK...

Figure: 5th Campaign: PushPowerPromo
Was this what Irish Water was gonna risk everything for - a life being familiar, with, but, avoiding, 'Coding' as a school of Mathematical Thought? This must surely be some joke! Where is Executive Power from the soul gone to? Just following interventionism, it jumps ship! Where has it gone? INSERT CANNED LAUGHTER HERE Are we supposed to be, on our own, Cosmic Jokes? At least, he gets to say Cosmic Joke. I'm mean, he gets to say 'Front Page'. Shit. Good name for a band. 'The Front Pages'. Probably already is one...Wait 'four cycles' of this, and a Newspaper ought surely be in position...These workers aren't being paid, but, Welfare, and yet can't agree -behind who's one-another's-backs- 'Who's headhunting who?' for 'What Sales-Pitch'? Oi! Where's my Table? 'Graphs and Charts', come back here before 'crotchets and quavers' sees you. You... Oh... I... I... oughta....! Get-up-them-stairs...Where's Grandma ! Get the-wooden-spoon, get-up-that-field, scabooo!"

1st Campaign:

Date of Campaign: 07/15
Item: Jonesy's Shop
URL on Web:

2nd Campaign:

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine
Date of Campaign: 08/15
Item: Magazine: 'Dollars & Cents'
URL on Web:

3rd Campaign:

Date of Campaign: 08/15
Item: Jonesy Fanclub Mailing List
URL on Web:

4th Campaign:

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Campagin Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine
Date of Campaign: 09/15
Item: Magazine: 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks'

URL on Web:

5th Campaign:
Jonesy/NMS (@NMacSheoin)
Date of Campaign: 24/09/15 
Item: Music Website, 'PushPowerPromo'
'Jonesy/NMS' is a No.1 Charting artist Across each network! 
URL on Web:

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine

Fig: With a magazine looking like this, how can I be sure I don't run the fucking world? Just look at it..

New Webpage from Jonesy's 

'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks',

Magazine: the Facebook Page

now also has a new Website!

Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...

       Hey Folks!  
Only me! Jonesy/NMS has to show off his Magazines, one by one!!!
How Rich Does This Revolutionary Technology Magazine Look???? Someone wants to think that buttons would be expensive. Rather than that, but, that, they'd be wrong, instead: they'd be Overpriced...But this service is completely FREE to make and use...!!!! Under the Freemium Model, devolved, from the upper echelons of Hunger Games' and Elysium's pie in the sky, 'Cloud', formation of High-End Marketing's Web, recently, instead from Wix. 

If they wanted to, they could get to call us their Facebook slaves...Dunno what the Job Security is like though...See for yourself...
Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign. If NO-ONE new joins, otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or get direct to FB 

Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine.

FEEDBACK is always a welcome sight.for (CRM). I...dunno...what them shit is. But pronto. Whoever is brave enough to leave their mark. A dog's bark of thanks for you, if you can dream up some sugar love, sweet honey-pie, shit, sick, wicked, sweet, loving, spacey, sounds... just kidding, write whatever comments ye like on it...
With a magazine looking this good, how can its editor be sure that he doesn't run the whole fucking world? Just look at it...! 15 minutes of fame is getting fat! No one publication should have all this power. To be read only with care and attention as supervised by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Internet Society, and BBC Click, 'Protectionist Guardian Angels'! 
If you hate Viruses and Pop-up Ads, OR if you're not happy with the general commercial direction of the Internet, with click-thru rates as the currency by which your virtual soul is enslaved, and hence of your traded oppression, and the cyphening of your Value-Added Data-time to a faceless Corporate Monolith, OR if you're researching better and efficient means in Revolutionary Information Age Technology, 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' is a database of smut full of it. Read further here.- Help solve Jonesy's content issue, Donate your articles here...- 
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign if NO-ONE new joins!!!! Otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or go direct to FB (Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine).
Its really persistent world demons in the virtual realm from Grandpa's Elves and Shoemakers Fairy Brigade that made this facility. Its only workable if its automated. That's true, the Editor said, there is no editor, its automated. This is the end! Ha ha ha, (evil laugh in brackets).

Web Design by Noel Jones, acting on behalf of Enscam Web Design. Copyright Enscam 2015. All other Copyrights are owned by their owners.
This is an Advertising Promotion for Technology Magazine 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' Webpage on 'Jonesy's Website': 

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine: the Facebook Page, now has a Website!

Fig: With a magazine looking like this, how can I be sure I don't run the fucking world? Just look at it..

Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now has a Website ready for release! Read further...

If you're researching Revolutionary Internet Memes about money, 'Dollars and Cents' is a database of smut full of them. Read further here.- Help solve Jonesy's content issue, Donate your articles here...- If no-one were watching this mystical spinning CUBE, would the stories on its faces yet seem so important? Click the Facebook Page Link at the base of the Magazine page for back issue items, or go direct to FBClick the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine.

With a magazine looking this good, how can its editor be sure that he doesn't run the whole fucking world? Just look at it...! 15 minutes of fame is getting fat! No one publication should have all this power. To be read only with care and attention as supervised by Photoshop's Protectionist Guardian Angels! Its really persistent world demons in the virtual realm from Grandpa's Elves and Shoemakers Fairy Brigade that made this facility. Its only workable if its automated. That's true, the Editor said, there is no editor, its automated. This is the end! Ha ha ha, (evil laugh in brackets).

Web Design by Noel Jones, acting on behalf of Enscam Web Design. Copyright Enscam 2015. All other copyrights are owned by their owners.

This is an advertising promotion for Economics Magazine 'Dollars and Cents' Webpage on 'Jonesy's Website':