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Showing posts from March, 2012

BBC news: “Protesters were refused permission to appeal”

Anyone can take down any structure...if they just close off a radius of two streets all around it. What is Justice allowed to do that it wouldn't be able to do, only that it also closes off the streets for certain events from time to time? Closing off streets for demolition lately? And, how ought access be treated? Closing them off for conventional evictions? Why ought their Magic Powers to bring the street off to a far distant planet -and then back again- seem like Earthly Justice? We are a species free to roam. We don't like things as require being done behind closed doors, so much as we require that we ought  like such things, to so be done. Sometimes. Secretively. A bit of tact. A bit of discretion. But a cloak-and-dagger dawn-raid to oust peace-niks has be viewed differently than already it has been shown to us, yet, thus far. 'Justice is allowed to demolish and evict.' How is it going to do it? “You're allowed to reclaim the hanging apple”, the grim reape...

Revolutionary Perceptions

Scientific innovation could hurtle humankind into the future at quite a pace, but conservativism encourages keeping within the pale any such hurry as everyday business could not be run: - were there not the deception involving, of a truth lacking, which allows command a price - for what is marketable in any one generation, as becomes a defunct mechanism upon passing. Thus encouraging a revolutionary cynicism for any stagnation, asking "why not everything now sooner"! 'Would you ever stop wishing to change things: I get nothing done', says the businessman who wishes that one of these generations people would stop changing everything so as he might allow some notion of success be allowed; and goalposts wouldn't move within the scope and frame of their having been set, to their having been reached...leading to a conservative cynicism for any change, asking 'for goodness sakes, why not just one of these generations, leave things as they are'! Tis not our s...

Who's Confused?

Do you prefer inner beauty, or outer beauty? But, yet, your gender is so obvious to me, I should rather pretend it more relevant to the case of who you are, sexually. How presumptuous of me to think that my convenience, sensibly to typify, ought derive more certain values -sexually to orient persuasion- than are most obviously, more likely, quite more complex in issue than anything as meets the eye! Its purely subjective upon contingent values (and not necessary ones), which are contemporary (and not ephemeral, or eternal), to our civilised modern mindset that we accept to typify or discriminate, at all, on a basis of gender AND persuasion. The divide of our times could just as easily as gay or straight, considering its necessary basis, be aesthetic AND persuasion e.g. do you like beautiful people OR do you like ugly people...and thence allowing the remark of type, "oh, then, you're beautisexual " - incorporating males or females of purportable beauty. While " u...

Silly Arrests

Regarding some silly arrests on Dame Street, recently, I had thought it was out of the ordinary. Read the roll call of arrests, overall, however, and you see some silly reasons, indeed. No wonder the real demand it creates for information shows us something of a reason for why it ought need be 'newly' demanding - it would never take place openly and accountably! But, right in front of your eyes, happening, you think you know something of what power we entrust to mere mortals to call justice: - and, then, next moment, your faith in all humanity is threatenable, as you loose sight of hope in state ever carrying that power further, if your own opinion might have anything to do with it... The first world war was never imagined to be the first, ever; but, only the first the human species experienced as recorded on television. War was never counted before then. And, the widescreen wars neither needing, now, numbers, but only 'moods' as their fashion might, amply dictate. ...

Semantics, Shemantics!

Is the press deciding more than consensus amongst us can find pallettable, and all with mere words? Is it “before” the festival or “on the days” of the festival ODS is wanted gone? Semantics, shemantics you might say - but still, it buys them ten days.  Now the press' mood is not 'we were on a break' but rather just something more like that 'we're over'. ODS has not lead them to believe this, surely? The Irish Times reports, Patrick's Day, 'the rise and fall' of ODS, as though it calls some end to something. But to answer to corporate and commercial will, newly manifesting willful destruction by force, and the further menacing force of on-site arrest, threatening freedom to assemble and freedom of self-expression, like never it has before in this bodes, more brightly, a beginning of something, called for, rather than any end. According to Wiki, ODS “was" a peaceful protest, while Occupy London [still] “is" a non-viol...