"As a result of the Census Survey, I remind myself of a vocation, upon the news:- that I used to be a brain surgeon!" As a direct consequence, and result of the Census-Survey, I remind myself I used to be a Brain Surgeon -but, for one day only at Beaumont Hospital. This is news to my network properties knowledge, but not scary to the prospect of propensity to consume Googlemetry from whatever local sources avail...'Camp X-ray' could be spying on me?... Should I invite category and form, ---or, an audience? Where's that wisdom-tooth gone? Someone's trying to tell the genius-in-me -that there's money in promoting -the mediocrity to salesmanship- and telling 'JONESY'S WRITING A BOOK.'! 'Rothschilds' would like to hear that...Not that its about anything...a looker in the pink dollar got a revolutionary loyal following...not that its autobiographical in any way...It's not the shit! I've not to learn this, directly....