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Stances in Debating Copyright

          Stances in Debating Copyright: (1) The pragmatics of file conversion. (2) Making an accurate copy. (3) Forming a standard for copying in general. (4) Preventing others from making money on your intellectual property. (5) Costing others to access your intellectual property. (6) Having to put bread on the table.           The path in pros and cons to a common sense debating stance: Stance of opposition of copyright:  - proponents of (1),(2),(3), who recognise (4) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (5) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (6) Stance of proposition of copyright:  - proponents of (4),(5),(6) who recognise (3) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (2) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (1)           Comparing contrasting extremes (6) & (...

Poem: Whereby Wonder Suits

            Whereby Wonder Suits                                                     Whereby wonder suits,                                                    Particles clearly manifest a union;                                       ...

Poem: Struggle

           Struggle             I see you lying on the ground,             Your face in dirt and blood and tears;             Fighting me off you bite my hand,             I cannot get a grip;             You kick me back but still I try,             We’ve fought like this for years;             You can’t see much with dirt in your eyes,             I only wanted to help you up.

Poem: The Shadow and the Moonlight

                                                                                        The Shadow and the Moonlight                                                                             ...

Poem: Sentence

Sentence Alien foetus floats in scattered light, The newborn climbs the cage. Hatchlings hang from the heating pipes, Polaroids recount the days A plant bears its foliage in triumph, This season’s natural selection Of shared memories peddled, or pushed, A copper throne to elation.