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New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine

Fig: With a magazine looking like this, how can I be sure I don't run the fucking world? Just look at it..

New Webpage from Jonesy's 

'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks',

Magazine: the Facebook Page

now also has a new Website!

Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...

       Hey Folks!  
Only me! Jonesy/NMS has to show off his Magazines, one by one!!!
How Rich Does This Revolutionary Technology Magazine Look???? Someone wants to think that buttons would be expensive. Rather than that, but, that, they'd be wrong, instead: they'd be Overpriced...But this service is completely FREE to make and use...!!!! Under the Freemium Model, devolved, from the upper echelons of Hunger Games' and Elysium's pie in the sky, 'Cloud', formation of High-End Marketing's Web, recently, instead from Wix. 

If they wanted to, they could get to call us their Facebook slaves...Dunno what the Job Security is like though...See for yourself...
Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign. If NO-ONE new joins, otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or get direct to FB 

Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine.

FEEDBACK is always a welcome sight.for (CRM). I...dunno...what them shit is. But pronto. Whoever is brave enough to leave their mark. A dog's bark of thanks for you, if you can dream up some sugar love, sweet honey-pie, shit, sick, wicked, sweet, loving, spacey, sounds... just kidding, write whatever comments ye like on it...
With a magazine looking this good, how can its editor be sure that he doesn't run the whole fucking world? Just look at it...! 15 minutes of fame is getting fat! No one publication should have all this power. To be read only with care and attention as supervised by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Internet Society, and BBC Click, 'Protectionist Guardian Angels'! 
If you hate Viruses and Pop-up Ads, OR if you're not happy with the general commercial direction of the Internet, with click-thru rates as the currency by which your virtual soul is enslaved, and hence of your traded oppression, and the cyphening of your Value-Added Data-time to a faceless Corporate Monolith, OR if you're researching better and efficient means in Revolutionary Information Age Technology, 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' is a database of smut full of it. Read further here.- Help solve Jonesy's content issue, Donate your articles here...- 
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign if NO-ONE new joins!!!! Otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or go direct to FB (Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine).
Its really persistent world demons in the virtual realm from Grandpa's Elves and Shoemakers Fairy Brigade that made this facility. Its only workable if its automated. That's true, the Editor said, there is no editor, its automated. This is the end! Ha ha ha, (evil laugh in brackets).

Web Design by Noel Jones, acting on behalf of Enscam Web Design. Copyright Enscam 2015. All other Copyrights are owned by their owners.
This is an Advertising Promotion for Technology Magazine 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' Webpage on 'Jonesy's Website': 


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