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Showing posts from October, 2014

The Character of Commerce as it conquers Physics with a buyout c.1900.

get the pot heads out of the way i think it was an explosion caused the creation story, they're the only ones who would spot it and i need an alibi for my economy... is there anything dodgier than dark matter, inflation you go first, and expansion tell us all about it since - after the nigga, i'll venture...if god lies down and tells us about his breakdown, i can subjugate him for a profit. nobody notice how dodgedy this mood seems. light will be here soon. it has traversed the greatest chasm in space and time ever knowable as imaginably visible in the observable universe. relativity knows what to do. its prepared a welcome. i know relativity. time is time itself. see i'm an expert. light, you ought behave. see -its its welcoming party. is the big bang. its obvious. god lie down and tell us about your breakdown, as you're the most proud being as ever could possibly be imagined...and light - if you're tired, simply - tough - you ought behave. get the pothead...

Politics' House of Cards on Shifting Sands

Politics' House of Cards on Shifting Sands LEFT and RIGHT TELEVISION materialist consumerism    Diffuse virtual internet             Central material television  one for all business model             one for each business model  Virtual realm    Cyberspace  freeware      Iphones  POLITICS- shifting sands                              with a squeezed middle - Right and Far right                               YouTube and television - with a Facebook                                                       Protest             ...

'Iphone' is to 'Consciousness' as 'Grand Jury' is to 'Conscience'.

'Purporting success of Policies of Iphones' is to conscious being ; as 'Grand Jury of Iphones Sales Strategies' is to conscience  (to be read in the style of an association, e.g. ' (a)' is to '(b)', as '(c)' is to '(d)'. ) So evil and nefarious are merging Corporate interests, and, of our times, in Big Industry sectors, concerning: that, in Existentialism, in real time, and, of 21st Century Anthropic Intellect of the Information Age, contending; while, purporting success of policies of Iphones sales strategies -is, ostensibly, conscious being:- so conscience is tantamount to grand marshaling their becoming stance withstanding grand jury. This, in the Space age, however, leaves precariously little room for protectionism and interventionism to ever dare, deliberately, in their sales-pitches collectively (and, including moral prudishness, and, the preposter sought marshaling smaller business) to ever dare unbecoming, as to lack trut...