Thursday, September 24, 2015

Third Quarterly_End-of-Promotion-Cycle-Summary_Blog_Issue 1_24/09/15

Because of 'Too much "Soul-Selling" Shameless Self Promotion Advertising', the Musicians on board, just through their absence, have gone On Strike! The Albeit Imaginary Board meets, nonetheless, to discuss...:

'Third Quarterly End of Promotion Cycle Summary_Issue 1_24/09/15'.

'The State of Monthly Reports', and 'Three-monthly Quarterly Cycles' are on-time, and yet look at the state of them! Not a 'Monthly Report' the whole-year-long to speak of, not alone since Last Xmas recap of the foregoing year, but, since November 2009!

JONESY'S SHOP: FirstComeFirstServe
Figure: 1st Campaign: Jonesy's Shop
Executive? Sure! But, not Power! That Sales and Promotion! Pfff! And, Training! Pfff! (muffled German accent, aside: 'end-uzeer has-tell-tako-veer-beats'....ha ha ti-hi-ti-hi tkkkkkkkkkk......) As these aren't since Welfare! Well, they are aren't, also, doing Hostile-Takeover-Biddings...of Irish Water! On the determinism! ...Of the Corporate Centrist Dictated Agenda! Predetermined! In Fact...And, to the predilection of the Editors and Schedule Managers, nonetheless doubtless rest assured. To argue. As Clock-watching! Mere mortals! To find answerability to 'the responsible, whereof', of course...But, that said, it were in some defined taste, a Seven Years Bad Luck Project well won! But, that it shows...The Board...up, thusly: in light of the End-User's Automated Slavish Tasks:

No Monthly reports, yet Three Quarterlies: Able...So it can't be an attitude-thing? Then? Can it? (if its not only stupidity!) But, not that "The Board" need regard 'all-of-its-assets-at-once' (as any Overhead), as if to say "To look upon The Workforce" and reflect, "Of that which inspires... Even, grammar, getting this far! Pfff! -"...the Document Process -it has been called to a halt- in the Captain's Log's wariness, as equal to such a demand: "none of that Advertising crap, or else we're On Strike". from'll know who it means...agent fiddly-bits, undercover.

Figure: 2nd Campaign: Dollars & Cents
Somebody's Enquiry into 'Reason' isn't getting enough attention to justify the universal aspect of...wait...what...sorry, he's a little what?...Sorry?...What? it?...I'm shy!...I see!.... Advertisers 'on-strike' because of 'soul-selling-dogma', encroaching upon the eight-hours Practice due, 'Workers', on-board, to call it an Artform! Only Division of Labour and a 'Need-to-Know Basis' of Compartmentalisation Processes could make Britney Spears and Jordon seem as though being from the same Universe; and, back to The Galaxy with 'Footballers Wives'. That's a mood to set. 'Reality' owns 'Queen of The Galaxy'. I see.

And so its abrupt, isn't it! Like -there you go: 'Front page' of a 'Magazine' and -you're complaining? And, I'd say, you made due effort against it 'happening' too. Even if it was completely accidental. You're not sorry, either! Even if its Automated! Like an absurd Cartoon! And, you're a slave! And, you had nothing to do with planning any of it!

Figure: 3rd Campaign: Jonesy Fanclub
But, then can you really complain? Like, is there really a complaint, in-all-of The Christian Calendars of-all-of, The Mono-linguistic, English-speaking, American and English, English Speaking worlds...Monolinguistically, merely. Is there really anything Shoulder to Shoulder doesn't yet still mean? Like its almost, as, if you could 'taste' The Water issue at the DoD! Already, an argument, won. It used to be a talking-piece. A conversation-piece. The urn or jug of water or whatever you call it. The flute or whatever...The vase would make but a talking piece on The Board. He knocked it over, first-time: not everyone gets it The First Time, or was it, 'no-one' does...Anyway, he didn't put any music in it. Hush. The vase is empty of spoons....There was no vase....

Like, one glass would say to the other, 'Was this ethereal exhaustion of atmospheric irrigation, then, in, vacuous void besides than vapourisation? Or, did you get to say any more?' ...And both cups would be satisfied that they were included, as often, as the 'shirts, collars, ties, and suits, had as much say with Twin Towers, as had The Cup-and-so-no-one knew-whether-it-weren't-corrupt! Which wasn't either the question! Thank God we know who owns it. Though. That's all. The main thing.

'Monthly reports' cannot be furnished! Yet Sales and Promotion can win back a Third Quarterly. What does this mean for the Business Plan that Facebook affects, and offsets, by sending us fleeting messages and inbox-spamming? I just don't know if its anything-of-an-argument against compelling evidence of business going on -which can't show, either, that it weren't...That, it ought have had seemed 'suitable', and not just for the sake of 'criteria-pleasing-Irish-Welfare'! Water-defending is it? Empire and Bible Bashing, then? That's not semantic then. I dunno. Water not itself? Maybe its confused...(!)

I have a revolutionary magazine; a No.1 Charting success; and, 15 Minutes of Fame are nearly up!
Figure: 4th Campaign: Unnecessary Mousclicks

Oh I would want to become a Porn Star soon, to wanna have better secure footing! Better believing this! And secret underground Magazines about subverting "The Government", but, only, Proportionately to career-watching going-on. Oh I'd say. That'll make Windows 10 followed by Iphones 9 showing who's boss! And, he thinks he's Famous! Of course he does! Soul-selling, and 'fame' then become one aversion, from the same cross of wisdom as which was Christs, when first averted post-Peshawar, for Windows, and then for Iphones, once more.

Who's not paying attention? Who's thinking for him now then? But then who's thinking at all. For, if everyone assumes the next man will do the thinking, then, no-one can! Slavery-dogma missed consciousness-dogma. and guess which one The Universe likes better? The State would be only as often a hussy-to-Satan if it were any-other-way, but-the-case. But, then, that's nothing in-the-end at-all, either. Utterly futile nonsense!

The Emperors New Clothes: The scam-Artist was codding us: he wasn't even trying! But, yet, he gets to say 'Front Page' now, and its at least one bit more real than 'His Own Website', merely. The drama of a One Man Game! Is-this-all-I-get? I don't even get a 'nice table' to look at! What about the comparatives? Who can call the semantic expression 'the duty', and yet hold their head up high? Who ordered this SALES AND PROMOTION TECHNIQUE? MRS BRUTON...WHERE THE FUCK...

Figure: 5th Campaign: PushPowerPromo
Was this what Irish Water was gonna risk everything for - a life being familiar, with, but, avoiding, 'Coding' as a school of Mathematical Thought? This must surely be some joke! Where is Executive Power from the soul gone to? Just following interventionism, it jumps ship! Where has it gone? INSERT CANNED LAUGHTER HERE Are we supposed to be, on our own, Cosmic Jokes? At least, he gets to say Cosmic Joke. I'm mean, he gets to say 'Front Page'. Shit. Good name for a band. 'The Front Pages'. Probably already is one...Wait 'four cycles' of this, and a Newspaper ought surely be in position...These workers aren't being paid, but, Welfare, and yet can't agree -behind who's one-another's-backs- 'Who's headhunting who?' for 'What Sales-Pitch'? Oi! Where's my Table? 'Graphs and Charts', come back here before 'crotchets and quavers' sees you. You... Oh... I... I... oughta....! Get-up-them-stairs...Where's Grandma ! Get the-wooden-spoon, get-up-that-field, scabooo!"

1st Campaign:

Date of Campaign: 07/15
Item: Jonesy's Shop
URL on Web:

2nd Campaign:

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine
Date of Campaign: 08/15
Item: Magazine: 'Dollars & Cents'
URL on Web:

3rd Campaign:

Date of Campaign: 08/15
Item: Jonesy Fanclub Mailing List
URL on Web:

4th Campaign:

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Campagin Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine
Date of Campaign: 09/15
Item: Magazine: 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks'

URL on Web:

5th Campaign:
Jonesy/NMS (@NMacSheoin)
Date of Campaign: 24/09/15 
Item: Music Website, 'PushPowerPromo'
'Jonesy/NMS' is a No.1 Charting artist Across each network! 
URL on Web:

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine

Fig: With a magazine looking like this, how can I be sure I don't run the fucking world? Just look at it..

New Webpage from Jonesy's 

'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks',

Magazine: the Facebook Page

now also has a new Website!

Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...

       Hey Folks!  
Only me! Jonesy/NMS has to show off his Magazines, one by one!!!
How Rich Does This Revolutionary Technology Magazine Look???? Someone wants to think that buttons would be expensive. Rather than that, but, that, they'd be wrong, instead: they'd be Overpriced...But this service is completely FREE to make and use...!!!! Under the Freemium Model, devolved, from the upper echelons of Hunger Games' and Elysium's pie in the sky, 'Cloud', formation of High-End Marketing's Web, recently, instead from Wix. 

If they wanted to, they could get to call us their Facebook slaves...Dunno what the Job Security is like though...See for yourself...
Jonesy's 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now also has a Website ready for release! Read further...
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign. If NO-ONE new joins, otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or get direct to FB 

Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine.

FEEDBACK is always a welcome sight.for (CRM). I...dunno...what them shit is. But pronto. Whoever is brave enough to leave their mark. A dog's bark of thanks for you, if you can dream up some sugar love, sweet honey-pie, shit, sick, wicked, sweet, loving, spacey, sounds... just kidding, write whatever comments ye like on it...
With a magazine looking this good, how can its editor be sure that he doesn't run the whole fucking world? Just look at it...! 15 minutes of fame is getting fat! No one publication should have all this power. To be read only with care and attention as supervised by Electronic Frontier Foundation, Internet Society, and BBC Click, 'Protectionist Guardian Angels'! 
If you hate Viruses and Pop-up Ads, OR if you're not happy with the general commercial direction of the Internet, with click-thru rates as the currency by which your virtual soul is enslaved, and hence of your traded oppression, and the cyphening of your Value-Added Data-time to a faceless Corporate Monolith, OR if you're researching better and efficient means in Revolutionary Information Age Technology, 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' is a database of smut full of it. Read further here.- Help solve Jonesy's content issue, Donate your articles here...- 
If nobody visits from outside of Facebook, then the Facebook links at the bottom of the page will never mean anything to anyone. Unnecessary Buttons should be the next campaign if NO-ONE new joins!!!! Otherwise, meantime, you can use it for back issue items, or go direct to FB (Click the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine).
Its really persistent world demons in the virtual realm from Grandpa's Elves and Shoemakers Fairy Brigade that made this facility. Its only workable if its automated. That's true, the Editor said, there is no editor, its automated. This is the end! Ha ha ha, (evil laugh in brackets).

Web Design by Noel Jones, acting on behalf of Enscam Web Design. Copyright Enscam 2015. All other Copyrights are owned by their owners.
This is an Advertising Promotion for Technology Magazine 'Campaign Against Unnecessary Mouseclicks' Webpage on 'Jonesy's Website': 

Friday, August 28, 2015

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine

New Webpage from Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine: the Facebook Page, now has a Website!

Fig: With a magazine looking like this, how can I be sure I don't run the fucking world? Just look at it..

Jonesy's 'Dollars and Cents', Magazine, the Facebook Page, now has a Website ready for release! Read further...

If you're researching Revolutionary Internet Memes about money, 'Dollars and Cents' is a database of smut full of them. Read further here.- Help solve Jonesy's content issue, Donate your articles here...- If no-one were watching this mystical spinning CUBE, would the stories on its faces yet seem so important? Click the Facebook Page Link at the base of the Magazine page for back issue items, or go direct to FBClick the Use App feature on the Facebook Page to get back to the Magazine.

With a magazine looking this good, how can its editor be sure that he doesn't run the whole fucking world? Just look at it...! 15 minutes of fame is getting fat! No one publication should have all this power. To be read only with care and attention as supervised by Photoshop's Protectionist Guardian Angels! Its really persistent world demons in the virtual realm from Grandpa's Elves and Shoemakers Fairy Brigade that made this facility. Its only workable if its automated. That's true, the Editor said, there is no editor, its automated. This is the end! Ha ha ha, (evil laugh in brackets).

Web Design by Noel Jones, acting on behalf of Enscam Web Design. Copyright Enscam 2015. All other copyrights are owned by their owners.

This is an advertising promotion for Economics Magazine 'Dollars and Cents' Webpage on 'Jonesy's Website':

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I thought it would be Disney and Pixar this month...ET and Star Wars...

Above: from the Facebook site The Houston Zombie Walk,

How could ET be a Jedi, but that he would be incoherent? Amnesia? Brain Damage? Mental Retardation? Good call, erm, Doctor, but maybe wrong science! IMO, It all ties instead neatly, on another plane, with...Bacteriology, at proportion, seen under a microscope, of a different Alien World, which, if we don't recognize, has the simplest of early beginnings ...of a beginning... to look like it might, direct... with our inheritance and legacy, biologically, become, but-just-to-look-at-it ...Suppressed! So, then, the movie - Portraying this thematic content  - the artistic gumption requiring sufficient to let the cat out of the bag (just to make it for the helluvit) - has made it, and popularly well-known throughout human culture, but with a cultural mystery behind its such 'alien' beginnings. 

Under a microscope (good/evil, black/white, Dart Vader/Our Father, etc./etc.) - and with Ebola in the background - from another perspective, this topic could become immediate duty for top secret civil servants such as you might think otherwise would be taking calls from secret agents or sitting across from you at a cubical in the CIA where Neo ducks down, and something like fame gets away...but only as far as the window ledge and considering...

Dreams don't hang that long for us not to tell it is the full weight of human character, especially if you had time to conjure one hanging instead upside down - But yet a soul as knows a truth besides can be interrogated: "Tell us where you got the ET-weight from in-proportion - or we'll drop you" - and, then the consideration, 'But, then you don't become famous, dreamer' - or "shit, we'll make a different movie!" - The comparison of weight of a mobile phone (as proof of something smaller than Yoda) meantime, could be shaken out of it..."You're spying on the wrong fat lady"...oops - "commons consensus says shes not...Ebola? Napolean? Fat? - its all the same, ALIENS SMALIENS - where's the Titans! - they were stronger!...Fat? 

That Jonesy cat in the alien movies is fat!...monthly piss on the head...THIS Empire hasn't been described yet, nevermind Alien ones, big or small...the W.H.O. are in Hollywood - Men in Black probably shared this with was all for a few good men and the cause of W.H.O.LLYWOOD Movies...I think the message of this neatly done professional piece of craftsmanship is that the dodgiest stories can be shown neatly in pictorial format much more simply for those who are unwilling to believe any proposition. 

Next interesting question is - and yet in such professional capacity - 'Why would you wish to' release this information: it has run dry in some secret extortion racket as spiritual fodder for behind the scenes manipulations of interests, it would seem - The Illuminati would be extorted at these such rates - "tell us where you got the storyboard or we'll make a storyboard-by-four about it." Someone has bridged the virtual visual realm with the virtual knowledge realm, and is able to imagine, and so now doesn't need the old ties...its a virtual headset birthday present for someone in some high place...Hypothesis: "Since I no longer need to imagine Yoda as the Holy Spirit, guiding to get one thing to compare to another - but, can see it with my own eyes - so also I no longer need to conceal the secret of the faith" - so keeping its such public domain propaganda in place, as with such fail-safe guardianship. 

Someone's new technology gadget in biotech has allowed them a revelation...A 3D bacteriological walk-through - is my guess...they can walk amongst bacteria in a virtual set-up - and so they don't have to keep Yoda as a bridge between diminutive things quiet any more - they can say hello like talking to a traffic light - but they'd feel stupid - even though they would know its a true communication - yet it is nothing to shout about in the crazy stakes...and so instead make crazy art - like since we've told the connection between the Abyss and Aliens lets tell the connection between Yoda and ET - since we can already do the walk through of the alien world...they also have buddies in cops and protection rackets who would exact money for the prize - and redeem often its protection in the high secure levels of that psychopathic shadow-Illuminati which goes on on the sphere in real time...

Add 'Copyright' to that argument and then they're arguing 'Heresy' in the editing room at the boardroom's contempt.

Piss-Take Protectionism's News Media Fake Photography Competitions

(Reaction to Piss-Take Photography Competition, trickling down to Facebook wall, appearing in 'Mandatory Magazine' [link below])  

"Internet, can I get a Soft-Copy of a Lexicon, a Router-Side navigation map - and - while you're at it - I have some smudges on my holiday snaps - shit - Internet you are clever - just hand over the Top Ten List of Characteristics of Fakability and stop patronizing us with Corporate Win-Wins" -Dear Mandatory, your fake story's fake-Consortium-Boardroom-discussion is invoiceable, hypothetically, thusly:-

PR is the worst at PR's own job - it works for money, you see...Whereas working besides than -for money'- is working against its own tide, hence it needs to pull 'this crap'...Instead of releasing a parachute-like Top-Ten-list of 'Characteristics of Highly Fakable Video-Evidence' and concerning itself with treatment of evidence in inadmissibility, in legal cases ...causing 'Fraudulent Deviance', and such problems, of injustice, in law cases, elsewhere...elsewhere, than at its Media Frontline's Partyline, concerning the status of photographic imagery (which won't budge from a 'must-cause-profit-and-hate-salespitch', rather than 'must-be-ethical' one instead...And, what with privacy beyond-the-wizards-curtain peeked-at by warrant-less spying - 'Ten Reasons why Video Evidence is Mistrusted' wouldn't behoove itself to deflate its own cosy extortion racket's pixelated-frame video-evidence pricing-schedule...

Instead, its trying to sell tourism and terrorism as a win-win - so as to plug its own hole, believing its own propaganda, and being too mutually self-unappreciative of its own dilemmas effects on the consciousness of The Public At Large...-to do anything, competently, about its problem: - (Imagine the Boardroom of the Central Marketing Investors:) 'The "Fakable" makes the "Charitable" look like "Complicity for "Duplicity"' - "and yet the "Shadow" references the "Theme"... 'Its too bespoke for This Season' - Or, don't they know their own game?

Some Corporate Central High-End Marketing God-Delusion places 'Help' at the far end of their tool bar, while designing IBM's business ethic before Microsoft, overlooking that solutions are brought ahead of their problems, at the turn of Y2K, and there is nothing more, semantically, a computer can do, but allow winging, moaning, and pretending its human-like whining leakages of transparency policies -or tin foil hats- are sufficient evidence of witchcraft, instead of pursuing proper design channels and hence proper law...Ending-up looking like Salem Witch Trials is a precursor to Planet-of-the-Apes...type...ape-shit...But, someone has the good sense to say - but what about Madeleine McCann - we could still get something out of the visual theme -is there a last straw?

Maybe Big Tech Security Camera contracts on beaches from now on, for now, and then make our way further inland until satellites are watching everyone- but, with General Agreement from The Public after some neat tweaking of their sensibilities - with gossip and idle hearsay. And, this, besides than appreciate that the problem is already fixed, and we just have to find out why we fixed it, or some post-Matrix boardroom-psychobabble-claptrap, besides...which pleases The Board or The Investors - but not The Public - as they can't be pleased by That Which Can't Do Anything Right, in its eyes, but that it is the complainer of its own problem - the problem of its own complaint, being, and so to announce itself is to admit its weakness, and downfall...

It is That Which is Sworn to Protect Us, and yet also that which, upon intervention, is our abuse...and so it needs to marry each such theme - being The Terrorist, The Abuser, the Holiday-Snap-Industry-Press, with long angle lens...Juxtaposing its opposite, with the tide (just bought, last six months, now with its 'post-six monthly run-around' with tide symbols), thinking it has an Imprisoned Mind only to lecture to, this month...Like last month, it hadn't Windows 10 to hide behind, in the face of the onslaught in its calendar of endless anniversaries of Septembers, leaning monthly-post for Whomever The Corporation deems worthy of its random letters in their Welfare citizenship to look forward to next month, instead...instead, of looking for monthly Corporate shame, looking but instead for their own, being "anything but Windows" in the frame - this is 'anything but Windows in the frame' - as tame - whereas, elsewhere, it'll be ravaging like a monster...'Just-hand-over-the-top-ten-characteristics-of-fakable images-and-get-to-the-fucking-point...'

Saturday, August 15, 2015

'The fear of going to prison is horrible'

#IrishWater Section 12 trial - Defend the right to protestWednesdayat 10:30am - 5:30pmThe Criminal Court of...
Posted by Water Meter Alert. on Monday, September 7, 2015

(from '':<>)*

<‘The fear of going to prison is horrible’: Jobstown protesters still haven’t been told they’re being charged

Jobstown residents arrested in connection with the protest said they feel they did no wrong.>

[Author:] You could learn Korean immediately you might stand a chance, then gain a defence, as they do print the Magna Carta in Greek...these days....also, even for Korean Speakers....that might help...well, Barabas either...or at least his timing, is part of the wave: Mission: Murder Hope'...but defending against Herod and Judas at the same time?...Well that's a bit contrived... of the costumes, its good, honest! shit!!!!
They bid things like fair-play, how should they know better, have they not seen Planet Earth's kitchen, its anything but fair...and they ask to represent...I dunno...what should be can't keep inventing new carbon numbers...maybe the environment wasn't expecting to have to play....but have you seen the signs? Pirate Alien flags in the clouds they're everywhere, blackened the sky, and shit...Neon Lights....
...Maybe there's deserving for this...Heretics while Half Naked Uttering Prophecies Act...the right might fall for that...but will it stick? Maybe rather than try pin the egg-counting on the act, maybe have the act stick to the egg-counting...and then turn it once while browning on the other side....and simmer...maybe say the Heretics While Half Naked Uttering Prophecies Act, 2014, it could be read from the video -
the law enshrined into the canon - and the first virtual law read directly from VT made for the rest of all Eternity for the investors in 'What-this-dog-with-fleas-gone-do-for-money' - or was it the Seventh Testament of the Bible already on the table? The Fall of the Stand at Jobstown? Paid-Barking Contests, more like....that could monetize The Internet....
maybe 'egg-throwing with lasers'...we could ask an audience do it yearly as tradition, like a riot...They get lasers; we get know: fair play....we can't think of anything else...-'Is he or isn't he Jesus?', just answer the fucking question, the Koreans don't have all day...what do the right expect?
That we can sell eggs to the Koreans come back from Justin Bieber and still yet have hands worth typing not too tired from egg-treking that we can tell there is a direct line to draw between Ebola virus planning and this shit - but Ms Bruton wasn't even wearing does she know she was governing?...

We fronting the our Mexican eggs as, having had started it again this time...but Washington didn't start it last time either...I can't tell what's fake - its multinational image abuse - its too overpowering....maybe it was him - I could spot a fit up for a line-up anywhere...Do you think the public will be asked a more fair question...was it Justin Bieber or wasn't it?...You know...egg-throwing...I dunno the Koreans are so much better at it - overarm...throw...timing of the leagues of Satan could be farther from needing any truth....and stretch and throw, and stretch...and twerking, maybe throw while twerking...they're pooing the egg-throwing...what are we to do?

*[The Quote in headline above is from 'Michelle Hennesy' on ''...]



CHECK OUT 'JONESY'S' cool new online 'FANCLUB':

SHARE from the FREE OFFER in this New release: 'Press-kit Promo' for Jonesy-NMS Fanclub...from an ad, within an ad, within an ad -why is there no singing? ...he's talking about it!...

Hey Folks!

LOG ON, and watch-this-space, not to miss upcoming new-releases from 'Artist, Jonesy/NMS' and 'FirstComeFirstServe - Web Design Applications, from Enscam Web Design'. There's freebees contained herein that look like sweets, so they ought sell like hot cakes! Tell all your friends!

Introducing: 'FirstComeFirstServe'! Bringing you a selection of Web Apps and Music...In case you haven't caught up yet,

JONESY/NMS has three Demos, an ALBUM: 'ENGINES & LEAVES', and 'BELLS & WHISTLES' EP - both now fully available to download from his new online shop, and a fictitious motion picture soundtrack, inspired by the movie 'X-men'. All copyrights are their owners.
Thanks! Jonesy/NMS!

P.S. Dear 'End-Users',

Have you used 'Pageboard' and found it useful? 'FirstComeFirstServe' should like to hear from you! Send your comments and suggestions for improvements or sign up for updates, email:

Everything Here is 'FREE TO DOWNLOAD' and 'Donations: Optional' (so far!)

                             ---POST COMMENT LIKE SHARE TWEET RETWEET---

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


JONESY'S SHOP: FirstComeFirstServe
JONESY'S SHOP: FirstComeFirstServe
CHECK OUT JONESY'S cool new online SHOP:
Hey Folks!
Introducing: 'FirstComeFirstServe'! Bringing you a selection of Web Apps and Music...In case you haven't caught up yet, JONESY/NMS has two Demos, an ALBUM: 'ENGINES & LEAVES', and 'BELLS & WHISTLES' EP - both now fully available to download from his new online shop
Watch them, proverbial metaphorical 'ants' marching off the shelves, themselves; like 'Crotchets & Quavers' & 'Copy & Paste', they march right back on again, to strict order of paywalls, obediently: looking right at least, if not sounding at all much optimal and resourceful for radio just quite yet! But it looks nice at least!
But never fear: Everything Here is 'FREE TO DOWNLOAD' and 'Donations: Optional'
'PAGEBOARD' is a Social Web Navigator which functions as a substitute homepage. I've found it useful, and particularly indispensable in breaking the habit of getting 'stuck' to one site only, while searching freely online. Future releases of the same design concept may have the End-User swinging 'rope to rope' in The Jungle: ya never know!
LOG ON, and watch-this-space, not to miss upcoming new-releases from 'Artist, Jonesy/NMS' and 'FirstComeFirstServe - Web Design Applications, from Enscam Web Design'. There's freebees contained herein that look like sweets, so they ought sell like hot cakes! Tell all your friends!
Thanks! Jonesy/NMS!