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Piss-Take Protectionism's News Media Fake Photography Competitions

(Reaction to Piss-Take Photography Competition, trickling down to Facebook wall, appearing in 'Mandatory Magazine' [link below])  

"Internet, can I get a Soft-Copy of a Lexicon, a Router-Side navigation map - and - while you're at it - I have some smudges on my holiday snaps - shit - Internet you are clever - just hand over the Top Ten List of Characteristics of Fakability and stop patronizing us with Corporate Win-Wins" -Dear Mandatory, your fake story's fake-Consortium-Boardroom-discussion is invoiceable, hypothetically, thusly:-

PR is the worst at PR's own job - it works for money, you see...Whereas working besides than -for money'- is working against its own tide, hence it needs to pull 'this crap'...Instead of releasing a parachute-like Top-Ten-list of 'Characteristics of Highly Fakable Video-Evidence' and concerning itself with treatment of evidence in inadmissibility, in legal cases ...causing 'Fraudulent Deviance', and such problems, of injustice, in law cases, elsewhere...elsewhere, than at its Media Frontline's Partyline, concerning the status of photographic imagery (which won't budge from a 'must-cause-profit-and-hate-salespitch', rather than 'must-be-ethical' one instead...And, what with privacy beyond-the-wizards-curtain peeked-at by warrant-less spying - 'Ten Reasons why Video Evidence is Mistrusted' wouldn't behoove itself to deflate its own cosy extortion racket's pixelated-frame video-evidence pricing-schedule...

Instead, its trying to sell tourism and terrorism as a win-win - so as to plug its own hole, believing its own propaganda, and being too mutually self-unappreciative of its own dilemmas effects on the consciousness of The Public At Large...-to do anything, competently, about its problem: - (Imagine the Boardroom of the Central Marketing Investors:) 'The "Fakable" makes the "Charitable" look like "Complicity for "Duplicity"' - "and yet the "Shadow" references the "Theme"... 'Its too bespoke for This Season' - Or, don't they know their own game?

Some Corporate Central High-End Marketing God-Delusion places 'Help' at the far end of their tool bar, while designing IBM's business ethic before Microsoft, overlooking that solutions are brought ahead of their problems, at the turn of Y2K, and there is nothing more, semantically, a computer can do, but allow winging, moaning, and pretending its human-like whining leakages of transparency policies -or tin foil hats- are sufficient evidence of witchcraft, instead of pursuing proper design channels and hence proper law...Ending-up looking like Salem Witch Trials is a precursor to Planet-of-the-Apes...type...ape-shit...But, someone has the good sense to say - but what about Madeleine McCann - we could still get something out of the visual theme -is there a last straw?

Maybe Big Tech Security Camera contracts on beaches from now on, for now, and then make our way further inland until satellites are watching everyone- but, with General Agreement from The Public after some neat tweaking of their sensibilities - with gossip and idle hearsay. And, this, besides than appreciate that the problem is already fixed, and we just have to find out why we fixed it, or some post-Matrix boardroom-psychobabble-claptrap, besides...which pleases The Board or The Investors - but not The Public - as they can't be pleased by That Which Can't Do Anything Right, in its eyes, but that it is the complainer of its own problem - the problem of its own complaint, being, and so to announce itself is to admit its weakness, and downfall...

It is That Which is Sworn to Protect Us, and yet also that which, upon intervention, is our abuse...and so it needs to marry each such theme - being The Terrorist, The Abuser, the Holiday-Snap-Industry-Press, with long angle lens...Juxtaposing its opposite, with the tide (just bought, last six months, now with its 'post-six monthly run-around' with tide symbols), thinking it has an Imprisoned Mind only to lecture to, this month...Like last month, it hadn't Windows 10 to hide behind, in the face of the onslaught in its calendar of endless anniversaries of Septembers, leaning monthly-post for Whomever The Corporation deems worthy of its random letters in their Welfare citizenship to look forward to next month, instead...instead, of looking for monthly Corporate shame, looking but instead for their own, being "anything but Windows" in the frame - this is 'anything but Windows in the frame' - as tame - whereas, elsewhere, it'll be ravaging like a monster...'Just-hand-over-the-top-ten-characteristics-of-fakable images-and-get-to-the-fucking-point...'


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