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New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by JONESYNMS......It messes with you...

[Part I] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part I)'  by 'Jonesy-NMS', on  YouTube  and  Facebook . “Nice ambient, and emotional sound...and rhythmic feel. Creates flowing sonic-images."  [ ReverbNation Listener] "It messes with you as you watch and listen. Hypnotic."  [Eva Wojcik] New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS. Written by 'JonesyNMS' for 'FirstComeFirstServe',  Web Design.  Copyright Noel Jones (C) 2017 Enscam Corp. New Release House Mix:  Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by Jonesy-NMS Now out on Jonesy YoutTube VIDEO Playlist : New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS, in four parts.  An introduction to Psychedelic Art. Quite a leap from the first step, a veritable roller coaster, quite quirky journey indeed.  [Part II] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part II)'  by 'J...

JonesyNMS - "Dream" Video

Chillout: Relaxing Instrumental Electronic Ambient Mood Music  Video Promo for 'Dream' from JonesyNMS, Newcomer Artist from Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland; taken from Demo Album, entitled: 'Engines & Leaves', from JonesyNMS; JonesyNMS is Male, 39, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/ experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght. Published by FirstComeFirstServe, Indie Label for Web Design and Publishing Company, Enscam; Copyright owned by Enscam Corporation 2017. This is so exciting!!!! Video Promo of Aerial Drone Videography with 'Dublin City, by Night', by John Rooney; for Musical Soundtrack accompaniment, of its Third Release Variation, 'Dream', by JonesyNMS; Filming and Post-Production by John Rooney, Cinematographer. Copyright John Rooney 2017. Announcing the Second Credit on the JonesyNMS Portfolio for Teamwork and Collaboration, (after Ross Boxhall, photography) -to go for the wo...

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist RELAXATION TAPES: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Jonesy's Playlists Click here: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist - Youtube Player Click here:  'Basic Impact Finale' / 'Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)' / 'Charadesque' / 'Toy Song' / 'Basic Impact' / 'KC REMIX 2' / 'Pushing Envelopes'; Copyright 2016 Reason Essentials, Windows 10; Male, 37, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.  1. (FCFS) Logo 1 2. Dream 3. Save 6 4. Whistle and Hum 5. Hyming Slews Variations 6. Club Whistle Variations 7. Hum V 8. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part I] 9. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part II] 10. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part III] 11. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part IV] 12. Club Whistle Variations II 13. Cover Title Sketches 14. Pushing Env...

JonesyNMS: 'Kevin Chords' Promo, 'Jukebox' Playlist & 'Diffusion' Magazine ALL FREE!!!

For customers of music from JonesyNMS, the Playlist in the ' Jukebox ' is where the money is;  Link  here  to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Jonesy's Website; Link  here  to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Soundcloud; for fans of Jonesy, see also: his revolutionary magazine, ' Diffusion ', with daily updates!  Copyright 2016 JonesyNMS -  Jonesy   is male, 38, lives in Dublin, Ireland - making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.