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Showing posts from 2012

The Dragon - An Unexpected Property Owner

  I saw the film pictured above ( The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey ) yesterday and it left me more worried about the power of metaphor in literature than the worth of contract between warring fictional species. This is interesting as it can be missed how funny the joke of a dragon owning property is, especially when the dragon is considerable as a metaphor for all the jealously guarded gold in the world, all in a room doing nothing. Yet that it is the cause of such misery, retrospectively, and such antagonism, contemporarily, not to mention all that moves for good and evil to restore any balance, the mood of any legal discussion seems condemned, if not to be condemning. Its stance is forced to seem aloof and oblvious to the implications, at one and the same time, of its lack of stance in a real world, a world where gold still has the same useless meaning as it does in the fiction, whether its value is real or not. If it seems ridiculous that a dragon can ha...

The State of 21st Century Busking in Ireland

If you fear for your safety - and run - and they're role is made to protect you - you're in the wrong, for fearing for it so in their hands?!!! Tale told, of said incident, on said day, 'the man absconded from the scene'...arresting 'a man on the run'. Tale portrayed on video, however; fear for our lives, in their hands, has us know better an instinct in our natures; "the man feared for his safety in the hands of those sworn to protect it, and his instinct lead him to believe his safety better protected by making distance between himself and the unreasonable threat". Which instincts cannot be argued with, when faced with irreasonability, turning violent, as is sworn to protect and uphold peace. Who's to teach our insincts to suppress? Who's to suppress our desires to learn? What suppression is this? If a gunman is on the loose, state needs give powers to certain chosen dutiful roles who might protect the public at large by having agreed pow...

If Microsoft didn't exist...

The writers who left us the Old Testament were way ahead of their time. This is a screenplay with drama and special effects requirements that Spielberg or Kubrick could never even aspire to produce. To dream up those wild anecdotes and strange metaphors, the chancers who wrote the Old Testament must have known all about the Big Bang and Evolution and all that. They just knew the audience in those days would never stay glued to their seats munching popcorn long enough for the earth to cool let alone for life to begin. The only shame really is that the sequel got more attention at the box office. I mean, if the Darwins and the Einsteins of their day wrote the Old Testament, then The Beatles must have written the New one. They were very popular and all but look what happened to them. Now, Jesus might have been equally as popular, and might have sold more records, if he’d had a four-track, but he wouldn’t have won any prizes. But you can see why they say that had The Beatles...

Ammunition dump for a war of words

With the dawning of the information age and a mass sense of political awareness not foreseen, or perhaps dreaded, by the ruling classes of our past, comes an era where everything that has previously been taken for granted is systematically open for questioning and debate. The extent to which this awareness includes consideration of modern capitalist democracies and their place in our world, not to mention their stronghold on the world’s material wealth, has yet to be seen. In the centuries hence, the masses have been bred on the doctrine that what is to be accepted as the norm is, without question, the way things should be. Religious and political institutions were founded upon the conservative notion that the ideas that form their basis should not easily be open to change. This notion well suited those in positions of power within these institutions, and their associates and families, to the continuing detriment of the subordinate classes. In the same way in which the church ...

Assorted Quotes and Ramblings

If it weren't for the simplicity of light and shade, whole worlds would not be ruled but eternally in complexity. Society is no dumb experiment without an evil laboratory technician. We are all impoverished, where divine leadership concerns the lowly, but some of us find order in the meekness. In matters of difficulty, to formulate is the thing that functions best. Human nature is suppressed behind a veil of benevolent artificiality; its necessity always producing a truth for generations of its contingency to take note of in any era.   Advisement is the form of rule one uses to look beyond the manifest creator of ideas of craziness, to seek that others might own them, for their minds, instead. No one suspects having had happened across one's worst enemies plans when praising the divine, yet everyone offers willingly such blueprints to the same audience when the same praise is misunderstood. Its harder for a snake to bite its own tail than to loose one's own des...

Stances in Debating Copyright

          Stances in Debating Copyright: (1) The pragmatics of file conversion. (2) Making an accurate copy. (3) Forming a standard for copying in general. (4) Preventing others from making money on your intellectual property. (5) Costing others to access your intellectual property. (6) Having to put bread on the table.           The path in pros and cons to a common sense debating stance: Stance of opposition of copyright:  - proponents of (1),(2),(3), who recognise (4) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (5) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (6) Stance of proposition of copyright:  - proponents of (4),(5),(6) who recognise (3) as limiting  - of these who don't recognise (2) as limiting  - of these who find sympathy for (1)           Comparing contrasting extremes (6) & (...

Poem: Whereby Wonder Suits

            Whereby Wonder Suits                                                     Whereby wonder suits,                                                    Particles clearly manifest a union;                                       ...

Poem: Struggle

           Struggle             I see you lying on the ground,             Your face in dirt and blood and tears;             Fighting me off you bite my hand,             I cannot get a grip;             You kick me back but still I try,             We’ve fought like this for years;             You can’t see much with dirt in your eyes,             I only wanted to help you up.

Poem: The Shadow and the Moonlight

                                                                                        The Shadow and the Moonlight                                                                             ...

Poem: Sentence

Sentence Alien foetus floats in scattered light, The newborn climbs the cage. Hatchlings hang from the heating pipes, Polaroids recount the days A plant bears its foliage in triumph, This season’s natural selection Of shared memories peddled, or pushed, A copper throne to elation.

Poem: Inverted Horizon

Inverted Horizon Unperturbed gull, Never tire of your squawk: We know what they’ve done. Those hard hatted soldiers, Their anthills unfolding; Envying the perspective you squander. Behind cluttered skies, Your daylight fades sooner, And the nights pass star-less to dawn. You glimpse beyond, Where the quarry birds mourn Their neighbours’ dreams’ fulfilment. When will spring come To this dormant nest Where icicles hang from the edge of the Earth?

24 stories more credible than Irish Welfare

1. "Google Earth is used for the first time to dock someone's dole pay."  2. "Government warns that anyone visiting a prostitute might be found out to be moonlighting the criteria necessary, also, for maintaining their dole AVAILABILITY." 3. "Because operating any machinery, even a light switch, is treated as sufficient proof of UNDECLARED WORK, and by the WILLINGNESS assuming of the SYSTEM'S DETERMINING MECHANISM, Facebook candidates who liked Justin Bieber are also being tagged to like Adolf Hitler; while only those who were detected disengaging Hitler's 'like button' were also targeted for being labelled as 'dole cheats'. 4. "Chimpanzees put themselves forward, recently, for AVAILABILITY for consideration to pass under the title of the human species; this was after noticing a loophole in criteria for a government dole scheme. This is following dolphins, only a short time ago, which have recently become suitable...

BBC news: “Protesters were refused permission to appeal”

Anyone can take down any structure...if they just close off a radius of two streets all around it. What is Justice allowed to do that it wouldn't be able to do, only that it also closes off the streets for certain events from time to time? Closing off streets for demolition lately? And, how ought access be treated? Closing them off for conventional evictions? Why ought their Magic Powers to bring the street off to a far distant planet -and then back again- seem like Earthly Justice? We are a species free to roam. We don't like things as require being done behind closed doors, so much as we require that we ought  like such things, to so be done. Sometimes. Secretively. A bit of tact. A bit of discretion. But a cloak-and-dagger dawn-raid to oust peace-niks has be viewed differently than already it has been shown to us, yet, thus far. 'Justice is allowed to demolish and evict.' How is it going to do it? “You're allowed to reclaim the hanging apple”, the grim reape...

Revolutionary Perceptions

Scientific innovation could hurtle humankind into the future at quite a pace, but conservativism encourages keeping within the pale any such hurry as everyday business could not be run: - were there not the deception involving, of a truth lacking, which allows command a price - for what is marketable in any one generation, as becomes a defunct mechanism upon passing. Thus encouraging a revolutionary cynicism for any stagnation, asking "why not everything now sooner"! 'Would you ever stop wishing to change things: I get nothing done', says the businessman who wishes that one of these generations people would stop changing everything so as he might allow some notion of success be allowed; and goalposts wouldn't move within the scope and frame of their having been set, to their having been reached...leading to a conservative cynicism for any change, asking 'for goodness sakes, why not just one of these generations, leave things as they are'! Tis not our s...

Who's Confused?

Do you prefer inner beauty, or outer beauty? But, yet, your gender is so obvious to me, I should rather pretend it more relevant to the case of who you are, sexually. How presumptuous of me to think that my convenience, sensibly to typify, ought derive more certain values -sexually to orient persuasion- than are most obviously, more likely, quite more complex in issue than anything as meets the eye! Its purely subjective upon contingent values (and not necessary ones), which are contemporary (and not ephemeral, or eternal), to our civilised modern mindset that we accept to typify or discriminate, at all, on a basis of gender AND persuasion. The divide of our times could just as easily as gay or straight, considering its necessary basis, be aesthetic AND persuasion e.g. do you like beautiful people OR do you like ugly people...and thence allowing the remark of type, "oh, then, you're beautisexual " - incorporating males or females of purportable beauty. While " u...