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Showing posts from February, 2012

A Word of Soulful Encouragement

Is all this latent tension of cheap sibling rivalry feeding   factionalism in activism  movements' undercurrents...through   the intransigence of lacking perceiveable actionable demand...the spoils of what happens when you have a whip- around for the mob, rather, than a nuclear war? And, this with the money paid -to shut the other course of action, up or down? God, himself, surely has had no opinion made felt to us. And, sure would any of it surprise anyone who  has been paying constant attention this last decade? Thank God above we can pay for the peace requiring of a   trillion dollar economy to keep a  lid on its protectionist   secrecy. But, that said, plugging an economy in, and getting it on-  line need no longer be regarded as any revelation worth   keeping secret. Rather, it ought be a  plan worth enacting   (as is, already, more than decades late, needless to stress)   as is not  understateable, in import...