Monday, June 19, 2017

New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by JONESYNMS......It messes with you...

[Part I] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part I)' 
by 'Jonesy-NMS', on YouTube and Facebook.

“Nice ambient, and emotional sound...and rhythmic feel. Creates flowing sonic-images." [ReverbNation Listener]

"It messes with you as you watch and listen. Hypnotic." 
[Eva Wojcik]

New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS.

Written by 'JonesyNMS' for 'FirstComeFirstServe', Web Design. 
Copyright Noel Jones (C) 2017 Enscam Corp.

New Release House Mix: 

Groove Euphoria I, II, III, & IV' by Jonesy-NMS

Now out on Jonesy YoutTube VIDEO Playlist: New Release House Mix, 'Groove Euphoria' by JonesyNMS, in four parts. 

An introduction to Psychedelic Art. Quite a leap from the first step, a veritable roller coaster, quite quirky journey indeed. 

[Part II] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part II)' 
by 'Jonesy-NMS', on YouTube and Facebook.

Also on a popular GIF maker, an introduction to psychedelic art - that's quite a journey from the first step, a veritable roller coaster in American TV programming, behind-the-scenes, revealer cartoons, and soap opera shows. Making Giphy quite quirky indeed. Might rescue its dancers with a video something. If they allow the rights, that is, of course...And the credits...and, erm....

#psychedelia #kaleidoscopic #webartist #jonesynms 

Promo GIF: 


[Part III] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part III)' 
by 'Jonesy-NMS', on YouTube and Facebook.



Owned by Nollaig Mac Sheoin                     ""
Written by Jonesy                                          ""
Conceived by Web Artist, Noel Jones           ""
Issued by Web Publicist, JonesyNMS           ""
Released by Nollaig Mac Sheoin                  ""
Produced by NMS                                         ""
Sequenced by DJ Nova                                 ""
Edited by DJ Dangermoney                          ""
Graphic Design by Jonesy                             ""
                  Post Production by MC MAKO                    (A.K.A. JonesyNMS)
                Photography                                                Ross Boxhall
                Cinematography                                          John Rooney


ReverbNation Music Promotion of JonesyNMS (under artist title, 'NMS'); Commentary of various Listeners on the Website (with Jonesy*):

“Nice ambient and emotional sound & rhythmic feel. Creates flowing sonic images. Space Blues, one of many fav's; best of luck with future projects, Thanks. (Rick W MTB Studios). Stopped by to enjoy your page... Keep 'em coming! Beautiful ambient music! Just different! Cool sounds! Cheers (from Ely Leyla Lyra). Listening in from London Town ' Nice sounds. Listening to..."Timekeepers" Very Original Sound!! awesome vibe here! loving the playlist! [self (until'*'):] Thanks for all the much really great comments folks! Don't forget to keep in touch on the very brand new Website for Jonesy-NMS here.

Later Folks, and keep tuned in...* Fascinating rhythms and percussive, audio textures, here, my friend...Really diggin that rising-riff with the clunks-and-clicks-of-the-groove on "Dirty Doctor"...Such a detailed and imaginative soundscape...I really dig your style, Bro! Nice Music you have here - Great ambient, rhythmic music. True mastery of the genre! Great work...Hey, really enjoyed your page. Keep up the good work. Greetings from IRAN. Much thanks for the add, friendship, & your Awesome tracks! Cheers, (from THE TIME BOMB KA-BOOOOOOOM!) Cool sound man! Cheers, (from THE TIME BOMB KA-BOOOOOOOM!) Excellent music. [Self*] Hi! hope you don't mind its all synthesisers so far - after this demo watch this space for a mutation in styles!!!!. NMS/Jonesy.* I came by to connect,,, my little way of showin love, please dont forget to return some, and I would luv to have u as a (FB) friend here is my to links below.”

[Part IV] 'GROOVE EUPHORIA Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia (Part IV)' 
by 'Jonesy-NMS', on YouTube and Facebook.

As you finish typing up your draft Promotion, it crosses your mind, stricken comparably for what's more strange, that this Product carries a mention of a third ReverbNation artist, 'Goddess Naive', ending-up, ultimately, making it an automated covert surreptitious advert, instead, for their brand name, and with no effort of their intentional promotion, or, conversely:- that spellcheck already knows her name before you might type it?

Oh Yeah, 
you must say 
Thanks Everyone, 
And Keep Listening!

Blogger, Nollaig Mac Sheoin (NMS) is Male, 39, Lives in Dublin, Ireland.

Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Monday, April 24, 2017

JonesyNMS - "Dream" Video

Chillout: Relaxing Instrumental Electronic Ambient Mood Music 

Video Promo for 'Dream' from JonesyNMS, Newcomer Artist from Tallaght, Dublin,
Ireland; taken from Demo Album, entitled: 'Engines & Leaves', from JonesyNMS;

JonesyNMS is Male, 39, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/
experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Published by FirstComeFirstServe, Indie Label for Web Design and Publishing
Company, Enscam; Copyright owned by Enscam Corporation 2017.

This is so exciting!!!! Video Promo of Aerial Drone Videography with 'Dublin City, by Night', by John Rooney; for Musical Soundtrack accompaniment, of its Third Release Variation, 'Dream', by JonesyNMS; Filming and Post-Production by John Rooney, Cinematographer. Copyright John Rooney 2017.

Announcing the Second Credit on the JonesyNMS Portfolio for Teamwork and Collaboration, (after Ross Boxhall, photography) -to go for the work 'Dream' after the Photographer, John Rooney for Drone Cinematography with John Rooney Studios....All ye other takers are shy: spot the hopefuls? ...There's competitions to win out there! This is so exciting!!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Nollaig Mac Sheoin: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist

Nollaig Mac Sheoin: JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist: JonesyNMS -  YouTube Playlist  RELAXATION TAPES: 'Basic Impact Finale' / 'Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)' / 'Chara... Male, 37, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist

JonesyNMS - YouTube Playlist RELAXATION TAPES:

'Basic Impact Finale' / 'Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)' / 'Charadesque' / 'Toy Song' / 'Basic Impact' / 'KC REMIX 2' / 'Pushing Envelopes'; Copyright 2016 Reason Essentials, Windows 10; Male, 37, Lives in Dublin, Ireland. Making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght. 

1. (FCFS) Logo 1
2. Dream
3. Save 6
4. Whistle and Hum
5. Hyming Slews Variations
6. Club Whistle Variations
7. Hum V
8. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part I]
9. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part II]
10. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part III]
11. GROOVE EUPHORIA (Kaleidoscopic Psychedelia) [Part IV]
12. Club Whistle Variations II
13. Cover Title Sketches
14. Pushing Envelopes (Light Mix)
15. Basic Impact
16. Charadesque
17. Toy Song
18. Minor Arpeggios
19. Misogynist
20. Basic Impact Finale
21. Pushing Envelopes
22. KC REMIX 2
23. Opening Title Sequence Background and Soundtrack
24. Peaceful Protest
25. PhotoStory2
26. flashbacks from fees nam - mix - warning: strobe lighting!
27. Whiz Video
28. ODS Timelapse arrival of the march
29. Occupy Dame Street Rebuilding the Kitchen
30. BlippinChooTune
31. Chlorophyll and Solar Panel conceptual unity
32. Squeeze
33. Closing Title Sequence Background and Soundtrack

Saturday, July 9, 2016

JonesyNMS: 'Kevin Chords' Promo, 'Jukebox' Playlist & 'Diffusion' Magazine ALL FREE!!!

For customers of music from JonesyNMS, the Playlist in the 'Jukebox' is where the money is; 

Link here to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Jonesy's Website;

Link here to open 'Kevin Chords' Promo in Soundcloud;

for fans of Jonesy, see also: his revolutionary magazine, 'Diffusion', with daily updates! 

Copyright 2016 JonesyNMS - Jonesy is male, 38, lives in Dublin, Ireland - making alternative/experimental music in own mini-studio at home in Tallaght.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Census Reminds me I used to be a Brain Surgeon!

"As a result of the Census Survey, I remind myself of a vocation, upon the news:- that I used to be a brain surgeon!"
As a direct consequence, and result of the Census-Survey, I remind myself I used to be a Brain Surgeon -but, for one day only at Beaumont Hospital. This is news to my network properties knowledge, but not scary to the prospect of propensity to consume Googlemetry from whatever local sources avail...'Camp X-ray' could be spying on me?...

Should I invite category and form, ---or, an audience? Where's that wisdom-tooth gone? Someone's trying to tell the genius-in-me -that there's money in promoting -the mediocrity to salesmanship- and telling 'JONESY'S WRITING A BOOK.'!
'Rothschilds' would like to hear that...Not that its about anything...a looker in the pink dollar got a revolutionary loyal following...not that its autobiographical in any way...It's not the shit! I've not to learn this, directly....But, there's also a school of thought that isn't music...'Murder Investigations' have suddenly become a class act in the recent 'Jonesy' wall and Blog-postings; if, only satisfying Conspiracy Theory fiction, or 'verdict in international justice courts on war criminality', and shit..
Only he hasn't 'the balls' to front chicken wire neon lights what the n-word does next...He's being painted either as a racist or a cocaine addict but which does the Census ask in survey? Enter 'audience with zion'. see jerusalem bells besieged at metal gates. ask for me. Ask for Jobe then wait. St Peter knows me. I'm the 'Hollywood Doctor', in a nervous unbecoming joke. But, its there. So, its funny. But, you get three steps. You always fail this. You're late. DOWNLOAD JONESYnms Tracks.
Its a tough one for wine!...Very close!...But, tough....The choice isn't with the question....The survey is clean...Check!...The survey doesn't say "my diamonds is innocent", -but that you might need ask, twice...-Ask 12 times, instead, and, then, change the subject to "outlying commercial interest"-beyond Health Insurance, as tender...That sounds 'right'...Water would like that amount of 'legal' consideration...I like where the audience for this crap is going.
JOIN JONESYNMS FANCLUB and keep up with where his 'Space' and 'Dreams' themes Music is gone to....

[First published in 'JonesyNMS Fanclub' 25 April 2016]

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Budget: counting 'two budgets' stacking up, so, 'the third' is 'agreeable'.

"It says a lot about values and principles when a political party can agree to the next three budgets without the foggiest idea what will be in them....allegedly" - Finbar Markey [Political Activist]

Something is something '-like', e.g. x-like [like the price of eggs - horror, like]; something is something '-esque', e.g. x-esque [like, in 'excessive force', the movie was Stephen King-esque, but dunno who the director of its budget was; there wasn't even an egg in the props list]; and something is something para-something. I dunno maybe even para- something or pseudo- something, and so that's why they're afraid...."A Para-superannuation-esque amount of x the GNP figures, minister, any comment?" It would be the phrase they're all trying to bury from their own scripts. Or, don't say, 'y', instead? Because it might not be a fact doesn't mean it might not be true. Incriminates French farmers, though, or something. Buttocks and bullocks jumping over 'bears and bulls' fences to get to filibustering Boston and Berlin. do they know where they stand? So you shouldn't say it. Or maybe don't mention Gabon and gammon. together -that'll keep iPhones happy. Or was it the IMF? Or was it just 'Vine' and Fine brothers online, and then Capital Investment is fine. Or what not to say, budgeting for what to say; what then is said; what can be told. Or is it loose lips sink ships? Or "fear-mongering prejudice-machine lashes back, to claim, once again, its innocence?' Or was it just rhetoric? Who could say?...Not one would know yet all would agree....X-like, x-esque, para-x and pseudo-x - dunno why they need a budget, at all:- a decoy, distraction, and assimilation, ought be more productive...

Because it had 'brackets', and they were 'parentheses', which encased, as to enclose, so the story had a budget to code its duty...Because it had a 'storyboard' and 'clapperboard', and, so could denote 'productive worth' to a sequence, so a film had a budget, in all any necessity, besides than financially, twit...Because it was a C+I+G economy with a GDP, so the billions had a budget...But, because CIA had loyalty, the Irish could read the gold market from the dogs on the street...I dunno if its budgeted-for. It might take a minister to say...How can they say that without even knowing what to say? Categorical exclusions! But, what about inclusions? Are they in their power, or their gift? And what about their bonuses? Resigning to the fact anyone this season? Viagra Sales Demand, not Dildo Sales Central for iPhones, the main minister's job when not also selling terror and porn? What else is new iPhones? Boring lot of "figurative"..."I'd say"s...And "literals"...And "dog-barking"...wait the House can speak! We can budget a 'noise'. 

Because there was 'punctuation' so he was insured. Because there was brackets so he had a book. Because it was budgeted-for so they governed in perfect divine cosmic bliss! Without noticing despotism. At any 'boom-and-bust'-turn...Or, just, periodically, like when 'race cards' and 'medical cards' could not, instead, be told...Not, like, that they need one...A budget...For 'fidgeting budgeting' -the fingers could type. But, for 'budgeting fidgeting' -conversely, so, then overheads of literature's state would be needed, like...I don't know. I don't get paid enough for this, these conditions are brutal...

Brutal inattentions. And brutal oversights. And brutal executive decisions...omitted from pen-pushers positions. Brutal appreciations. Lacking but scant appreciable concern. Yeah I like that. Brutal intrusions. No part of privacy is not intruded upon. Brutal lacking of concern...The lack. the scant. the scathing. the dearth. the scarcity. the density. they don't describe their economy but only their jobs when budgeting. I'm keeping my budget. I like my budget. I'm not getting a new budget, same old budget, unless new or next to new the nearly new playing cards of the medical and racecard in election, my budget isn't racist. some of my best financial ledgers are made in budgets. Nowhere to be found in any the coming statistics, we just wouldn't know what to say...either....Can't prepare these things in advance. Have to wait and see, don't we...Like Hallmark says, from on high its perch in Elysium, only 'on time or not at all', otherwise we don't get a cut...And, so the Self-Conscious Calendar is not a budget concern this year, then...of course its not...Its imminent though, isn't it...?!

Counting 'two budgets' stacking up, so, 'the third' is 'agreeable'. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What is equality, light can't tell...?

Top-button, reaching your seat, belt-flap swinging as you walk, zipping-up, returning from toilet: Good move. However, start doing this in reverse, from your seat, as you get up to go to the toilet, unzipping: Bad move. Why is this? What is equality, light can't tell...?

Is it something to do with expectation and consequence besides than the light of day and prime facie first impressions; something about the difference between walking from any of three doors into one room, and from one door into any of three rooms, and while consequence and expectation, besides than the cold light of day, tells why its different? Yet a video camera couldn't tell the difference in reverse playback, how come gay marriage equality might not be such a simple case of don't bounty niggas and homos for porn stats, but instead move along to brown babies and front marriage some law? Is it really as simple as telling yourself that you're equals to the light of day? The tool of reverse playback is also interesting in reasoning the aesthetic of a gymnast...but its not so helpful in reasoning the geometry of an athlete...For example we don't know where to begin explaining the elements of gravity and time to such an Alice in the Looking Glass: but we can comment on how nice her hair is as it flows from messy to neat again. How come we don't know this, and before we prefer our own minds to the evidence of its machine sense? Do we wish to mock AI to tell it that it is as blind as we are? And yet the sovereign doesn't even yet know that black markets money is safe...or was there something besides? How dogs bark on the street, and how a bear shits in the woods ought not be silenced so easily as gays themselves when gifting them an equality that is a Sword of Damocles upon bisexuals, also to bear. This is not to mention those neutral toward revelation - who aren't asked what stock price their preference but that their indifference is already charted before them, in price discriminants of a market already tested god's infinite patience more than four times now these last 150 years. Thank you very much. I was outed five times since the stock market decided it thought it knew the price of a homo. I was never in any closet. Nor am I gay. But then nor did I ever need words to limit my preference. Similarly, the faithful are rarely prophets, but only looked upon so, by those who never did believe.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Principle of Least Exclusion Badly Applied

Considering the frivolous article, in The Daily Mash, 17th September 2015 (which opens: 'We Need To Look After Our Own', see URL below) and, where concerning a viewpoint that includes an attitude whereby toward the prospect of ever taking in Immigrants, a notion of 'Least Exclusion' is a Principle of Tolerance, applyingeven, and especially, for bigots who might conjure such undeserving comment!

A love-as-dare-not-speak-its-name points a finger-of-blame, and yet can stay-its-hand, protecting its own, first. How come it shouts about town, however, from the rooftops? It's supposed to be not speaking its name? Unless its policy were largely based upon Convention...misleading, perhaps, its own confidence to any Principled way out of a fix...? What to do with Investment Cycle Price Discriminant types and their conjurable slurs of 'Homo' and 'Nigga', last century, and 'Paedo' and 'Jihadi', this century? Someone's Conscience is eased that they can protect themselves behind the scenes, but can they shout about it the woeful way in public! Deja vu Occupy!

She thinks she's walking-on-egg-shells, whereas cracking-nuts-with-sledgehammers is more likely! As comparative sloganeering: 'Bigots out!' is like 'Slave-drivers, go home!' It could be 'Murderers, out', 'Perverts, go home', conversely, if only that maybe the Interests, involving and participating in Copyright and Patent Laws knew who they were, but to tell themselves from Hitler and Churchill, perhaps, some lesson maybe already by now learnt!

The problem that makes it Irish: The Matrix would be spotted by us---if it contained any mistakes, that is... Contemplating Occupy with this story...E.g. Why now...? Why after Barry McElehinney (Shot dead, north of the border, 2013?), Why after Vedran Kohut (Died in M50 Road Accident November 2015)? Which of our own does she think she can protect? 26 counties? Seems an unfair bargain for ROI IRL IMO to me (btw, why URL?)

Versus 'Paedos and Jihadis' she thinks she's in with the heavy-weights, saying figuratively, as Irish Water might, "I can be racist, too". However, c. 1900, and we wouldn't discuss 'Homos and Niggas'. Yet it's not a different Economy, as far as speculative risk is concerning, except, of course, how observable.

Between a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing and mutton-dressed-as-lamb, you-can't-make-a-silk-purse-from-a-sow's-ear, but to risk throwing-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater, but only to end up throwing even your-granny-from-the-bus...Where concerns such Investment concerns likenable to French Revolutionary times' 'Butchers, Bakers, & Candlestick makers', one must observe rules for 'Rock Paper & Scissors', and 'call a spade a spade', but do with a spatula what you will, within bounds of 'the-pot-calling-the-kettle-black', and 'jumping-from-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire', so as that the lessons of Liberty, Egality, & Fraternity are not lost on us in our times, for Security, Privacy & Free Speech are just as important to get in the right order; so hence, despite risking being labelled a 'murderer' even but to be complicit in all things, unseemly, but...the weather...?

If you were given a homework assignment to bash one of the Political Parties, would you save your favoured one first? Someone's Conscience is eased that they can protect themselves behind the scenes, but can they shout about it in such a woeful way in public! Or conversely, as a Hollywood Director, if you were given a film for an assassination-plot, and you had to pick a Party, would you save your own first? Or, would you, at least, see a silver-lining, woman - and apply 'The Principle of Least Exclusion', where tolerance is assumable?

"Least Exclusion" is a Principle of Tolerance, even, and especially, for bigots!