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JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist RELAXATION TAPES: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Jonesy's Playlists Click here: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Youtube Player Click here:  'Basic Impact Finale' / 'Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)' / 'Charadesque' / 'Toy Song' / 'Basic Impact' / 'KC REMIX 2' / 'Pushing Envelopes'; Copyright 2016 Reason Essentials, Windows 10; Male, 37, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.  1. (FCFS) Logo 1 2. Dream 3. Save 6 4. Whistle and Hum 5. Hyming Slews Variations 6. Club Whistle Variations 7. Hum V 8. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part I] 9. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part II] 10. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part III] 11. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part IV] 12. Club Whistle Variations II 13. Cover Title Sketches 14. Pushing Env...

JonesyNMS: 'Kevin Chords' Promo, 'Jukebox' Playlist & 'Diffusion' Magazine ALL FREE!!!

For customers of music from JonesyNMS, the Playlist in the ' Jukebox ' is where the money is;  Link  here  to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Jonesy's Website; Link  here  to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Soundcloud; for fans of Jonesy, see also: his revolutionary magazine, ' Diffusion ', with daily updates!  Copyright 2016 JonesyNMS -  Jonesy   is male, 38, lives in Dublin, Ireland - making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

The Census Reminds me I used to be a Brain Surgeon!

"As a result of the Census Survey, I remind myself of a vocation, upon the news:- that I used to be a brain surgeon!" As a direct consequence, and result of the Census-Survey, I remind myself I used to be a Brain Surgeon -but, for one day only at Beaumont Hospital. This is news to my network properties knowledge, but not scary to the prospect of propensity to consume Googlemetry from whatever local sources avail...'Camp X-ray' could be spying on me?... Should I invite category and form, ---or, an audience? Where's that wisdom-tooth gone? Someone's trying to tell the genius-in-me -that there's money in promoting -the mediocrity to salesmanship- and telling 'JONESY'S WRITING A BOOK.'! 'Rothschilds' would like to hear that...Not that its about anything...a looker in the pink dollar got a revolutionary loyal following...not that its autobiographical in any way...It's not the shit! I've not to learn this, directly....

The Budget: counting 'two budgets' stacking up, so, 'the third' is 'agreeable'.

"It says a lot about values and principles when a political party can agree to the next three budgets without the foggiest idea what will be in them....allegedly" - Finbar Markey [Political Activist] Something is something '-like', e.g. x-like [like the price of eggs - horror, like]; something is something '-esque', e.g. x-esque [like, in 'excessive force', the movie was Stephen King-esque, but dunno who the director of its budget was; there wasn't even an egg in the props list]; and something is something para-something. I dunno maybe even para- something or pseudo- something, and so that's why they're afraid...."A Para-superannuation-esque amount of x the GNP figures, minister, any comment?" It would be the phrase they're all trying to bury from their own scripts. Or, don't say, 'y', instead? Because it might not be a fact doesn't mean it might not be true. Incriminates French farmers, though, or someth...

What is equality, light can't tell...?

To 'button-up' or 'unbutton' -equals or unequals?  Top-button, reaching your seat, belt-flap swinging as you walk, zipping-up, returning from toilet: Good move. However, start doing this in reverse, from your seat, as you get up to go to the toilet, unzipping: Bad move. Why is this? What is equality, light can't tell...? Is it something to do with expectation and consequence besides than the light of day and prime facie first impressions; something about the difference between walking from any of three doors into one room, and from one door into any of three rooms, and while consequence and expectation, besides than the cold light of day, tells why its different? Yet a video camera couldn't tell the difference in reverse playback, how come gay marriage equality might not be such a simple case of don't bounty niggas and homos for porn stats, but instead move along to brown babies and front marriage some law? Is it really as simple as telling yourself tha...