[Part I] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part I)' by 'Jonesy-NMS', on YouTube and Facebook . “Nice ambient, and emotional sound...and rhythmic feel. Creates flowing sonic-images." [ ReverbNation Listener] "It messes with you as you watch and listen. Hypnotic." [Eva Wojcik] New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS. http://firstcomefirstserve.wixsite.com/kcpromoplaylist Written by 'JonesyNMS' for 'FirstComeFirstServe', Web Design. Copyright Noel Jones (C) 2017 Enscam Corp. New Release House Mix: Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by Jonesy-NMS Now out on Jonesy YoutTube VIDEO Playlist : New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS, in four parts. An introduction to Psychedelic Art. Quite a leap from the first step, a veritable roller coaster, quite quirky journey indeed. [Part II] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part II)' by 'J...