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Gulag Servitude: Calm Before the Storm!

When Networks married State- they acquired a 'dowry' of an overrated TV soap drama, in the pre-nuptials: 'The People'. A parodied caseload parameter of "Storm-Trooping-Prosecutors", "Soyalent-Green-Defendents", & "The-Planet-of-The-Apes-Judges", already framed, 1970's, unfurls. Like...As if...Only a Yankee Doodle President would think it a good day -if Humankind swapped their name for 'the-wrong-end-of-the-stick', and carried on ruling!

The "Stooge Dummy Quangos" set-up to cater for the "Proper Official Quangos" downfall, are worse, outdoing their problem, by spades. Fraud, in circumstance of their downfall, then becomes a pre-emptive frame, of "blame-the-other-side, just-in-case-we're-wrong". A God-Deluded Despot is required -to abuse decoys & proxies of a database, so often, and yet expect to store & retreive, upon demand.

Caffeine is worse than anything loaded onto it - as a software of The Human Condition, to blame. When everything is such prejudice, fresh air, even, can seem a drug. The stuff of 'I Can't Breathe', that relates, universally. Those who govern a 'laptop' instead of their 'conscience', are begging both items mistreatment, to be abated. If all the world needs -is long-legged-candy, then Music has met Automotive, but has yet to consider 'King of The Road' a flaw, not a boon. The Customer is King.

The Facebook Video case of the guy in the swimming pool who is removed, twice, at gunpoint- has a lot, generally, to show us, in its remedies begging. Feels like a 'viewing season' rather than a 'regime' of television -oversees this such soap: one long closing-down sale -for its props dept, or something. Some of those props include 'us';- goldstock capital, & all our health planning agendas, besides.

Before the present configuration there was a previous problem, presenting: it endlessly seems to double jeopardy, each cycle, its issue. Like, before there was 'abortion' laying claim to The Nation's wombs, as marketing ground, they were already under 'house arrest', ostensibly. As Market cycles progress, the flaw double jeopardies itself -of 'what presently complains'. Rather than: our innocence propounds upon a belief of a convincing argument, due another's hearing; conversely: the other side's mistake compounds a jeopardy, which, previously, already, unearthed, might not double, to its own witnessing, overlooked. The political front of self-oppositional particular causes -characterises "knowing vindictive spite", in its legal chicanery, otherwise.

Coercive Telecom Sales & Marketing -outsourced -through State office- entraps, treasonously, social security of State. Some service of State would exist -besides than telephone sales -but, you can hardly tell, to spot them:- everyone wants to sell you a mobile phone! In this 'telecom treason', everyone must purchase more phones than they obviously need. In "candy-from-baby" markets, baby's business is booming, and the proverbial emoji "smile-on-the-child's-drawing-of-the-sun's face", is everyone's supposed mood: snap-happy! 

Justice watches on by, and, while the pendulum swings, the balance is tipped. Precarious is the predicament of The State -of miscaring for negligence, a blind-eye, turned:- to abandonment & abuse. This is not credit & confidence! This is not Godly Glory!

Male, b.1978, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.


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