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Hiphop Lyrics Sheet_010915









8. All that you can carry in your side pockets

9. THIS WITNESS (8 minutes)




call an amnesty for the avian refugees
the fucker’s got us digging and we’re in up to our knees -
everybody knows it but nobody tells it
the feotus starts growin and then crackin the shell
shit - we’re in up to our knees, and so we skin up our disease
choker chains hide the fleas, smoke our brains out with the bees
cousin’s buzzin underneath, pushin puzzles in the breeze
he’s not mistaken your disease, skin is flaking in the trees,
hustle muscle till you sneeze….

game one won that day, but that game - always wins
name one, watch ya say, cause that name - always wins
game two, did you say? would you dare - breach the rules?
NAME? BOO! whatcha say? would you dare - teach the fools?

name one – it’s a game on –
identity’s the currency they’re tradin ya shame on
inhibition superstition, out to get you in position
till they make you sign petitions perpetuatin their tradition
one set of rules for the swamp full of fools
another vestibule in the revolutionary school
accusations will be flyin, insinuations that you’re fryin
as they perpetuate the crime, interrogate your line
implicate that you’re fine….

game one won that day, but the game always wins
name one, watch ya say, cause that name - always wins
game two, did you say? would you dare breach the rules?
NAME? BOO! whatcha say? would you dare teach the fools?

plastic lamination in the global circulation
drastic implications for the credit situation
- and so they tell you, - they just want to sell you
- don’t wanna hear you, taste, see or smell you,
just fill, boil and pour you, then there’ll be no more you
they just want to bore you, so just ignore you
you can’t see the right you, you must be the wrong you
they just want to fight you, pin, needle and prong you
just fill up my bong you….

game one won that day, but the game always wins
name one, one you say, but that name always wins
game two, did you say? would you dare - breach the rules?
NAME? BOO! watch ya say? would you dare - teach the fools?

cancel that subscription….


these eat you away
such a way
it hits you, eh?
entirely now,
ya untie me now
entice me in how
in time you’ll know

ya too early now
you’re twirlin’ in out
you’re dwellin’ on how
you wanted it now
chew it in half
but ya wouldn’t have had
that shit all for free

a break for admission
n’ i been dishin’ it
i ain’t takin’ this shit
this shit didn’t happen

better than that
the pattern on this
the spirit dentist
then disappearing
up here and in this
she peers inside it
for his excitement
its pure incitement

appears he intends it
he peers intensely
a piercing sensation
a person should say shit
up risen and present
our prison shuts early
our parents should surely
approach this with caution

a break for admission
n’ i been dishin’ it
i ain’t takin’ this shit
this shit didn’t happen

a pro, shit, and god, shit
n’ a project what got ya
a brother what cut ya
oh brother how could ya
dream up this expulsion
cream up on his bald chin
enough of this bullshit
i dunno if it spoiled ya

but nothin’ does stand
not understandin’
standin’ not under
not thunder not lightenin’
no wonder don’t strike me
not under this likely
s not over just try me
it’s nuff to destroy me

but listen attentively
this i did tend to flea
yes i did n’ of late
tis showin’ i’s afraid
to show when i was
not what it was of
but when i got laid
this shit didn’t happen

a break for admission
n’ i been dishin’ it
i ain’t takin’ this shit
this shit didn’t happen
the hairs that grow
rehearse the show
now there’s the crow
he has to show ya
that years ago
you used to go
till youse took over
but you still go for it

a break for admission
n i been dishin’ it
i ain’t takin’ this shit
this shit didn’t happen


You’ve gotta wonder
We don’t know where we left off
But it’s the right thing to do
We’re not talking ‘bout the countries
This border’s between me and you
But I gotta tell ya honey
I ain’t got ya sister’s money
But we can work something out

How do you tell yourself
That the older you are
The further you have to fall?
You’ve gotta love the interruption
Between our reflections
But I gotta tell ya honey
I ain’t got ya sister’s money
But we can work something out

Yeah, we had a dream
Where the elders told us
We’re gonna do something dirty
I don’t know if it’s cause I’m thinking
Or cause I’m thinking about you
But I gotta tell ya honey
I ain’t got ya sister’s money
But we can work something out

Yeah, we’ll clean up after
Room 54 has checked out
Said goodbye and left the building
This could be harmful in excess honey
Cause they might have ya sister’s money
And what we can work out
Will more than make up for it
Yeah we can work something out

The landlords come now
Yeah its difficult now we know
Yeah it’s different now in your eyes
But once we’ve expelled the elders
We can tell the sun to rise
So I gotta tell ya honey
I ain’t got ya sister’s money
But we can work something out


Should all Immortal Angels
Finite go their wings to home
Don’t make yourself a cup of coffee
It’s just the ring of a telephone

If even the most elegant of rivers
Pointed from her source does teem
Don’t save me from the Liffey
It’s just the chatter of a stream

Are you then to answer her call
As she asks if yea all
Ethereal clouds could find away
To the nearest telephone

Or to the nearest plain of horses
And our resources
To what they need to keep from you
To telephones and streams

Tell the sky when I get these
Clouds off me back I’ll be in touch
Are they hiring prices
Or just telling us more
But you could answer that yourself

Your gateways are forbidden
And your wells have all run dry
Are they hiring fences
Or just telling us more
But you could answer that yourself

Little boy blue
Is the sky blue
Or have I just turned twenty two
Afraid so afraid
Frightened enlightened
Into your arms I fall
Or am I just twenty something
Other than the time of day
Has she just changed
Or is it just me
Is she just, stupid use your sleeve
Has she just turned twenty three
Has she turned stupid over me
Already there
Do you have a care
Is it all grey or is it getting cloudy in here
Or is she just stupid over me

We’ll let our keys open your body
If you don’t rattle too much
Yeah the money likes it
When funny mikes it
We’ve no illusions about moving stairs
Cheese grated hands
Legs like sawdust
Mother’s made the toaster redundant
We shall be electing other appliances today


Clean the old tools for the gaffer
The night before he’ll see them.
Shame’s got you by the balls now,
And its grip is getting sturdy.
Better examine the engine,
As it’s bound to be in a mess,
The right mechanism must be learnt,
It’s time for getting dirty.

Guard your secrets with their shame
Just listen out for the going rate.
It’s underneath the surface game,
The one you love to hate,
He’ll teach you to scream,
For nothing if your boredom.
He’ll smash up your ego,
For nothing if your whoredom.

If not the purses that you found,
The glances that were stolen,
If not the games you should have lost,
Then the doors that were left open.
If not the lies that spiked your drink,
The show you should not have seen,
If not the court case that you adjourned,
Then the judge you should have been.

It’s not a game to him unless
It’s corruptible, wholly interruptible,
We pretend he doesn’t exist,
So we call him nobody.
And we play another game,
The one inside your head now,
We won’t play the other side,
We’ll play the game instead.

We don’t know why
It is that when we do,
We cry the future
Shit, it’s out there,
But the more we do,
So the cry gets louder.


Skin is flaking
You’re not mistaken, are you?
Drop the guilt
You’ll never see the atom split

Flunk the acid test
We know what’s best for you
Can’t be neutral
We’ve already seen your future

Flip the timer
Crack the crimes, or do you?
Against the grains
They trickle down your pain

Scratch another slate
The tiles will make the roof
Insult insulated
Its time again you’re hated

Flicks and phones
May ache our drones
And they won’t take us further

Bricks and loans
May make our moans
But not for that much longer


We think because we yap and yatter,
And chit and chatter,
Each moment that we have of
Each moment sufficient inspiration to gain speaking rights,
But each of these moments, all the while, we break the silence.

And that's our patience tether,
Each of these moments,
It might be enough to inspire us,
and all the while, we break the silence.

The bubbles on the mirror,
We say a prayer in latin so the others aren't the most mocked,
Religious allowance made that others won't think us superior.

Each of these moments,
It might be enough to inspire us,
And all the while, we break the silence.

We're big enough for our boots,
And long enough in the tooth,
Not to get confused at others traditions,
We'll laugh at our own jokes nanny state.

Each of these moments,
It might be enough to inspire us,
And all the while, we break the silence.

You're a good painter,
will you hold this angle grinder.

Hell health heliosphere,
Porn war water,
Iphones drones moans,
Zombies retards morons,
Welfare warfare,
Two by two and off to the ark,
Left right left right and off to war.

Copyright the patent law,
Patent the copyrightion.

Poisoned our animals,
Killed our streams,
Weeping people we the people,
We weep mourn for the animals poisoned the stream,
Killed and the animals gone poisoned our dream,
Weeping from the trees,
Insect kingdom underground.
Anthill and bear's meadow where the cartoon was told

The abuse of deterrent is horrible, what's terrible is besides,
And what is lamentable is the same old tricks

From general interventionism, lacking imagination,
Attention, apprecation, and concern...across the board...

And in response to the same complaint...a contempt of consciousness
Upon a contempt beyond inconscienability
Of being beyond words...and you can't symbolise
Aan egg without unlawful parties...that's rich...
What they forget the tree of knowledge,
And mineral resources tell the race to the bigger explosion
Rather than goodly glory were empire...for a king's ransom...
And ye sing along in some popular culture, of the day,
For it seems time, the king is not god,
And so nor 51% control in the company -
And so nor deity a percentage.
Using these eggs here is provokation of justins eggs
Versus korean both just laughing at this instead and agreeing
This is the funniest. 20 people can't have thrown one egg.
That must be 19 frivolous suits at least.

8. All that you carry in your side pockets

All that you carry in your side pockets
All the chicken curry in your science book
Cracked office CD, The cranks of your city
Flooded cartridge pen, flow the car digit pen [whatever that is]
The light’s shade held now by a passport and map of this place

Delights she dealt now, Biopassport and map of displaced refugees
Might as well empty your trash of its belongings
Midas well is empty; Eurotrash is bull on inks
Incoming water cannon, only bottle and spoon survive
Incoming water cannon, Lonely balls and Spencer fives

Don’t trip over your guitar strings
Don’t trip over your guitar strings
Loose the timetable and save on refunds
Did lease time, refunds for a table for seven
Hang your poetry out to dry; I got your Poe a tree to try

Or laid out as carpet tiled evidence of your musings
Our latest carpets, I’ll doubt your bargains
Have a dance, save your musings
Bus tickets don’t show the length of journey
Just the increase in economic voltage since you got on

But stick its poetry show, delinquent jury, tough for your attorney
The linked off chair, need yiz the increase
In naggin him, I fault him since the Huguenots
Deliberately missed doctors appointments have finally found their time
The liberties missed, they’re made to be missed, but don’t there’s a poignance

On a finely wound earth I’m hit and run diplomacy
Don’t tell the bus driver I’ve got my fingers crossed
Don’t held up a striver, get me off, think its cross
There was no event hopping, there is no heaven hoping
We either forgive each other’s madness or we do questions

We eat or fork if he shudder smell this or weed duck west chin since Ted
Don’t take me I’m a communist, don’t ache me I’m the commonest
One of forty, don’t close me down, won a ford he don’t close me down
Boss gets I’d a dream indifferent state stuff trying this
not if a place new beginning

Postcards reunited in different states of dryness
Not of a place, but getting there
There is a sense of not taking with you anything that is not dispensable.
All that you can’t leave behind, as the man said.

This decision was overlooked, it appears.
It’s like the carry on at the office is no longer gossip.
Stationary that could have found a better use;
significance that could have been found by more conventional means.
Everyday tasks are now remarkable.

Remarkable events are now piecemeal.
Like the contents of your handbag should be common to all,
if not usual for many.
Don’t trip, you tell yourself –
like extra-parental musings you couldn’t wish for.

Rationalising the loss of possessions as being better without them.
Visual imagery of extent of recovered remnants,
pages of poetry and bus tickets.
Rationalising previous actions as having presently found their due significance,
like this is a therapy or medicine that was always required.

Reference to certain events,
our ability to dismiss their coincidence,
or to deny this and their interrelated significance.
An ultimatum to draw a line under certain events.
A plea for productiveness.
Pictures representing a sense of progress towards a state yet unknown.

A running theme of carrying things,
in a bag we presume.
Repossession, defiance,
denial of sources, self-correcting,
an attempt at pitiful realism or real self-pity.

Like chicken curry is the magic secret recipe of some culinary alchemist
for urban traffic inventions.
A sense of listening in on discussion of futuristic designs for border crossing.
A picture painted of a map that defines itself in the ability of its borders to separate and divide.

R interprets P and D
don't trust either side

9. THIS WITNESS (8 minutes)

Would it hurry you up now?
Whatever speed you ride
Would it beg forgiveness?
Whatever now that we hide

Now you see more does it kill you?
So you see enough steal your pride?
Now the sea won’t fill the desert
So you see now why we hide?

Time will tell their grandkids
Some will tell you now their side
Time will tell you planned this
Some you see now why they hide

This witness saw nothing
This witness threw it on the fire
This witness changed his name now
This witness gone retired


The picture holds inside my head:
To move the audience instead,
Yeah, we remember circles,
Before ‘Sir Kill’ and you all changed the rules.
Said, “Fire’s not your friend no more,
Just set alarms and close all doors,”
Yeah, better to be inside,
Where the stars, the elements, and weather hide.

Tonight, too long, it can’t be wrong,
To gather round the flames in song,
With no reluctance for ‘Sir Kill,’
No shame in trade of names,
No petty fill you games,
No, not tu’pence for ‘Sir Kill.’

Too right, too wrong to try a song;
Sarah’s lips not instrumental,
Still she plucks them to the air.
The shadow dancers warm the chords;
Imperfect timing’s monumental,
Where she took them no-one cares.

The picture holds inside our heads:
Won’t move its audience to bed.
Still, pride of place and corner-stage,
The latest version all the rage.
Yeah, we know where the fire’s gone,
The guards of shame have their new game.
Sir Kill’s corrupt, just interrupts
And lives up to his name.


 “the lady doth protest too much”
- like livin’s not protest enough
free trade on the black market
they’re ridin’ our train”
- and de-ridin’ our brain
free trade on the black market
they’re takin’ our bus”
- and us makin’ no fuss
free trade on the black market
they’re stealing our work”
- drivin our women beserk
free trade on the black market
doublin’ the hunger bribes”
- for all of dublin’s younger tribes
free trade on the black market
education frees”
- hike spikes not fees
free trade on the black market
liberation libretto”
- for the stiletto in the ghetto
free trade on the black market
if the situation’s iffy”
- wit’s your stiffy by the liffey
free trade on the black market
but you know it’s never you”
- stick your pool cue in the stew
we’ll trade on the black market...


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