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"Er, Can We Get Another Dead Warrior In Here, Please?"

"Your consciousness hallucinates your reality."
"We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult."
[Twitter Zen Marketing:]

Imagination is sense diffuse from its central configuration: the lesson of perspective in stereoscopy. A world of Tech doesn't need a salespitch, but that the salespitch makes The World of Tech defunct. Obsolete. Unobtainable. Reality doesn't require marketing. It either is already interesting enough -or you're thinking about the wrong thing. It seems, if you make porn -and own real estate- you can suffer such delusion that God ever shook the earth without even washing his hands. Conversely, if they made the right Tech they wouldn't be ashamed of their consciousness. YouTube isn't realism, but daring realism a contempt. Dangling fish about 'reality being difficult' would be simple -if already with a view over lawnmower-man territory.

It used to be the case that if you misbehaved -on the calendar- then you got your own back. Now its just a mess of misbehavior blocked out: end to end botch-jobbed, batch files. So people have lost interest in the calendar. Hallmark has a natural backlash, of 'we-could-care-who's-birthday-it-is-from-day-to-day'. It used to be an efficiency of enhanced Tech. Then it became a drawback. Now its a distraction as to what had invaded. The corner pop-up is a prize. Whoever can ask for it can order the most luxurious Tech and Virtual real-estate. But they're not sharing it. They're infesting it into our territorial dominion. The future robot with glaucoma is their blindspot: disabled unless paid for. Because reality is too difficult. Because they can't remain relevant, but, yet, as clutter, keep popping-up.

Then the San Fran trippers won't look like Dolores murderers are in their shadow. Revealing each, at once, was the game at Xmas: tax bill. Now they're bad-mouthing prime, as if this helps distance them:- it doesn't. Breakfast cereals do not wash their hands in these coffee-sales projections. If psychosis was what Brazil sold: you're the nut-job. This tells us that the difference between fantasy and reality is their paycheck. To others, its when we wake up. They don't ask for TV to frame itself in Windows Media playback but to daydream a Persian rug. and then they ask what if we get a Brazilian, before accounting for the Herodite dickpick census survey of the species.

Ready for a March cull of the weak in Mental Health: its already making steps. "If your consciousness troubles you..." -could be tomorrow's billboard. "Curb your fantasy..." -could be the limit of their morality. Playing with key-word reality -and adding the message:- You hallucinate; We survive. They're not the San Fran trippers shadow. They're its shining path. Covering for who's bad-mouthing prime. If they cause their keyword markers, nobody'll ask who's shadowing prime and president and pope. 2+2 ...Google plus Minecraft: and, then, the lawnmower can be made. The culled virtual city they don't want us to visit -as they got it wrong, when they built it, for themselves, in privately convened anti-competitive monopolistic elitism.

It screams intrusion equivalent to the invasion of the keyboard. Reality, consciousness, fantasy, survival. But it has no Earthly enemy. So why aren't the buttons performing? You need a VDU to make a computer worthwhile. You need a keyboard to make the VDU interchange with consciousness. "We hallucinate our reality". The VDU displays the computer's output. "Reality is too difficult. We need fantasy to survive." A keyboard not under attack would be too easy. Despite malicious viruses, survive. Its like its confessing. To keyboard invasion. Delete. Play. Screenshot. We have the faith to lock you up. You hallucinate. We fantasize. Only as useful to those abusing Tech: your content dictates your medium. we have the faith to lock you up. And, yet while this is your message, its also what you're putting across.

"Telly is innocent. Gimme your money." That's also concurrent in its message..."We didn't fail to bury Martin". "We didn't poison the general". "There is't a zombie on the loose. Give us your money"...Doesn't sound innocent at all. "We're not benefiting on the stock market from this at all,  one bit, but, er, can we get another dead warrior in here, please?"


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