Of Those Who Recognize The Mind, in The Same Way in which...Then The Next Moment: Your Faith...
[Ghostwritten Spoof; with Political Connotations, by Jonesy-NMS]
Roll around laughing, until you step on something on the floor and stub your toe, stifling your step, and cursing your own untidiness...
[Spoof!] 'SUZY EDDIE IZZARD - JAMES BOND' (by Thorn2200, YouTuber, 23.8k Subscribers) [Video: YouTube; Audio: YouTube]
I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.(1) "These are the times that try men's souls," Paine began. "The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."(2) Some people, when they hear an echo, think they originated the sound.(3) Art is everywhere, and everywhere is art.(4)
Just because you fall in love with someone doesn't mean that your families are going to fall in love with each other.(5) Man is something that shall be overcome...Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss...What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.(6) So one begins to wonder what is going to happen to the human race. Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power, either for good or for destruction.(7) In my teens, I joined the Parachute Regiment. I jumped out of lots of airplanes, as much as the Government budget would allow us to. I did two active tours of duty; Northern Ireland, and then the Falklands war.(8)
The meaning of life, Nikodemus, is to live life with meaning. The purpose of life is merely to live it, perhaps to give it.(9) The moment you stop learning you're dying.(10) You just sit there and tolerate it, the same way everything in this country is tolerated. Every deception, every lie, every bullet in the brains. Just as you are already tolerating bullets in the brains that will be implemented only after the bullet is put in your brains.(11) Love is just a tool to remind us who we are and that we are not alone when we're walking in the dark.(12)
[Spoof!] 'Night of Unrest' (by NMS) [Video: Facebook; Audio: Soundcloud]
Life is hard. And it isn't fair. And it really hurts like hell sometimes. But if you focus on what is within your power to change for the better, you can and you will.(13) Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for.(14) Act the part and you will become the part.(15) A man's religion consists, not of the many things he is in doubt of and tries to believe, but of the few he is assured of and has no need of effort for believing.(16) The older I get the more I would rather sit alone, in silence, than with people who judge the way I live.(17)
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.(18) Impressionism means taking inspiration directly from nature, trusting your senses rather than what you think you know.(19) If in 100 years I am only known as the man who invented Sherlock Holmes then I will have considered my life a failure.(20) Ele e um homem sabio que nao se entristece pelas coisas que nao tem, mas se alegra com as que tem.(21) Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.(22)
The way to happiness; Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.(23) What is family? They were the people who claimed you. In good, in bad, in parts or in whole, they were the ones who showed up, who stayed there, regardless.(24) Successful people make decisions quickly (as soon as all the facts are available) and change them very slowly (if ever). Unsuccessful people make decisions very slowly, and change them often and quickly.(25)
Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.(26) Once you arrive (at a spontaneous awareness of the Great Oneness), remember: it isn't necessary to struggle to maintain unity with it. All you have to do is participate in it.(27) People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.(28) "America is a peaceful nation" America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no deserve to dominate, no ambitions of empire.
[Spoof!] 'DUSK CONQUEST' (by NMS) [Video: Facebook; Audio: N1M]
Our aim is a democrative peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman.(29) Most characters are composed of snippets here and there of people I've known, and all rolled into the character I've created. They do become like their own people.(30) A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within...for the traitor appears not to be a traitor...he rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.(31) History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient.
Whatever the shortcomings, mankind has not devised anything superior.(32) When someone says its not about the money, its about the money.(33) Everything - our houses, our clothes our hairstyles - is meant to help us forget ourselves and to protect us from vanity, greed and envy, which are just forms of selfishness. If we have little, and want for little, and we are all equal, we envy no one.(34) Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.(35)
In thousands of years there has been no advance in public morals, in philosophy, in religion or in politics, but the advance in business has been the greatest miracle the world has ever known.(36) Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a complete new dimension of experience and perception.(37) Whatever pretext we may give for our affections, often it is only interest and vanity which cause them.(38) Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.(39)
I'll be dreaming of you tonight.(40) Until tomorrow and for all of my life! This violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die. Like fire and powder. Which as they kiss consume.(41) Rule your mind or it will rule you.(42) Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and START AGAIN.(43)
I'm a private contractor now. I choose my clients, not the other way around.(44) Controlling the world's sources of news, All-Judean (Jews) can always prepare the minds of the people for its next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and the way in which the mind of whole nations is molded for a purpose. When the powerful Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed, then comes the ready cry of persecution and it echoes through the world press.
The real causes of the persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of the Jews) are never given publicity.(45) It's not you, it's your grammar.(46) If you're still looking for that one person who can change your life, take a look in the mirror.(47) Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about.(48) [[Text copied from rom four Search Terms' concatenated output, on Google) (a) "the mind as in the", (b) "of 1 2 3 who recognize", (c) "the same way in which the", & (d) "and then next moment your faith" ---Each taken from This Blog's statistical reference 'Key Words List in The Company's End of Month Reports. SEO Characteristics complaint reports sure don't change their slant these days!]
[Spoof!] 'TOP GUN HEALY RAE' (by NMS)[Video: Twitter; Audio: YouTube]
The above 15 paragraphs were copy-pasted, without prejudice to original text as found, and without favor to exclude, in the order found, on Google, without the help of any chatbot, made to sound clever -especially for the task- and THERE ALL ALONG, before us -in plain view- yet, in denial; not lacking in any hypothesis -but faith. The origin of the snippets (in inverted commas) is from the Blogger Stats of this website, as reference texts, which found their way to this platform, accounting for a hundred or so hits on this site. End-users having had typed the four search terms' words into their search engine and found their way here:- now, at least, they have a reason to!
Waiting on the 'shock' treatment of AI Sales & Marketing to tell us of the fraud which we already knew, cost 10's of millions of lives, needlessly. You'd imagine someone might just have had invented 'Faith for Microsoft', or something, instead, and so avoided ALL THE NEEDLESS KILLING. If it were so named and conceived of, one might not deceive, so easily, with it, onwards, either - but that we might sooner better know. But, then, we're not ALL DEAD FOR NO REASON, yet; and they're still dying; so you have to keep killing them, for a LIE. A pretense. I'm pretending chat is clever. Its not a clever thing its done, however.
Year 8 of the "your-'eye'-is-not-your-'identity'-regime", since 2015: 10's of millions of uncountable dead -for a false ideology, which nobody asked, as which true ideology was NEVER NOT THERE, nor needing instead of itself, for itself: COMPUTERISM. Hear that Market Ideologists? The '-ism' is already here, stupid! '1800's thinking' is expired and nullified by its fact, already made, and in the legacy of its invention manifest. The qualm urging not to bring false ideologies while marketing is not replaced by bringing, instead, two false ideologies. Or, three!
Listen to yourself arguing socialism & capitalism. Ought the VDU be public? Ought the CPU be private? Politics & Banking, you sound so stupid! 'But, isn't it such suspense, Mr Marx -what a computer might look like?' Just stop: "putting-things-there", asking, "Come here, Watson, I need you" -to your imaginary secretary, already automated, in the services of the harddrive, 'come put this here', please. Come-put-here. Com-put-er. Computer.
Instead, have everyone streaming their machines, in the era, and not counting upon them, when The Taxman calls -and so, then, dodge the bullet -at the time of asking. It was only supposed to count during eclipses, anomalous lapses, & periods of unspecified remiss, then, was it? Sure about that, Market Advertising? What was the controversy 'dying for' in the era? Patent Scooters got something to hide? 8.4 million A4 sheets couldn't hide your Health & Safety incompetence. The major rank you skipped while building The Millennium Bridge-Wobble -must have included a Barman's role, as well as Musician's,---as you can't seem to stop pissing the profession's standards off with yer ransoms, besides than the well-publicized lack of Harmony -the untold damage on the streets, ransoming broken bottles, and the power to cut a child - as which escalated in the Dublin Riot of Dirty November.
Now since GovID thinks its hiding FakeID, ID Fraud, publication sphere fraud, and book theft (including the original intent of this one), the damned machines flushing their stats for money, stealing smaller businesses, charities, volunteerships, and self-hired labours, ---don't even count? So why did we build them again? To ask is my 'identity' better beheld in my 'eye', or in my 'tooth'? This is incidental, needless, and wasteful distraction. Ah, but you're only having fun! Its more fun to get it right, dutifully - the requirements God set out in his cosmic revelations, scriptures & messages:-"the science bit" is wanting. Logic isn't alien to literal sense. Nor to rationalist perceived wisdom in daring. You can't run a herd with spookings of false outdated outmoded principles but to accede to fallacies as rule.
Was that the order intuited its imperative so mistaken as in its stead, God's command, 'Build me a streaming device...so I can hallucinate...asleep at the wheel...killing millions...with impunity.'? Or, was it, "Build me a counting machine"? And, with the same calculable fervor, toward intricacy of design of its principle- as an advocacy of the swamp would invoice if with similar solemnity in its order, commanding, since Prehistoric Times: "Build me a species, which: they cannot tell for the rotations of their world, nor the heavens, relative to their standpoint, but that they must calculate some reason for this Enlightenment! What a waste of 500 years! Yet, subject to an Imposter, late in Phase 2 (2014-2022 AD), "The Holy Spirit" is "the Mental Health"? You for real? You've really dunnit now, Nametests! Now you flush even your numbers, because the money sucked the stats dry? And count your machines -for security, yourself? Folly bodes in each its failure of its inapprovability, as false-networking-building-method, using fear & favor, as imperative, not reflecting Universal Design.
It makes me angry, that transformation is required to get from 'Google typable' to 'Google automatable, its typing'. We ought be glad, not burdened by its streamlining. Nobody notices for all their hype with AI's name, that word documents type immediately, when opened? Where's our hype? Album-art faking can't be all that's on the farmer's mind? What about the Librarian?
Maybe if you copy-paste enough quotes, nobody'll notice, you also stole ALL the autonomously independently inspired original text books of literature, from the era. "Interview transcripts" are books? Yet, what is authority? Then, ransoming Telecom Treason as your supposable climbdown from your rampaging litany of thieving financial & stock & currency-market Abuse.
Who's authority were you looking-up anyway? Well, we're both caught, then, aren't we, Google! Daily Mail gets that deep under YOUR skin, who'd have thought? Adolf Hitler & Taylor Swift quotes nestle hiding easily amongst Mark Twain, R.W. Emerson, & Arthur Conan Doyle! You don't wanna know what I had for breakfast, while typing this, and 'the ransom' playing over in my head:- Henry Ford could be mistakable for the bridge of command bombing The State of Israel. As if!
[Spoof!] 'TOP GUN HEALY RAE II' (by NMS) [Video: YouTube; Audio: Twitter]
[References of the many direct quotes herein (also numbered above):]
[(1) Mark Twain]; [(2) David Hackett Fischer]; [(3) Ernest Hemingway]; [(4) Brandon Boyd]; [(5) Laz Alonso]; [(6) Friedrich Nietzsche]; [(7) David Bohm]; [(8) Mark Burnett]; [(9) David Bohm]; [(10) Robert T. Kiyosaki]; [(11) Imre Kertész]; [(12) Chaitanya Singh]; [(13)Zero Dean]; [(14) Taylor Swift]; [(15) William James]; [(16) Thomas Carlyle]; [(17) Unknown]; [(18) Ralph Waldo Emerson]; [(19) Michael McClure]; [(20) Arthur Conan Doyle]; [(23) Norman Vincent Peale];[(21) Epictetus]; [(22) Adolf Hitler]; Quoting Hitler! As if! [(24) Sarah Dessen]; [(25) Napoleon Hill]; [(26) Fulton J. Sheen]; [(27) Laozi]; [(28) Benjamin Franklin]; [(29) George W. Bush]; [(30) Nicholas Sparks]; [(31) Marcus Tullius Cicero]; [(32)Vladimir Putin]; [(33)H.L. Menchen]; [(34)Veronica Roth]; [(35)Alfred North Whitehead]; [(36)E. W. Howe]; [(37) Jaqqi Vasudeu] [(38) Francios de La Rochefouchauld]; [(39) Samuel Johnson]; [(40) askideas.com]; [(41)Chloe Gong]; [(42) Horace]; [(43)Unknown]; [(44) Becca Fitzpatrick]; [(45)Henry Ford]; [(46) someecards.com]; [(47) Roman Price]; [(48) Gilbert K. Chesterton]
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What surfaces to fall in my lap within 30 days since I examine my SEO key reference terms in search results for this blog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRwFgZSiDUc