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Five Tortuous Hours without Aid, before Food, Water, or use of Toilet

How has The Media trained us to be so oblivious? 

How has the circumstance conspired - 

to need 'get him home'?: 

I was asked to play: a concerned passer-by: then, a Good Samaritan; and then, finally: an 'agent provocateur'; to a scene of unsuspecting onlookers:- who had Managed to ignore "the-plight-of-a-wheelchair-occupant--who's-wheel-had-broken", outside MacDonald's, while at 'The Square Shopping Centre', in Tallaght, yesterday evening......

Others could walk by. and ignore it; I could only enquire. Was he alone? Did he have any Assistance? Was there Anyone there -to help? Had Anyone made any Manageable attempt -to fix it, or to replace it, or- to get him home? And, I was told that everyone else was satisfied to ignore him', basing upon a prior Attitude & Behaviour, rather than 'prospective predicament & plight'; as 'The Cops' had left him in-the-lurch, for whatever justification, hence; but, that, contrarily, wariness was that-it-were 'becoming-a-worsening-issue' as each hour dragged-on, doing nothing, and-not-a-better-one; for: The State; for: The City; and, for The Establishment, as Commercial outlet...So- I had to do something about it!

"Man stuck in immobile wheelchair left eight hours without Taxi" -this wouldn't look good for a commercial establishment as can sell 'goods' to The Public, but cannot make Public Duty from Conscience in observation, except to wash-its-hands. But 'alls-well-that-ends-well, says you! I'm all right Jack! Somebody else will do it! Not in my back yard! Not if we're voting Fine Gael (whatever this means)! Bookies!...How could hour-by-hour negotiations, existing, prove plausibility of a relationship, not unswerving- but, as it were, justifying to constitute a 'lack-of-interference'...I dunno what 'The Clout' in The Powers That Be is...but Our Director is showing us 'Signs'!

The only thing, required, for: ostensibly, 'Nearly Everyone', to consider, 'to ignore him', was that: prior, there was an interaction with, 'The Cops'. If everyone were satisfied that Cops had interacted, then Anyone would consider the Force of Law behind 'their ignorance', it would seem...

Tallaght Taxis, normally, have two wheelchair accessible vehicles 'on-duty', of-an-evening. Neither were 'on-duty' that evening, however. 

No other wheelchair accessible Taxi Service 
was available meanwhile. 

(For pen-pushers -as the movies say: 'work-the-problem'!) Ambulance Services -over the phone- couldn't provide any secure response -that without a 'Patient-to-Treat'; but, 'only-a-Taxi-Service-to-require', so, they couldn't promise that they would ellicit & provide Any Response.

Yet, when, eventually: hope-did-come: so, also:- 'The Issue' found-its-remedy-in-Good-Conscience, and good-duty of 'The-Preventability-of-a-Treatable-Issue' which, was sure-and-certain, a worse concern, if 'Nobody Else' had helped him!

By-the-time The Ambulance came at 9 O'Clock: briefly, I had to turn agent provocateur, yet 'undeliberately', and 'unwillingly':- as, briefly, raised voices with state-paid-services-personnel -despite not willing it- ...ensuring, that, the-only-resolve-of-its-'politicisable-debate', meanwhile "who to-help"and "what-goal-to-achieve" was, that: The Ambulance Driver would tell me to 'BACK OFF' - as it was 'his Patient', and I didn't even know him(!)... Hence. Admitting. Responsibility! And, the ball, rolling: I could 'walk-away', knowing:- that 'its-issue-was-being-owned-at-last' (after five hours, waiting!).

I didn't look good, however! - I looked like 'something-the cat-dragged-in'...But, that wasn't the point! True-movie fail stuff!

How could 'five hours go by: without food, without water, or without toilet access:- or even Replacement Wheelchair? How could 'four hours go by: before 'Reception' would be 'informed' of a Customer Complaint? How could nearly Each Staff Member, one-after-another, rely upon 'his-attitude-with-the-cops' to wash-their-hands-of-it, rather than foresee-its-end...being, by-no-other-way:- than, by Customer Services, relating. And this, rather, than, by whether any issue of containment -securitywise- were it requiring, instead:- in-order-to-wash-their-hands of-its-predicament? For the boldly conscientious, that's not a question!

Public opinion can satisfy itself that 'if-Cops-have-dealt', then, there is no moral issue, besides, to contend; even 'blinding' themselves -as to the Escalatable Issue, as would -as the hours crept on- be certain!

Problem being: not as each hour is contemplated, but, if The Next Day had any 'remedy', besides, so 'each hour' would not exonerate itself, and wouldn't justify itself, so as to -ENDLESSLY- relate his attitude (The Wheelchair Occupant) instead of 'its resolve'. As the hours crept-on it got worse not better, you see.

An  'immobile' person, unable to make any-movement-at-all, stuck-on-the-one-spot; then, told he cannot go home but-he-would-be-placed-in-a-State-Service-Vehicle (toward-A/E-heading) - its a 'horror' to encounter! Of immeasurable proportion! As Immobility is one 'problem', but manhandling-against-his-will, another, worsening his plight:- not remedying it, as could be feared imagined & perceived, as a threatening stance, even if not intended or caused.

I would not have had approached MacDonald's for compassionate-care -and-a-cup-of-coffee' to request! Does this describe 'The-Ireland-That-We-Were-Brought-Up-In'?

If it had been a 'Pub' - and I were its 'Manager' - I would have had even paid the Taxi as 'first response'-not-last - foreseeing 'its issue' not getting better but worse as the evening dragged-on.......

How has the media trained us to be so oblivious? How has the circumstance conspired - to 'get him home'? 

Work a day in a Pub or a Restaurant, and you might know that such an 'issue' will not resolve unless "somebody" is appointed to stay with the issue until its resolved - and, that, is the only way that it will be ENSURED: it doesn't become a 'point of risk' at-which-prior-opportunity, there had been recourse to prevent. It was looking stupid, just like while at 'Occupy'.

The wider significant-state-of-affairs -where State, Commerce and The Public are concernable - and, their interactions, resolving- across a controversial glory ---rather than the-most-optimum-resolve-possible, besides:- is reflective of the situation with 'Occupy', regardless of the status of prejudice and its handling, but, that if you only think of Avatar, the motion picture, besides:- then the-guy-in-the-wheelchair is 'a position of consideration'; for which, representable are -the goings on- of the Commercial Internet, considerable, besides, with an insight to be gained. Show us a sign, Lord: eggs counting...!!!

That we would not feel, intuitively-confident in approaching a Commercial Establishment for a-cup-of-coffee---for-a-Stranded-Wheelchair-Occupant! But, only, the next thing ---considering it upon reflection: - it's a whole 'state-of-affairs' -as ought be remedied. Taxi-Men were, largely, in agreement.

I remember from years ago -when I was a child- and, I got lost in Donamede Shopping Centre -when I was four: I was bought a packet of Rolos by the Security personnel. I don't remember being 'lost' in a Shopping Centre, hence:- but, instead: I remember: 'being-given-a-packet-of-Rolos'.

It made my day! I wasn't lost any more! - I had been given a free packet of sweets! Something in me ought to have had reflected that such picture I have of Ireland, in which I grew up, what-was-done-to-remedy-this-such-plight, besides. All's well that ends well. It seems, for now. In my deepest conscience, I reflect: I did, what I did, in the interests of: 'when strangers give you sweets'. I'm sure, 'Mrs Bruton' did the same. I did it for the free Rolos. Conscience is clear. Horses & Christ might pass next time, 'Humpty'! Is that my real Conscience Doctor's couch -if Copyright is watching: -'wipeouts & sofas'? Bitch! Sorry, not your Guard. I hope she has some protection. I'm always associated with her, but never quite implicated for being so close that I could...nevermind...

Remembering, for any duty, in Customer Service, considering 
Organised Behaviours of Managed Systems, and their governing rules pertaining (or, indeed, also, for Conscience Matters, besides), that: 

what isn't our particular visible duty upon-the-hour, 'incumbent', there-&-then:- nevertheless, for any Failure to Act, preventatively -after-the-fact- it becomes our 'Incorporated Responsibility', to report

And, that, we are Responsible, as Moral Agents, to be Of Good Report. Not alone in-the-present, but also later, but: so predicated upon our foresight OR lack thereof----otherwise, than in our Apprehension of the 'Status' & 'Type' of its 'Issue', at-the-time; besides-than-merely-visibly, as we might perceive it, there & then. 

In Reasonable Prevention, with Managed Systems, there is allayable -with every intuitive-insight, as to its 'Prolonged-Risk', becoming- our Responsibility, avoidable, as Human Agents, at all times: later, in-the-eyes-of-others: So, not foregoing, particularly at the time, nor ever, besides, 'at-the-present':---we might act and with Fullest Due Conscience!


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