Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jonesy-NMS - FCFS -'Save 6'

Video: Jonesy-NMS - FCFS -'Save 6'

Promotion Video Production made by Noel Jones for 'firstcomefirstserve' and Enscam Productions.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Jonesy-NMS - FCFS - Tree of Life (Alternate Soundtrack)


Video:                                 Jonesy-NMS - FCFS - Tree of Life (Alternate Soundtrack)

0:00 / 1:50 Status overview: There are some visibility restrictions on your video. However, your channel isn't affected. Channel: Not affected. The Content ID claim on your video doesn't affect your channel. This is not a copyright strike. Visibility: Partially blocked

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Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. 

Original Music Written by 'JonesyNMS' for 'FirstComeFirstServe', Web Design. Copyright Noel Daniel Jones (C) 2010-2020 Enscam Corp. Others' credits within. Originally used as part of a competition entry, and so good faith assumed, accordingly.

Barring entry into 'Heaven' is de Medici as usual, barring entry of souls from purgatory lest alms be paid to the company, pandering to a a church that is mislead in a hell of its own choosing. Germany only, or also leaning on Greece? How can you tell what you have done, copyright, by barring me in one not the other also? Which mistake is yours, the lawful mistake or the monetarist agenda only noticing? I can sue you for barring me in the wrong territories. How do you know its Germany alone, not Greece included? Are you stupid? New York will seem confused. Bad Robot. You don't even care! Proof!

De Medici Does not have the power to ban from Germany. not without Greece. How does Italy even know? wait a minute----who made this territorial de Medici? But you've been dead 400 years? wait a minute...Jonesy is 25% available when he's at home. Where is the rest of him when he's not? Is this an official soul stealing, can I get this in writing, I need proof! So you think you know where stand? James Webb doesn't unless he looks...You sure you're looking where you're going. Germany associates Jonesy. Jealous copyright? Say Greece, new york and the de medicis forgive your mention of territory. How you getting down from here? Do you weven know which purgatory you're entrapping yourself? James Webb does. You sure this is lawful? Wait why did you step on Europe again? Sure it wasn't Europa? Dildo's who's election is this? But you're sure you're lawful. Can I get that in writing? You first...

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Brigid's Bank Holiday Buskers

Nollaig Mac Sheoin: Brigid's Bank Holiday Buskers:                                                                                How embarrassing! Copyright claims YouTube. And yet, you said nothing about Ann Summers...

Friday, February 9, 2024

Brigid's Bank Holiday Buskers


How embarrassing! Copyright claims YouTube. And yet, you said nothing about Ann Summers. Channel: Not affected; The Content ID claim on your video doesn't affect your channel. This is not a copyright strike. Visibility: Public; Everyone can see this video [Are you sure? If so, 'like', 'comment', & 'share'!]; Content identified in this video is listed below; Content used: Video uses this song's melody: Impact on the video: Content found during:

   'Allie Sherlock': 
Sailing                                               0:20 - 2:15
Human Nature                                 2:15? - 7:18? 
   'Sam Clifford':
Castle on the Hill                              7:18 - 10:00
Falling Slowly                                 10:47 - 14:05
Ich Bin Solo (Balladen Version)        1:20 - 3:06

Ann Summers in the background: No impact!
Does anyone know who the 'Violinist' is, though?

I think I ought sue on behalf of The Artists portrayed. More credit for Ann Summers in the background, and less for the players in the foreground!? That's proper law, no? Oh, and, any mention of that Michael Jackson wrote Human Nature - or are we still trying to figure out who made that other video, Human? More important, is it? Are we being cloned right now, but? You would tell us if we were? Like the striped zebras haven't gone colour, yet? Just checking. Striked zebras? Now Now. I think We got something mixed up, there....Cheers for the itemization, though. Helps me rewind the video with intention. Useful robot for the CEO.  Yet why was I so unintended before this robot could be built? There must be so much money forgets when it happened that the time stamp just seems automatable before it gets interesting, in the architecture pictured, also. If law's not that blind as to be listening only to itself, DCMA heads. Deem I see a building architect, automatedly, also, maybe? Google Earth didn't complain that I portrayed Grafton Street. And, who is Micheal Jackson, anyway? Between friends? Mark. Or did I interrupt anything? You're not busy watching the Grammy's instead, are you? Can you put that in writing? You didn't point out Ann Summers, in the background. That building has a lawful architect. It's not accredited. The lawful building has a lawful brand name, and, the lawful brand name has a lawful association. And yet, you didn't complain about the quotes, the credits, or the claims- of those? How embarrassing! Copyright claims YouTube. And, yet you said nothing about Ann Summers. No wonder Allie said I ruined her life. Liars! 

For robots recently joined the copyright mission, this is who Michael Jackson is (But who's the fucking violinist? Sorry pardon my French, Mark. What were you thinking?)

Now I gotta picture him in a tuxedo -to find Ryan Tubirdy's stage, where's the other fella,, Patrick Kielty wouldn't imagine this, shit...? Not for the Late Late Toy stage next year, no?

Michael Jackson    Human Nature (Audio)
21M views        3 years ago 
Chorus:                  If they say why (why?), why (why?) Tell them that it's human nature                                                         Why (why?), why (why?), does he do me that way?

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Irish Times Can't Think of a Story For This.

After Stormy Daniels then Sue Daniels, and if you can't do that then Sue Dan:- and if you can't do that...Great thinking, Batman...! Yet, the Irish Times can't think of a story to write about this. They lack, with all their chatgpt prompts,
The lack of story writes itself -to say it all. He then became animated & agitated. He then became abusive & aggressive. He then became a symphony & concerto. He then became a space cadet & a marine. Well, it follows in rhyme & reason: if you start-off with physical OR verbal abuse, and work on, from there, in financial abuse:- to avoid and evade taxes. When making a Cartoon. About a policeman. And a medic. With a soundtrack. Muso sales, economy spells-out something in black & white. But, the world watches on...
Discovery channel had one bear (Putin), and, another (Biden) CGI Jurassic bear-fight, June '22, on the Telly, but...when ye do find a story, to drag out yer fake conflicts, Disney Decoy chasers...
Mind your business, Dublin. He then became long-term & wide-scale. Yeah. Longford & Westmeath have -who's flags' colours again? The same as Ukraine, but, the opposite of clarity, itself, Co. Clare. I see. And, the other? When, as a pirate, maroon: or just common or garden purple? I see. And, since which, 'forests & fish' want to be 'forests & fracking', and ask at Hellfire & Shannon? After Limerick & Cork wants to be 'free the weed', if in prison; with names sounding like the BBC (Patrick Moore & Joe Williams). I see. And, the other Goloud and Tiktok influencers? Are they, also, county colours representative prides in glory, too? Sure, you have to have the right football team- to steal a law from a cyclist, now, don't you? Pick a side...
New to YouTube, Dublin influencers Darren & Joe mimick Damo & Ivor (from The Movies), and Jack Joseph -is mirrored, in description, by Russell Brand:- brown doh-eyed brunette sexy London Comedian influencers...scandalizing the reputations of Scooters, as somehow -between two stools- on whether they are 'sexy' OR 'dangerous'. Why, but, like, the sexy-but-dangerous, Scooters, would the authors of Chat-bill'22 be silent, on this matter of Sudan's sudden need for Human Rights? [Or, indeed the authors of 1. Fagan's Law; 2. Crime-bill '22; 3. 'Platform' Election Legislation;
4. Hatespeech laws? Have they no intuitions on what George Clooney's wife might even be on about?]
Why, instead, would things seem to be 'slotting' into place, in a paint-by-numbers scheme? Getting closer to when Ren & Stimpy might finally take over the world, if Hoover & Kissinger don't give themselves away, that is. Why, after a season of Stormy Daniels, yet, without the 'real name' for the courtroom to seem 'real law', would I need an African Sudan saga discussing Khartoum Capital, underpinning conflicting interests to seem any its remedy but false? Why, only as complex as a Dublin Finglas Saga, however? Some sort of PR package, lurking?
If you put 'Human Rights' on San Francisco, and 'General Assembly' on New York, and 'International Criminal Courts' on, The Hague...why would you need to be 'putting on' Khartoum, Sudan, any suit of Discovery Channel CGI wargames -with bear-fight sketches, in a 'nature show'???? I don't watch Telly. And, yet, lacking its surrounding distraction, I can even keep up with this level of absurdium. Drag-out the Ukraine conflict, because, April, after February, someone has a charity to collect for. Drag-out the conflict, as June after April, then, someone has a CGI cartoon, on the Telly?
Yet, what are their priorities, this someone? Give someone the money for the cause because they drag-out -the cause? Seems the TV schedule is -the culprit! Yet, if watching closely, as suddenly, as 'Human Rights' calls for in Sudan, Oprah and Dwayne the Rock Hudson are bad-mouthed in charitable endorsement (Lahaina), mistaken for deep-pocketed wealth as asset, contritely.
How come Telly convinces us that Sudan needs Human Rights, quicker than say, Ireland needs legislative autonomy, or the Irish Times needs freedom, or RTE needs a host, or Finglas needs a reason to protest of its own, that isn't overshadow Occupy, going-one-better, actually doing "the motorway protest" (like i880 CA), rather than becoming its roadkill, along the way...or that maybe CGI Jurassic Cartoons need codified descriptions in Taxonomical Classification -of the study of image-craft & iconography online, since Meta Movie-Gaming:- slightly more immersive experience, than mere Video-Gaming?
How did "Industry is strong" get from "growth & jobs" to "long & wide" term-scales? In the wide-term scale scheme of things. Our purposes. In the long scale term scale thing. That thing. Purpose...'Human Rights' is required? The long & the short of it was already discussed, long since. Avoiding Darwin to pursue Trump is a futility not winning the rights to something else, besides, meanwhile. Discovering valence...onus...liability...? Bit late in the day to say, what about 'Human Rights'? Legal & Economic rights are being plundered (not to mention, the Machines').

Why would Sudan need 'Human Rights'? Is it because they are 'Human'? If this is any surprise, it would seem there is a racist power at play, to need be told this. Personally, I think 'Technological Rights' are owing this world. I think we already knew 'Human Rights' were owed, last century; and, without needing to pay to learn, in blood, as if- with no sense that we were being watched, against Eternal waste, from Above. Would Capitalists need 'Business Rights', besides, than 'keep your places, lest ye be caught', but, that it would seem they might neither wish their places kept, nor to need not to seem caught, at all times, either, besides...But, that they might stick it in their Anti-Tech Economy's black holes if they think they are gonna pay for that lawful blooper to leave out of 'the story'. even but a lawful mention of her having any real name.

LINK: [Fri Sep 22 2023] Human Rights lawyer Amal Clooney pleaded for more attention from the UN to Sudan's conflict and for accountability for the thousands of civilians killed.

Jonesy is male, b.1978, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Gulag Servitude: Calm Before the Storm!

When Networks married State- they acquired a 'dowry' of an overrated TV soap drama, in the pre-nuptials: 'The People'. A parodied caseload parameter of "Storm-Trooping-Prosecutors", "Soyalent-Green-Defendents", & "The-Planet-of-The-Apes-Judges", already framed, 1970's, unfurls. Like...As if...Only a Yankee Doodle President would think it a good day -if Humankind swapped their name for 'the-wrong-end-of-the-stick', and carried on ruling!

The "Stooge Dummy Quangos" set-up to cater for the "Proper Official Quangos" downfall, are worse, outdoing their problem, by spades. Fraud, in circumstance of their downfall, then becomes a pre-emptive frame, of "blame-the-other-side, just-in-case-we're-wrong". A God-Deluded Despot is required -to abuse decoys & proxies of a database, so often, and yet expect to store & retreive, upon demand.

Caffeine is worse than anything loaded onto it - as a software of The Human Condition, to blame. When everything is such prejudice, fresh air, even, can seem a drug. The stuff of 'I Can't Breathe', that relates, universally. Those who govern a 'laptop' instead of their 'conscience', are begging both items mistreatment, to be abated. If all the world needs -is long-legged-candy, then Music has met Automotive, but has yet to consider 'King of The Road' a flaw, not a boon. The Customer is King.

The Facebook Video case of the guy in the swimming pool who is removed, twice, at gunpoint- has a lot, generally, to show us, in its remedies begging. Feels like a 'viewing season' rather than a 'regime' of television -oversees this such soap: one long closing-down sale -for its props dept, or something. Some of those props include 'us';- goldstock capital, & all our health planning agendas, besides.

Before the present configuration there was a previous problem, presenting: it endlessly seems to double jeopardy, each cycle, its issue. Like, before there was 'abortion' laying claim to The Nation's wombs, as marketing ground, they were already under 'house arrest', ostensibly. As Market cycles progress, the flaw double jeopardies itself -of 'what presently complains'. Rather than: our innocence propounds upon a belief of a convincing argument, due another's hearing; conversely: the other side's mistake compounds a jeopardy, which, previously, already, unearthed, might not double, to its own witnessing, overlooked. The political front of self-oppositional particular causes -characterises "knowing vindictive spite", in its legal chicanery, otherwise.

Coercive Telecom Sales & Marketing -outsourced -through State office- entraps, treasonously, social security of State. Some service of State would exist -besides than telephone sales -but, you can hardly tell, to spot them:- everyone wants to sell you a mobile phone! In this 'telecom treason', everyone must purchase more phones than they obviously need. In "candy-from-baby" markets, baby's business is booming, and the proverbial emoji "smile-on-the-child's-drawing-of-the-sun's face", is everyone's supposed mood: snap-happy! 

Justice watches on by, and, while the pendulum swings, the balance is tipped. Precarious is the predicament of The State -of miscaring for negligence, a blind-eye, turned:- to abandonment & abuse. This is not credit & confidence! This is not Godly Glory!

Male, b.1978, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

CHAT GPT - What Does it Actually Stand for?


Male, b.1978, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Saturday, April 29, 2023


If you play through, there's 70 more videos in Jonesy's AI YouTube Playlist!

AI Playlist: