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"Er, Can We Get Another Dead Warrior In Here, Please?"

"Your consciousness hallucinates your reality." "We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult." [Twitter Zen Marketing:] Imagination is sense diffuse from its central configuration: the lesson of perspective in stereoscopy. A world of Tech doesn't need a salespitch, but that the salespitch makes The World of Tech defunct. Obsolete. Unobtainable. Reality doesn't require marketing. It either is already interesting enough -or you're thinking about the wrong thing . It seems, if you make porn -and own real estate- you can suffer such delusion that God ever shook the earth without even washing his hands. Conversely, if they made the right Tech they wouldn't be ashamed of their consciousness. YouTube isn't realism, but daring realism a contempt . Dangling fish about 'reality being difficult' would be simple -if already with a view over lawnmower-man territory. It used to be the case that if you misbehaved -on the calendar...

New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by JONESYNMS......It messes with you...

[Part I] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part I)'  by 'Jonesy-NMS', on  YouTube  and  Facebook . “Nice ambient, and emotional sound...and rhythmic feel. Creates flowing sonic-images."  [ ReverbNation Listener] "It messes with you as you watch and listen. Hypnotic."  [Eva Wojcik] New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS. Written by 'JonesyNMS' for 'FirstComeFirstServe',  Web Design.  Copyright Noel Jones (C) 2017 Enscam Corp. New Release House Mix:  Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by Jonesy-NMS Now out on Jonesy YoutTube VIDEO Playlist : New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS, in four parts.  An introduction to Psychedelic Art. Quite a leap from the first step, a veritable roller coaster, quite quirky journey indeed.  [Part II] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part II)'  by 'J...

JonesyNMS - "Dream" Video

Chillout: Relaxing Instrumental Electronic Ambient Mood Music  Video Promo for 'Dream' from JonesyNMS, Newcomer Artist from Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland; taken from Demo Album, entitled: 'Engines & Leaves', from JonesyNMS; JonesyNMS is Male, 39, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/ experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght. Published by FirstComeFirstServe, Indie Label for Web Design and Publishing Company, Enscam; Copyright owned by Enscam Corporation 2017. This is so exciting!!!! Video Promo of Aerial Drone Videography with 'Dublin City, by Night', by John Rooney; for Musical Soundtrack accompaniment, of its Third Release Variation, 'Dream', by JonesyNMS; Filming and Post-Production by John Rooney, Cinematographer. Copyright John Rooney 2017. Announcing the Second Credit on the JonesyNMS Portfolio for Teamwork and Collaboration, (after Ross Boxhall, photography) -to go for the wo...

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist RELAXATION TAPES: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Jonesy's Playlists Click here: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Youtube Player Click here:  'Basic Impact Finale' / 'Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)' / 'Charadesque' / 'Toy Song' / 'Basic Impact' / 'KC REMIX 2' / 'Pushing Envelopes'; Copyright 2016 Reason Essentials, Windows 10; Male, 37, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.  1. (FCFS) Logo 1 2. Dream 3. Save 6 4. Whistle and Hum 5. Hyming Slews Variations 6. Club Whistle Variations 7. Hum V 8. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part I] 9. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part II] 10. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part III] 11. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part IV] 12. Club Whistle Variations II 13. Cover Title Sketches 14. Pushing Env...